Chapter 45: Outfit

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Dream POV.

The moment that we were out of sight we shifted into wolves and began chasing each other through the street, laughing loudly as we did. Neither of us could believe that we had talked them into a double date. We had to make sure that it was perfect for the pair of them, since this was the first chance (of hopefully many) to spoil them over dinner.

Our tails wagged violently and our tongues hung out of our mouths as we ran to our house. Both of us couldn’t wait for this evening and immediately hurried into Sapnap’s room to begin planning out a nice outfit for him to wear.

“I can’t believe that I managed to get a date with him less than a week after meeting him.” The ravenette grinned as he began looking through his clothes for something nice to wear.
“And it’s a double date with your best friend, between two beautiful human best friends.” I added on. “What are the chances of that?”

“What should we wear though?” Sapnap asked, beginning his second look through his clothes as he began getting anxious. “Like should we wear fancy clothes, or just casual clothes? What do you think Karl would wear?” His gaze snapped over to me with a look of desperation.
“I think Karl would be happy with whatever you wore.” I responded.

However I knew that the two brunette’s deserved better than to be happy. I wanted George to feel ecstatic, as though this evening would never end and he’d be able to live in it, with me, forever. That was a lot to ask for a movie and dinner. I couldn’t tell that to Sapnap of course, since he’d freak out more.

“Do you think that Karl would like me to wear something orange?” He asked. “I mean, I like the colour but will Karl think it’s too out there? Should I just go with a simple black dress shirt and pants? Should I message Karl and ask?”
“Don’t do that.” I tried to convince him. “Karl would want you to surprise him.”

Both of us were in a state of panic about what we should do for the two brunettes, however Sapnap was the only one who showed it. I was trying to remain composed for his sake and as the future alpha it was my job to comfort people in my pack instead of focusing on my own issues.

We’d been fussing in our room for several hours before there was a knock on the bedroom door that caught our attention. Sapnap dropped the shirt he had been fussing over and went to open it, only to see his father Owen standing there.

“Hi Dad.” Sapnap greeted. He and his father looked quite alike with the same face shape and hair and even his eye colour. The only difference between the two of them was that Sapnap was a lot shorter than his father. “What are you doing here? I thought you had a meeting with the alpha down at city hall.”

“That finished half an hour ago.” His father, the taller ravenette replied. “I just walked into the house and I heard you two up here acting like madmen. So, what’s going on?”
“We’re going on a double date with our soulmates!” Sapnap exclaimed happily. His eyes and smile practically glowed at his father.

A grin grew on his father’s face as he looked between me and his son. “Oh my God, that’s great!” The beta looked at the two of us proudly. “Perhaps after the date you could bring them here and I could finally meet the two of them. I could be the first person in the pack to meet the soulmates of the future alpha and beta at once.”

The two of us grinned at his words but then he continued. “Now why were you two so loud? I’m sure half of the street could hear you running around up here.”
“We don’t know what to wear.” I explained. “We aren’t sure whether Karl and George would want us to dress fancy, or casual, and we don’t want to call them and ask.”

“How long until you guys are going?” The beta asked, his gaze shifting over to a clock on the wall with us following suit. “It’s almost half past three.”
“We are picking them up from George’s house at five, then we have a reservation downtown at the Green Forest Restaurant, and the movie is at 7pm.” Sapnap explained.

“Wait, wouldn't it be weird to dress fancy for a movie date? I mean theatres are full of popcorn and little kids with sticky hands.” I thought aloud, looking over at the other two to see if they agreed with what I was saying.
“But I want to look nice for Karl. He’s my soulmate, I can’t look like a slob.”

We both turned to look toward Sapnap’s father for guidance, since he had had years of organising dates and other special things for his soulmate, Sapnap’s mother, so surely he would have some wisdom. Surely he’d be able to help us not make fools of ourselves in front of the two perfect humans we were lucky enough to go on dates with.

“I’ve honestly never taken your Mother on a movie date.” Was all that he said, directing it at his son. “She’s a foodie, so we’d always go away on romantic weekend trips to places with five star restaurants as our dates. That’s actually when we had you.” After saying that Sapnap gagged.
“Gross, I don’t want to know that you and Mom had sex in some motel to have me.”

I couldn’t help but laugh even though the information was unhelpful. Well it was unhelpful for our double date with George and Karl. I was definitely going to be teasing Sapnap about the fact he was a motel-sex baby at some point in the future.

“Dream, maybe your Dad would be better to help you.” Owen suggested, his gaze softened as he looked at me. “I’d love to help you, but your father would be better with movie dates, since he and your mother both love romantic comedies when they have date nights.” I nodded, hoping that my father was around at home to help.

“Thanks. I’ll see you later Sapnap.” I spoke politely to the pair of them before walking past him and out of the room. I hurried out of Sapnap’s house, having memorised the path out after years of coming over here for playdates and hangouts.

My Dad had obviously been at the meeting at town hall alongside Owen, but he often liked to stay and talk to people and that could drag on for hours. I hoped that he would be home so that I could talk to him about what I could wear to take George out to dinner. When I threw open the door and rushed inside I didn’t run into my father, instead Drista was in the doorway.

“Dream what the hell?” She asked, glaring at me. “I’m about to go for a sleepover and you almost knocked over my shit!” I noticed that there was a backpack full of who-knows-what on the floor and I rolled my eyes.
“Look, I don’t care about your sleepover. I have a date. Now where’s Dad?” I asked.

“He’s not back yet.” She answered. “And you should care about my sleepover. All of the cool girls in my year are there, we plan on shifting in the woods and trying to hunt something. Natalie says there are bears out there.”
“You plan on fighting a bear?” I scoffed. “Have fun.”

Before Drista could respond I walked out of the room, looking for my father or anything to try and help with my outfit.
1321 words

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