Chapter 87: Window

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George POV.

“Can’t he get that respect himself? Does he really need his parents to help? What a terrible alpha!” A female voice scorned.
“Don’t talk about Dream that way.” The blond’s father growled out.

Neither of them seemed to be able to convince the group of angry werewolves to back up and so I turned to look at Dream. He was stone cold, staring forward with no emotion. After a moment I took his hand and began leading him back to his bedroom. Drista watched as I led her brother away before quickly tailing us.

“Where are you guys going?” She asked cautiously, her gaze continuously looking back over her shoulder as the shouting made its way up the stairs.
“Just give us a moment to think.” I responded. “Please Drista.” She seemed slightly hurt but allowed us to disappear into Dream’s room and shut the door.

“George.” Dream whimpered out as I sat him down on the bed. “What are you doing?” His voice was low, his look was cautious, both worried that the werewolves would appear upstairs yelling at us at any moment.
“Where is your backpack?” I responded, not answering his original question.

“Behind the door in my closet.” He told me before repeating his question from earlier. “What’re you doing?” As he asked, I opened the door to the closet and grabbed the backpack before beginning to stuff it full of clothes from both the shelves and the nest.

“George,” the blond continued, tailing after me with a small whine. “What are…” he then paused and watched as I pulled the clothes out of my nest. “George… my nest.”
I heard the pain in his voice and turned to embrace the werewolf. “I’m sorry Dream,” I told him. “I know you love your nest and I love it too, but we need to get out of here.”

“Get out of here?” He asked sadly. “What do you mean ‘get out of here’?”
“I’m sorry Dream. That pack council out there is insane. They sound like they’ll rip you to shreds if they find you. It’s not safe for us to stay.” He listened to my words but let out a weak whimper.
“Where would we even go?” The blond questioned.

“I’m not sure. Perhaps my house, or we could find a motel, maybe we could go to Karl’s house up in North Carolina. I’m not sure.” I grabbed Dream’s hand and squeezed it tightly for a moment, then I turned and hurried into the bathroom. Grabbing the toothpaste, my toothbrush, and Dream’s toothbrush, I shoved them into a plastic bag before throwing it in with his clothes.

“What about your stuff though? You only have a toothbrush and your phone charger, that’s all that’s here.” He told me, to which I nodded.
“I’ll wear your stuff.” I replied, a sentence which usually cheers the blond up, but instead he just seemed anxious about the situation.

I finished grabbing everything that could fit in the bag. There was only enough room for a change of clothes for tomorrow, our toothbrushes and toothpaste, and both of our phone chargers. “Do you have another bag?” I asked him, hoping that we’d be able to take some more stuff with us but he shook his head.

“Then this will have to do. Maybe we can get to my house and grab some more stuff there.” I was trying to catch my thoughts as they were running wild, trying to come up with some sort of plan but it was all too jumbled and stressed.
“You can borrow my bag.”

We both turned and looked to see Drista standing in the doorway, holding her schoolbag which was almost identical to Dream’s, the only difference being that she didn’t have any green details, it was just black. I took the bag and thanked her before passing it to Dream. “You fill it up with anything you want to bring, I’ll figure out a way out of the house.”

The blond nodded dutifully before running back into the closet, leaving me standing with Drista in the bedroom. “What should we do?” I asked her, “is there any way out besides the front door downstairs?” She shook her head.
“Every way out of the house is downstairs, they’ll see you if you try and get there.”

“So then we’ll have to go out a window, or a balcony.” I concluded, watching the way the female werewolf’s eyes widened.
“Out a window? Off the second floor?” I nodded. “Dream could break a leg, you a human could die!” I shook my head, no time to worry about that.

I walked over to the bedroom window and opened it, a tree was growing not too far away and if I tried I could probably reach the branches. “Are you seriously going to climb down that?” Drista asked. “I’m not sure if that’s safe.”
“I know it might not be, but it’s better that then angry werewolves, right?”

She didn’t respond, and Dream came out of the closet to see me standing there. “George?” He asked. “You are planning on climbing out that? That’s dangerous.”
“I know,” I responded. “But the other option is going downstairs where there are werewolves and who knows what they’ll do to us.”

Reluctantly Dream nodded and we moved over to stand by me at the window. “Are you ready to go?” I asked him. “Do you have everything you need?”
He nodded before responding, “I’ll go first.”

“It’ll be easier to climb down without your bags.” Drista reasoned. “I can take both of yours and toss them down.” Both of us nodded and took our bags off, passing them to the blond girl. Once Dream had passed over his bag he reached out and grabbed the branch, before straining as he pulled himself onto it.

Drista and I watched with bated breath as he climbed down before motioning for me to follow as he reached the ground. I nodded and tried to repeat his actions, it was very simple with him giving clear and caring instructions about the way I should get down.

The moment I was on the ground we looked up at Drista and she tossed us down our bags. The two siblings then exchanged comments of ‘stay safe’ and ‘keep out of trouble’ before myself and my soulmate snuck around the side of the house.

We walked away from the house, trying not to be spotted by the pack council members who might get annoyed and yell at us. As we emerged from the street we knew that we had to figure out what we were planning on doing but before we could say anything we saw Sapnap. The ravenette was looking at us and seemed confused.

After exchanging a glance we knew it would probably be best if we went towards him.
1159 words

9 Chapters left of Howl in the Night, officially my second longest story.

One week before demons V2 comes out.

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