Chapter 89: Karl's house

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Sapnap POV.

“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Mrs Jacobs.” I said as I smiled at my soulmate’s mother. She was standing in the doorway as I approached with my bag of belongings. It was dark and cloudy in North Carolina, an extreme contrast to the bright, warm sun that was in Florida this morning which we had left behind. I was happy to be heading inside.

“And it’s a pleasure to meet you too Sapnap.” She replied, matching my grin. “Karl has talked endlessly about the boy he met in Florida, this is basically like meeting a celebrity.” After giggling she continued. “But you can call me Jenny, no need for all the formality.” I nodded, promising her that I would call her that.

Dream and George were behind me, even though they were invited to come they wanted to hang back to let me meet my soulmate’s mother first. I was happy for the consideration, and went to ask her, “is Karl around?” She nodded, but before she turned to let me inside she saw the pair standing behind me.

“George?” She asked, studying the brunette closely. I turned to look at the pair of them. She probably recognised him since he was Karl’s best friend. They had had hundreds of calls over the years and so Mrs Jacobs… Jenna has probably seen him before.

“Hello Mrs Jacobs.” He smiled back. “Sorry, I mean Jenna. It’s great to finally meet you in person, and this is my boyfriend Dream.”
“Welcome to our home, all three of you.” She said with a polite nod. “I heard about your situation from Karl, and all three of you are able to stay as long as you want.”

All three of us thanked her before hearing the sound of running footsteps approaching the doorway. Then Karl suddenly appeared. We all grinned at him, and he grinned back at us before practically leaping into my arms. “Sapnap!” He exclaimed with a wide grin. “I am so happy that you are finally here!”

My arms moved to wrap around his waist, feeling just as excited to see him. We held each other for a few minutes, giggling back and forth as we did. After a few long moments (I’m lying, they were anything but long), he pulled away.

“George… Dream…” He said, looking over at us. “I am so sorry about what happened. But on the bright side it does mean that you can now meet Jimmy, Chandler, and Kris!” He told us. All four of us shared a brief reunion in the driveway, while all holding our bags of stuff. “Oh, I made hot drinks inside.” He added before leading us in.

We put our bags down in the hallway like he told us too, with the brunette reassuring that he’d take us to our rooms after we had our drinks. Sitting on the counter of a beautiful stainless steel kitchen flooded with natural light (well as much natural light as there was), were four mugs. Two of the mugs were a dark navy blue, and the other two were both white.

“The two blue mugs are hot chocolate with mini marshmallows, since George and I can eat chocolate,” Karl explained, handing one of these mugs over to George. “And I googled it and it said that dogs couldn’t have caffeine, so I made you both caffeine-free peppermint teas.” He then passed us the two white cups.

“It smells amazing.” I commented as I held the cup in my hands, basically melting in the warmth that radiated off the cup. Then I took a small sip. “It tastes amazing too.”
“You’ve barely tried it.” Karl replied, rolling his eyes after taking a sip of his own hot drink.
“Yes, but if you made it then it’s bound to taste good.”

All of us giggled and chatted with one another as we had our drinks, with Karl asking us about how all of our friends and families were doing back home, and telling us about how there is a tour of Karl’s school tomorrow morning so I could try it. The atmosphere was just full and bubbly as we finally got to hang out again.

“I can’t wait to be able to finally meet your friends in person Karl,” George grinned, obviously referring to Kris, Chandler, and Jimmy since the pair talk about those three all the time.
“They are excited to meet you as well.” The brunette said. “After the tour of the school we are going to an arcade, it’s quite popular and Jimmy booked us a private room to hang out in.”

“Jimmy is really rich,” George commented quietly to Dream, but it was loud enough that all of us heard him clearly. Karl nodded in agreement.
“Yeah, Jimmy has a youtube channel and has one hundred million subscribers.” Karl said proudly, happy for his best friend.

When we emptied our drinks he helped us grab our bags. “So George and Dream, you two are in the guest room, it’s right beside the kitchen so you can steal snacks in the middle of the night.” Karl said with a smile. “Sapnap you will be staying in my room with me.” Perfect.

We grabbed our bags and Karl led us to our rooms. First he took George and Dream to the guest room before taking me to his room. I stepped inside with the brunette before he shut the door behind us. I looked over at his room, which had been cleaned recently. The desk and floor and bedside table was uncluttered, and the bed was made.

His bed smelt of him (wow, what a surprise), and I dropped my stuff on the floor before jumping onto the soft bed sheets. Without any hesitation I shifted into a black wolf and began rolling around on the bed sheets, getting his smell all over me. Karl giggled before joining me on the bed, beginning to run his fingers through my soft fur.

“I love you.” He told me as I wagged my tail. “I really hope that the school allows you to come here, that way we won’t have to be nine hours apart.” I couldn’t speak but it was clear to him that I agreed, and I didn’t want to be apart from him. “Oh, and I grabbed some extra blankets, I told my mom they were for the bed but they are for a nest… if you want."

Oh my God I'd love a nest made with your blankets. I didn't know it was possible but my tail began wagging faster, a smile present on my face as I lowered my ears as a sign of relaxation. "You are so cute." He muttered, lightly kissing my forehead. "I hope so badly that you can stay here." I hope that too.

"And I am so excited to be able to introduce you to my friends tomorrow, you are going to love them. Jimmy, Chandler, and Kris are all goofballs. They love video games and going to movies, and all other sorts of things. I've been telling them about you since I got back." If they are friends of yours then they are friends of mine.

Karl continued to ramble to me for a while, all the while brushing my fur. I listened happily, wanting to just sit here in Karl’s room with his amazing smell surrounding me like a fluffy blanket. Maybe we could spend the rest of the trip in his bedroom.

After a while his mother called us out to dinner, saying that it was spaghetti and meatballs. I was a fan of both of those things (spaghetti, and meat {and also balls}), so I eagerly jumped up and shifted back into a human. “Let’s go.” I said to him excitedly. “I want to eat and then get back to cuddling you.”
1341 words

George, Dream, and Sapnap are now in NC. What does that mean? How do people think this is going to end in a week?

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