Chapter 6: Patio

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Final day of double uploads.
George POV

Despite the weird interaction with that large dog before school started, the day went alright. I had six classes which I did alright in since most of the things talked about I had learned back in the UK. Then in between classes and during lunch I hung out with Maddy, Bad, and a couple of their other friends, all of whom were quite friendly.

The only thing was, it seemed as though they were all on edge talking about me, almost as if they were worried they’d say something they didn’t want me to hear. I figured that it made sense though, they probably had some inside jokes that a new guy wouldn't understand, or maybe just a group secret which they didn’t want me to know. Whatever it was, I didn’t push it.

After school Bad and a friend of his called Skeppy invited me to come to his house, since he lived just a few streets away from me, but I turned him down, insisting that I had to finish unpacking my stuff at home. In reality, I had finished unpacking by Saturday, and the reason I wanted to head home was because a new chapter of An Unloved Omega had been released.

I was planning on heading home and reading it while snacking on some chips or ice cream or something. Both of my parents were working today and so they wouldn’t be home until at least dinner time.

The three of us, Bad, Skeppy, and myself, all walked together until we reached my street. Together they asked me a collective of questions, asking things like what I thought of my teachers, or any plans for the week and if I wanted to hang out. I answered them as best I could, trying to hide my eagerness to get home and read my new chapter.

From the second they were out of my sight once I had turned the corner I began sprinting home, ignoring the strange looks I got from the people around, and the large dogs that were still roaming the street. I ran because I wanted to be able to read as soon as possible, and I was worried that one of the large dogs would attack me, although none of them seemed interested.

When I finally did get home I made sure to lock the door behind me, just in case one of the big dogs was somehow smart enough to open it, which I did doubt. When I was safely inside I dropped my stuff on the floor before heading over to the kitchen, planning on grabbing some food before sitting to read.

My parents had brought some food home on Friday, including a couple of bags of chips and candy. It seems as though they were hoping I’d make some friends on the first day and bring them home, then they had food for us to eat. But I did not bring anyone over.

After grabbing a can of salt and vinegar pringles and a tub of ice cream I moved over to the couch and made myself comfortable. When I sat down I pulled my phone out of my pocket and went to Wattpad. The story was saved in my downloads and it had the familiar message saying that there was a new chapter.

I immediately clicked on it and a comforting grin appeared on my face as I began to read. The whole time I was reading I was also snacking on the pringles, while waiting for the ice cream to warm up slightly before I ate it. My fingers moved quickly, scrolling down to the next part and ignoring the comment the author left at the top as I began to read the new chapter.

Onyx awoke finally feeling cold, and a relieved sigh fell from his lips. His heat had finally died down, and it was good timing for the food he’d stockpiled around the bed was running low. This was one of the reasons he was wanting to find an alpha to help him, since going through heats alone was stressful, since he may run out of food at any time and just end up starving.

There wasn’t much food in the house outside of the room either. Heats could last anywhere between two or three days to a week or so, and Onyx wasn’t able to afford throwing out food if it expired during that time. After taking a cold shower to get the last reminders of the heat off of him he decided to walk into town in the chilly evening to buy some food from the store.

Since it was getting dark there were not many people around. Anybody who was out at this time was just in town for dinner, or like the albino omega, were wanting to buy food late at night to take home. But there was also… the bar.

It was a relatively popular establishment near the centre of town. There weren’t many bars in the pack lands but all sorts of werewolves went there to enjoy themselves; however the main clientele were alphas. Onyx made sure to hurry past in case any drunken alphas attempted to grab him. A sudden smell caused the albino to freeze in place as he attempted to walk.

The smell was intoxicating, making the omega want to do nothing more than seek it out and stay with it for as long as possible, but he resisted. He hurried to the store and brought himself just enough for dinner and breakfast, knowing exactly what the smell was but not wanting to go looking for it out of fear that it would be coming from someone terrible…

I was cut off from reading as I heard a noise coming from outside. The couch I was sitting on was facing towards the large window and as I looked in the direction the sound was coming from I saw something moving. Padding towards the door was one of the large dogs, but it wasn’t a random one, it was the one from school this morning, the one with the creamy blond fur.

My heart rate sped up as I began watching it. Seeing the way the large dog moved up to the patio and sniffed around the area. I wondered what it was doing following me all the way to my house when I had last seen it at school and I considered calling local police, but I shut the thought down. If these animals were allowed to walk the street they wouldn't do anything.

The dog walked up right in front of the window and just watched me with those bright yellow eyes, then it just laid down. So many questions about the cream coloured animal filled my head while the two of us just stared at each other. Like how it knew where my house was and where my school was.

And those unnerving eyes… they were strangely human, but they had a caring look inside of them. A look that made it seem as though the dog knew exactly who I was, and everything that I was thinking. Even though the thought should be terrifying, somehow as I looked at it I felt at peace. For a while we just stared at each other, and I slowly gained the confidence to move closer towards the sliding glass door.

It might not have been the smartest idea to let a large dog that I did not know into my house, but it seemed friendly enough. After all, at school the dog hadn’t attacked me, it seemed that the tackle was like some form of hug, since afterwards he just sniffed at me with a wagging tail. That is what caused me to gain the confidence to unlock the door before slowly sliding the door open.
1321 words

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