Chapter 14: After School

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George POV.

My last class just so happened to be with Dream, which worked out well since I was supposed to go with him after school. Despite having hung out with his friend group for most of the day, he didn’t open up to me at all, which I couldn’t exactly blame him for since I was still new.

For some reason though, despite having most of the same classes as yesterday and already having been given a seat in all of them, I was moved today, to be seated directly beside the blond. It weirded me out about the way that I had sat beside Dream when I already had seats in other places, but then again who was I to question it.

When the final bell rang I stood up before looking over at Dream. He was grabbing his things from his desk and seemingly taking his time to do so and I let out a quiet sigh. “I’m going to go and grab some stuff from my locker.” I told him, despite him not looking over at me or doing anything to acknowledge my words. “I’ll meet you by the front of the school.”

His gaze finally moved up to meet me when I walked off, only getting the chance to look into his yellow eyes for a few moments. The moment I was in the hallway I began trying to navigate the way to my locker while going against the flow of students who were heading towards the exit.

It took me almost three whole minutes to get to my locker, and when I finally reached it I let out a sigh of relief. This school was a lot different to how it was back in the UK, and I took a moment now that I was somewhat alone to process what it was like. As I was in the middle of reminiscing about what I missed from the UK I saw someone approaching me.

I glanced over to see Bad and Skeppy, the two of them having their hands intertwined as they walked towards me. “Hey George.” Skeppy greeted. “How has your day been?”
“We thought that you were going over to Dream’s house for dinner.” Bad added on before I could answer the ravenette’s question. “Aren’t you two meant to be walking together?”

“Today was good, if not still kinda busy and hectic because it’s a new school.” I let out an awkward chuckle. “And I am meant to be going with Dream.” I added on. “Just wanted to grab some stuff from my locker first.”

“His house is really nice.” Bad commented. ”You will love being there, and his family is very nice. They’ll make you feel like family straight away.” I simply nodded at what he said, despite the fact that his words confused me. Skeppy seemed to notice my expression and moved his hand out of Bad’s and up to his shoulder before muttering something to the brunette.

I didn’t hear whatever it was that he said but Bad’s eyes widened as he heard the words from the other. He let out a light chuckle before muttering an apology if he appeared too strange. I accepted it without any second thought before shutting my locker. “Well I’m going to go meet Dream now, so I’ll see you guys later.” As I walked off I gave them a wave which they returned.

As I headed out of the school, attempting to try and forget about that brief, but strange conversation, I saw the blond. He was standing in the doorway and talking in a hushed voice with Sapnap. Now that he wasn’t around me his stance was a lot more confident and I slowed to a walking pace as they continued talking.

Dream POV.

“Dream what the hell is up with you?” Sapnap asked as he followed me out of class and practically pushed me into the edge of the hallway.
“What do you mean ‘what the hell is up with you’? There is nothing up with me. I’m fine!” I responded.

“You clearly aren’t.” Sapnap responded. “Look, I understand it must be hard having a human as a soulmate, but if you don’t even talk to him then he will never like you in the way you like him!” I sighed, knowing that he wouldn’t know how I was feeling.
“Look, it’s just difficult since I expected my soulmate would not be a human.” I explained.

“I understand that it is difficult since you expected a werewolf who understands what’s going on between the two of you, but he’s never going to notice your or like you back if you act so anxious around him.” Sapnap stated, as if I didn’t know that already. “While he’s at your house, just try and be a little more open with him.”

“It’s not that simple.” I just sighed, averting eye contact as I began gazing down the hallway for any sign of the brunette. “Cause if it was simple then I’d have seen him in the hallway and sensed he was my soulmate, and he’d have realised that too, then we’ll fall in love almost instantly and be dating by the end of the week. That’s how we were told that it worked.”

“But it’s not that simple. My soulmate is someone who doesn’t even know soulmates exist. My first interaction with him, I embarrassed myself because I acted in a way which is a totally normal way to act when you find your soulmate. I ended up scaring him.” As I said that I began fumbling with my fingers and then I sighed as I let them drop to my side.

“You tell me not to act anxious around him, but I have no way of knowing how I am supposed to get him to like me. If I do something wrong then he’ll just end up hating me then I’ll become a heartbroken, useless, mess that is incapable of being an alpha.”

Sapnap gave a pitiful smile while moving to rest his hand on my shoulder. “Then this will just show how great of a leader you’ll be. Being able to conquer any challenge that life throws your way.” After he said that we both burst out laughing.

“Really Sap?” I questioned with a chuckle. “Is that the best you can come up with? There’s so much corny shit in that sentence.”
“Well I know that. The entire point was to cheer you up, not to make some life changing speech or something! But you have to admit that I am kinda telling the truth!”

“So what do you suggest I do then?” I huffed out, crossing my arms over my chest as I did. “Do you have any idea as to how I am supposed to do it?”
“Well how did you end up getting with Maddy when you started dating?” He questioned.

“The two of us just thought that we would be soulmates I guess.” I replied with a shrug. “We got on so well, and we both had some form of attraction for one another, so we just assumed.”
“And do you think you got on well because of the assumption that you’d one day be soulmates, or did you think that it was because you got on so well and got to know each other better?”

“Sometimes it shocks me how you can actually be this smart.” I muttered quietly before a beautiful smell began filling up the hallway as George started approaching, but for now I managed to keep my eyes on Sapnap.

“I am full of surprises, Dream.” He chuckled. “So just be yourself. If George doesn’t like that then you could just gaslight him into thinking he is in love with you.”
The second suggestion, despite being an obvious joke, made me scrunch up my nose. “I’m not going to gaslight him.” I told my best friend, who nodded knowingly.

“Alright then, if you say so.” He smiled dutifully. “Now go talk to him and stop being all shy and antisocial, okay? Tomorrow I want you to tell me all about how well the two of you got on with one another, nothing about you standing in the corner too awkward to say anything, understood?” I nodded at what he said before he lightly shoved me towards the brunette.

“Have fun Dream!” He called out to me before walking out of the school, and I took a few deep breaths before walking over to George.
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