Chapter 19: Awake

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George POV.

The bed was warm and comfortable as I lay in it, making me want to just stay sleeping here forever. Knowing how I was with sleeping, that was entirely possible, and I smiled to myself as I snuggled further into the blankets and pillows. The room was also a perfect temperature, almost as if it was designed for my exact comfort.

Suddenly I sensed some movement on the far end of the bed, and I let out an annoyed groan as my eyes opened. It took a few moments for me to focus on the figure sitting at the edge of the bed, and I was able to make out the figure’s blond hair, and their piercing eyes. They adjusted themselves on the bed so that they could look at me and that was when I realised who it was.

My eyes widened and I sat up, staring at Dream sitting at the far end of the bed, who in return was watching each of my movements intensely. “What did you do to me?” I asked, upon shuffling backwards on the bed slightly. “Why am I here in your bed?” My tone was manianic and worried, yet the blond was keeping calm.

“Don’t worry George.” He responded. How can he say don’t worry? I woke up in an unfamiliar bed with him sitting at the end of it and watching me. “You fell asleep last night while we were playing video games. Since you were asleep your parents let you stay here for the night, in my bed.”

As the blond stated that I was in his bed it seemed that he was somewhat happy, which confused and weirded me out, but I assumed that it was just my imagination. I let out a small ‘oh’ at his explanation before glancing down and seeing I was wearing the same clothes as yesterday. It felt awkward to ask but I warily looked up at Dream.

“Do you mind if I borrowed some of your clothes to wear to school today?” I asked awkwardly, since I’d rather wear his clothes instead of my own dirty ones. “Just something plain would be fine.” I added on, to which he nodded happily.

“I’ll go get some stuff that might fit you.” He said before hurrying into an adjoining room which was probably some sort of walk-in closet. The moment he was gone I relaxed slightly since being around him put me on edge.

It was weird thinking that I’d have to wear his clothes, but nobody would know if I just wore a plain pair of pants and a plain shirt and hoodie, so it would be a secret between myself and Dream. The two of us don’t need to let anyone besides the two of us know that I have his clothes on.

Dream POV

“Do you mind if I borrowed some of your clothes to wear to school today?” The question immediately made me freeze, since I knew that I most likely misheard him. I mean, what was the chance that my soulmate would be wearing my own clothes this soon after meeting him. It was normal for werewolf couples, but for a human and a werewolf, it had to be a record.

“Just something plain would be fine.” He added on, which made me slightly more upset, but still it wouldn’t change the fact that my scent would be all over him. Although word spreads quickly in the pack and most people will know he and I were soulmates, this would make it even more obvious that he was mine.

Barely managing to contain my pride and excitement at the thought of him wearing my clothes I gave him a nod. “I’ll go get some stuff that might fit you.” I told him, before standing up and hurrying out of the room. The moment that I was out of his line of sight in the closet with the door shut behind me, I began freaking out.

I knew I’d have to find something perfect for him. My most comfortable shirts, jeans, and hoodies was all that he deserved. Instead of going to the rack of clothes on the wall I instead went to the nest in the middle of the room. Although I didn’t want to destroy it, I knew that I had to because it would be so worth it to see him wearing my clothes.

For a few minutes I looked through everything, wanting to find the perfect clothes for him, making sure they were blank like my soulmate wanted, yet had enough of my scent so that the whole school would know that he was mine. Feeling pleased with my results I headed out of the room while holding a green shirt (since green was my favourite colour) and some blue jeans.

“Here.” I smiled, feeling happy to have done what he wanted while handing what he asked for back to him. As George took the clothes off of me my grin widened. If I was in my wolf form my tail would be wagging as he thanked me before walking over to the ensuite bathroom so he could shower. “I’ll see you downstairs for breakfast.” I told him, watching his figure as he left.

The moment he was gone I felt slightly sad, but nonetheless headed downstairs, wanting to make sure there was some breakfast ready for him. After all, my perfect soulmate needs to have a full and healthy breakfast to start his day. God I’m starting to sound like my mother.

Speaking of my mother, she was downstairs in the kitchen, cooking something which filled the house with an amazing smell. “Good morning darling.” She greeted me when I entered the room. “How is George doing?”

“He’s doing perfectly.” I hummed dreamily. “He’s in the shower at the moment.” After saying that my conversation moved off of that and I looked over at her expectantly. “You cooked more than enough food for him, right?”

My mother ignored the hostile tone, since she was mated to an alpha herself. Werewolves are known to be very, very protective of their mates, especially in the first few months of finding their mate. “Of course I made more than enough.” She responded. “You do remember though that humans don’t eat as much as werewolves do, right?”

I didn’t respond, instead rushing over to help her since I wanted to make sure everything was ready for when George woke up. It was bacon and eggs on toast, a common meal in my house since werewolves loved meaty foods, and food filled with protein such as eggs. Bread doesn’t have much protein, but it balances things out and makes it less messy to eat.

Once the food was cooked up I got two plates and put enough on each for the two of us, while making sure it was presented nicely. After I had put both plates on the dining room table facing one another I made up a plate for my mother and handed it to her. She seemed to understand what I wanted and gave me a smile. “I’ll give you two some privacy.” She reassured.

I watched as she disappeared into the living room and shut the door, just before seeing the brunette I was waiting for appear in the staircase. He was wearing my clothes which were too big for him, but that didn’t matter, and he had used my shampoo, making him smell even more like me, and that did matter, it mattered a lot.

For a minute or so I was too awestruck to say anything as I resisted the urge to drag him upstairs to my nest and keep him there, but I eventually snapped out of it. “I’ve-um… made you some breakfast.” I said with a small smile, motioning him over to the table, and feeling my heart swell lovingly as he approached.
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