Chapter 84: Cuddles and love

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Dream POV.

I woke up curled on George's chest, still as a creamy wolf with my fur covering the brunette like a fluffy blanket. The oversized hoodie was hugging at my sides and holding me closer to my soulmate. It was a beautiful feeling, even with the deep pit of dread growing deep inside my stomach.

Everything that was happening made me stressed. The whole pack hated me because I wanted to protect the love of my life from being attacked, apparently that made me a bad guy. Only one thing made this better and that was the fact that the love of my life was laying with me, almost completely recovered from the savage, unfair attack.

A soft murmur of words was somewhere above me. It was the silky sounding familiarity of my soulmate, but I couldn't hear who he was talking to. In an attempt to figure out what the conversation was about I shifted around on the brunette's chest, attempting not to accidently claw him in the process.

George noticed my movements and his hand drifted down to my fur, beginning to brush through it absentmindedly as he continued to talk. The words were still fuzzy in my mind but I didn't care. All that I was thinking about was the terrible things that were happening to myself and George, but even those thoughts were fading with the loving touch.

"George," I whispered lovingly, but he couldn't understand what I was saying since he was a human and not a werewolf. "I love you so much. When I'm with you like this all my troubles just fade away. How could I have even lived before I met you?"

Eventually I squirmed out of the hoodie before shifting back into a human, wanting to be able to properly return the loving touches which I had been given. "I'm gonna have to go, Karl." The brunette said. "I'll call you later though. This might be a good idea."

When George hung up his phone I crawled into his arms, hugging his torso tightly. "Hey," I was greeted by his gentle loving voice. In response I began nuzzling into the side of his face, taking in his amazing scent. "How are you feeling?" The brunette questioned as we held each other. I didn't verbally respond,

All that I did was whine as I continued to inhale his scent as though it were a drug. Neither of us spoke for a few minutes before he spoke up again. "I have an idea." He said, causing me to pull myself back so that I could see him better.
"What's your idea?" I responded, although I already knew whatever it is, it is a good idea.

"Well I was talking to Karl about going to visit him." George told me, making me instantly get worried. Was he really going to be leaving me here alone after what has happened? He wouldn't, would he? I didn't say anything, just giving a wordless nod to show I was listening to him. It seemed that the human realised my distress though.

"You can go see him." I whispered, trying to be strong for George. He didn't have to wait around for me, after I caused the whole pack to hate him and his family. "I will be fine here. Go enjoy seeing your friend." My voice was soft and shaky from the anxiousness. After everything that had happened I didn't want to be away from him.

The brunette seemed to pick up on my worries and kissed me lovingly on the forehead. "We can both go see him. You are coming too, silly."
"I am?" I asked. "I would have thought that after everything that's happened you would be wanting some space."

"Of course not. We are soulmates, a package deal. I think some space away from your wolf pack would be good for both of us." He told me, kissing me lovingly. The two of us held one another for a few minutes. It was a sweet scene.

Being able to hold the human close was so nice. I couldn't help but think about other werewolves who had human soulmates: soulmates which wouldn't be able to feel the attraction that werewolf soulmates could. It would have been so painful if George hadn't fallen in love with my good looks, charm, and smarts.

Perhaps it would have been better though. It would mean that I didn't have to worry about the whole pack hating me, and them wanting to overthrow my father and the rest of my family. I wouldn't find my soulmate, it would just be me, and my friends, and Maddy again. Maddy and I might have even ended up dating.

"So are we alright to go to North Carolina?" He asked me, bringing me back to reality. "I want to let Karl know as soon as possible."
"I'll go if it will make you happy." I told him, wanting to let my soulmate spend time with his friend. "It's up to you."

"Then we are going, I think you'll enjoy it anyway. According to Karl, North Carolina has the best beaches, the best food, and some pretty amazing theme parks." I was then kissed lovingly on the side of my face. "You'll love it there."

I simply nodded, completely and utterly trusting him. If he said that North Carolina would be a place that I enjoyed then I would enjoy it for him. "Now, how about I take your mind off your anxiety, Dream." I got a loving kiss pressed to my lips before he pulled my shirt off and began kissing down my torso.

Karl POV.

"Why the hell were you calling someone at 5am?" Jimmy asked, grumbling out the question tiredly as he brushed his hair out of his face with his hand.
"It was George." I responded. "I told him about Sapnap maybe coming here for school, and we decided that he could come and visit."

"But isn't George notoriously famous for sleeping like a rock?" Kris questioned, also having been woken up by my phone call. "How'd you get him up?"
"Maybe he just wants to talk to me." I responded. "And we have secret midnight phone calls all the time."

"Weirdo." Kris scoffed playfully. "I'm surprised that anybody wants to talk to you."
"Your mom always wants to talk to me. We talked about how much of a loser you were after I fucked her last night," I responded, getting a laugh out of Jimmy and an offended look from Kris.

She rolled her eyes at me before muttering about how she wanted to sleep. I put my phone back on charge and rolled over on the bed, deciding I wanted to sleep as well. The three of us fell silent, and the only noise in the room was from Chandler's snores, as he had been the only one to not wake up.

We all remained quiet while I pulled my blanket up to my chin, grinning at the thought of being able to be in the same place as Sapnap, George, and Dream in a few weeks.
1256 words

The people have spoke. You've all casted in your vote, but winning by a landslide in both votes was Split Romance. The one where George is a therapist and Dream has two personalities that both fall in love with George.

But before that one is released we are releasing Demons V2, and I am looking for name suggestions still, if anyone has any.

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