Chapter 46: Date

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Dream POV.

My foot tapped anxiously on the concrete as I knocked on the door with Sapnap standing beside me seeming as anxious as I was. It took a few moments for someone to answer, with me listening to the sound of their footsteps approaching and wondering who it was. Was it George? Was it Karl? Or maybe it was one of George’s parents.

It was George’s father, and he grinned at the two of us as we stood on the doorstep wearing neat dress shirts and pants. “Good to see you both, and might I say you look quite snazzy. I feel underdressed compared to the pair of you.”
“You look great Mr Davidson.” I told him. “We’re here to take George and Karl out for dinner.”

“Alright.” He nodded. “They talked about going out somewhere. Ashley is upstairs with them right now and they said something about borrowing make-up to look nice. Hopefully they’ll be down in a minute.”

The thought of George wearing make-up made me want to kiss him straight away. I imagined him with lipstick and pale blush in an embrace in my arms. We’d kiss and I’d get his lipstick marks all over my face, showing the whole pack that we belonged to one another. It would be absolutely perfect.

“We won’t be a minute Dad, we’re finished.” George said as he came down the stairs with two sets of footsteps right behind him. I craned my neck to see him, hoping that he’d look like he did in my imagination, but when I saw him he looked so much better.

He wasn’t wearing as much make-up as I had thought but seeing the real thing was better regardless. It was just some highlights however it didn’t make me want to kiss him any less. He wore a blue dress shirt and some black jeans; perfect contrasting colours which both looked amazing on him.

“You guys look great.” Sapnap said to them, his eyes not moving off of Karl the entire time. The brunette flushed slightly and brushed a strand of hair from his face.
“What time will you be back?” Mrs Davidson asked. “Just so we know that you don’t get kidnapped or anything.”

I allowed myself to laugh. “I don’t think that anybody in this town is a kidnapper, Mrs Davidson.” I told her. “I’ve lived with these guys my whole life.”
“Plus, any bad people who come, we’d protect Karl and George from.” Sapnap reassured the two of them. “We won’t let anyone touch them.”

The two of them both nodded in reassurance. “I trust them.” Mrs Davidson told her husband with a soft gaze and honey brown eyes. “I think the boys will be safe.”
“Fine.” George’s father responded. “But George, I want you to text me updates about where you are, alright?”

“Alright Dad.” He responded, rolling his eyes as he stepped out onto the doorstep with Karl. “I’ll see you guys later then.”
“The movie is meant to finish at 9:30pm.” I explained to the parents. “So we’ll either drop them off just after that, or they can stay the night with us.”

Mr Davidson gave a nod. “I trust you four.” He said. “But make sure you are all responsible. I don’t want to be a grandfather this soon in my life.”
“Oh my God, Dad.” George’s face flushed as he looked away. His arm grabbed my wrist and Karl’s and he told us all to move, pulling both of us to Sapnap’s car while his parents chuckled.

Sapnap opened the back door behind the driver’s seat for Karl, and I opened the back door behind the passenger seat for George, and we helped them both in. The Brit’s parents stayed in the doorway watching us, seemingly wanting to make sure that we were taking care of their son and their son's best friend.

After the ravenette started driving off Karl asked the question, ‘so where are we going for dinner?’. “It’s a surprise.” I answered. “But it is one of the fanciest places in town. You guys are going to be treated like princes tonight!”
They chuckled and batted their eyelashes at us which caused us to laugh with them.

The streets were busy tonight, a bit of a shock for a small town since it was often quiet. There were a few people hanging around in groups or couples and some even on their own. The two of them looked out at every passing cafe, diner, and restaurant before asking if we were eating dinner there.

Eventually we pulled to a stop in front of the restaurant we were meant to go to, with the large glass windows showing that next to nobody was in there, it was going to be so perfect! Karl and George’s eyes were wide as myself and my best friend got out of the car to open the doors for them.

Sapnap looked down at Karl lovingly while offering him a hand. “I don’t see how you haven’t been on a date before.” He spoke softly. “You are easily the most beautiful person in the entirety of North Carolina. Your friends must be so jealous.”

I didn’t want to be one-upped, and so I offered my hand out to George which he took. “I don’t see how you haven’t been on a date before either.” I told the pretty brunette. “You must have been the most beautiful person in the UK… actually, the most beautiful person in the entirety of Europe.” George giggled at my words but he thanked me nonetheless with a kiss to the cheek.

“Ohmygod…” I whimpered out, sounding like an embarrassed puppy as my face flushed red and I looked away from him. Sapnap couldn’t resist the urge to stick his tongue out at me as I looked away while George wrapped his arms around mine, leaning into them softly. While I stood with my brain short-circuited, Sapnap and Karl had continued walking to the door.

“Come on Dream.” He spoke sweetly and innocently, as though he hadn’t just kissed me. “We don’t want to be left behind by Sapnap and Karl.”
“Of course.” I responded with a nod. “Wouldn’t want to be left behind.” He and I walked to the door, with me being tense after what had happened.
1095 words

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(Add in a rhyme if you'd please.)

Anyway, how is the date starting off? How will it end? How will it middle?

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