Chapter 33: The Party

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George POV.

“Why did you agree to this?” I asked awkwardly as I pulled on a decent enough outfit that made it seem as though I wasn't trying to look good, but I also wasn’t trying to look bad. “You know I’m not really someone who goes to parties.”
“Yeah, but the two of us never got these opportunities either.” He reminded me.

I watched with a narrowed gaze as he began to pull on a pair of skinny jeans that he had decided to wear. “Well, I know that. Still though, I think that getting invited to a party on your first full day here might be a bit… extreme.”
“We were invited to a party, I couldn’t control the date.”

We’d spent the day downtown, looking over all sorts of different shops. I hadn’t actually been downtown at all during my stay here. Most of my spare time I spent at home to avoid all of the werewolves, obviously though I couldn’t do that when Karl was staying with me. If I did that, he would understandably get suspicious.

“Plus,” Karl continued as he brushed down the pants that he was now wearing. “The guy who invited us, Sapnap, seemed really nice. I want to be able to see him again.”
“If you say so.” I rolled my eyes. Since he obviously only wanted to see Sapnap again because he was nice, and definitely not because of some weird soulmate thing.

Yeah, I think that I have decided Sapnap’s soulmate explanation did make a little sense, seeing how he had acted when he had met Karl for the first time. But I wasn’t sure if I believed that Dream and I were soulmates.

Sure, I did have that weird feeling of warmth whenever I thought about him, or whenever I was around him, but I felt like that wasn’t anything. Karl seemed completely and utterly in love when he first saw Sapnap as a human (or at least I hope that he’s a human, after all he has been my best friend for years and I feel like he should tell me if he isn’t one).

The doorbell rang from downstairs, and I could faintly hear the sound of my mother going to open the door. After a moment she called up to us. “Karl, George, your friend is here!” She called the two of us. We both responded with a ‘coming’ before grabbing the last of our things.

Sapnap was in the doorway when we got downstairs, watching us as we made our way over. Okay, I lied. He was actually just watching Karl. I didn’t mind though, since it seems that Karl was watching him just as much in response. The two of us said goodbye to my parents before following Sapnap to his car.

Karl was quick to go and climb in behind the driver's seat, and I was going to head to the passenger seat next to Sapnap, but I noticed that there was someone already sitting there waiting for us. Someone who I hadn’t seen in a while. “Hi… Dream.” I greeted awkwardly as I took the only remaining seat in the car, one directly behind him.

He stammered an awkward hello back, not daring to look in my direction and that caused a pang of sadness and guilt to run through me. Any tension that we had back a month ago before I found out he was a werewolf was multiplied to an extreme. I wanted to talk to him, to ask him if he was okay, but my words got caught in my throat and I stayed silent.

Sapnap was the only one who took notice of the tension between us, since Karl obviously had no idea who the blond was or why I was so silent around him. None of us even introduced my best friend to the man in the front seat, not that Karl noticed. He was still too busy watching the ravenette as we drove.

I wondered what a werewolf party would be like. If there would be drinking blood from some poor animal, or some shifting werewolf fight club, but it seemed like your stereotypical human high school party from the outside. Or maybe high school parties were an interspecies thing which connected humans, werewolves, and any other fantasy creatures.

When we got out of the car, Sapnap offered his hand to my best friend, volunteering to escort him into the building and making a joke about how he could be Karl’s tour guide. There was none of that cute little bantering between myself and Dream, who had slunk ahead and was heading into the building.

I was overwhelmed when I stood in the entryway of the home, watching as teenagers hustled around me, some of them were drunk, others carried lit cigarettes between their lips, making me wonder whether werewolves could get drunk or get lung cancer. By the time I had come up with a conclusion, all three of the people I brought with me disappeared.

After letting out a sigh I walked through to the kitchen. If I was going to be here, then I may as well get some alcohol. Most of the werewolves who I passed were friendly with me, but none wanted to interact directly. I didn’t mind though, I was totally out of my depth being here and would have liked to go home if it weren’t for Karl enjoying himself.

The two of us barely interacted throughout the course of the evening, with me wanting to avoid most of the things these partygoers considered fun. Because of the cold evening everyone was gathered indoors, but the warm atmosphere was headache-y and so I eventually fled into the cold evening.

It was as if I stepped into another world. The darkness of the night contrasted with the lights streaming from each of the windows in the house, none of which had the curtains drawn. Trees surrounded the house on all sides, almost trapping us in our own bubble.

Most importantly though, it was silent. I managed to soothe the headache I’d gotten before realising that despite what I first thought, I wasn’t alone out here. Sitting on the edge of the porch was someone who I could barely recognise in the low light. Dream.

Without knowing what came over me I walked over to him, taking a seat beside him on the wood. He barely spared me a glance as I did this, not that I minded. “I wanted to apologise.” I muttered, simply and quietly. “I feel bad for avoiding you all this time.”
“Oh, it’s alright.” He responded just as simply.

“Sapnap told me what you’ve been doing to yourself.” Perhaps it was the cold that had left me feeling so bold, or more belief in Sapnap’s words after witnessing his very first interaction with Karl. “I’m sorry I didn’t come sooner.”
“You don’t need to apologise.” The blond attempted to reassure.

“But you starved yourself for almost a month. You didn’t come to school and everyone was worried about you.” As I told him this I felt even more guilt, it was as though I was criminalising myself even though I know I shouldn’t feel that way. Dream didn’t answer, not that I expected him to.

My gaze drifted away from the werewolf, going to look at the backyard we were in, taking notice of the plants and small garden. A wind was beginning to blow, causing the harsh cold to begin stinging at my side as I continued to sit on the porch. As I stared at nothing in particular I felt an arm wrapping around me, pulling me close to a warm body.

It felt nice; calming, and I began leaning into the warmth, forgetting about the party, and the cold, and everything else that was going on around me.
1421 words

The story idea I had for the people who were asking:

George is a psychologist who gets assigned to find out about a man with split personality syndrome to find out for the police if he should be arrested, put in a mental hospital, or something else.

One of the personalities is Clay: sweet, helpful, funny, and loved by almost everyone.
The other personality is Dream: Manipulative, violent, disrespectful, and unpredictable.

While he is trying to just do his job, both of the personalities seem to be falling in love with him, however they have two different ways of showing it.

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