Chapter 7: House

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Dream POV

The brunette from school today was all that was on my mind the whole day as I just laid in my bed and stared at the ceiling. I couldn’t help it, he was meant to be my soulmate and somehow, despite never even talking to him I had fallen for him. Every instinct that I had was telling me to go and find him, just to be close to him.

My mind was aching because of that. If it was any other werewolf in the pack then I would happily do that, but he wasn’t a werewolf. The brunette was a human, one who had no idea of what a werewolf was outside of old legends. Since humans have weaker senses he wouldn’t be able to feel the same pull that I did, and it showed from earlier today.

I kept rethinking that moment, and it was then that I realised how grateful I was that that meeting happened while I looked like a wolf. Since he does not know what I look like as a human, then he would not hate me as one. He’d hate my wolf form which hurt nearly as much, but it was more manageable.

And that British accent that he had was intoxicating. Even though he only said one or two things I had fallen in love with it. My hands moved to brush through my hair and I groaned, thinking of how terrible today went, and it was only 2pm at the earliest.

My parents were both home, and it would have probably been logical to go and talk to one of them about the situation. Maybe both of them would help me figure out what we were meant to do, how I was meant to explain the situation to George about werewolves and soulmates and all that sort of stuff.

But I didn’t, since both of them were busy. As the pack’s alpha, it’s leader, and it’s town mayor, my father spent most of the day on phone calls and having meetings. My mother would have been a better choice, but she had some of her friends over for lunch. Despite this, they both would have put those plans on hold for me if I needed help with something.

Neither of them questioned me when I came home, I didn’t want to spoil their day plans and so I just told them that I was sick before disappearing upstairs. Lovesick that is. After just thinking about the brunette for hours on end, my mind got the better of me and I sat up, deciding to go look for him.

Now obviously it would seem strange if I went in my human form to his house for any reason, and so the moment that I got outside I shifted back into my cream coloured wolf. I knew his house backed onto woodland and so I was planning on seeing him that way.

I easily jumped the fence in my backyard before beginning to weave through trees, sprinting in the direction of his house. I’d gone there with my father several times before and the two of us had run through the woods, so I easily began sprinting in that direction. It would only take ten minutes without my top speed.

Some people were out in the woods and most of them greeted me in some way, recognising me as the son of the alpha, and as the pack's future leader. A couple women going for a run, and some kids playing around. I barely responded to them as I continued on my mission to the house of the brunette.

When I reached the house that I recognised as his, I effortlessly jumped over the fence and into his backyard. He’d only been here with his family for a few days, but I could faintly smell his alluring scent in the area. I carefully padded towards the patio, looking around the area at the brunette’s home.

The place was relatively clean, and I reached the sliding glass door. I could see George sitting on his couch on the other side of the glass. He was watching me, and so I did the exact same thing, taking the time to fully get to look at him. Overall he was quite cute, bright eyes, fluffy hair, pale skin, and that amazing smell.

Every so often he’d move slightly closer, whenever my body moved in any way his gaze would quickly snap to that feature. After repeating that process for who knows how long he reached the door, and it meant that all that was separating us was an inch of glass.

I didn’t move at all, just watching him calmly while attempting not to scare him and after a hesitant moment he reached for the handle and unlocked it with a loud click. Another couple of seconds passed and the brunette seemed to debate opening it or not, but eventually he made a decision and slowly slid the door open.

The moment the air from inside the house mingled with the air outside I was overwhelmed with the indescribable delicious smell. It made my tail wag and I wanted nothing more than to jump into that warm room and be enveloped in it, but I resisted. I didn’t want to scare the pretty brunette, and so I slowly raised myself up before moving slowly towards the door.

That seemed to scare him, causing me to pause once again in order to try and figure out how he was feeling. Obviously I didn’t want the boy I was destined to be with to be scared of me, and so I lowered myself slightly to make myself appear less threatening. But the brunette didn’t register what this meant, since he didn’t understand the complexity of wolf society.

After a few slow minutes I made my way into the house, and took a couple of seconds to look around. “Hey…” The brunette spoke awkwardly. “You’re the dog from earlier today, aren’t you?” He asked, although clearly not realising that I was able to respond to him and even that I was able to understand him.

“Well anyway,” he awkwardly chuckled. “I don’t know what your obsession is with me, but either way, I guess it is nice to have some form of company.” Then the brunette ran his fingers through the fur on my back, and his soft touch made my tail wag. If it had been anyone else I would have probably been embarrassed by this, but not in front of the brunette.

“You don’t have a collar or anything.” He hummed. “I wonder what your name is?” Dream. ‘My name is Dream sweetheart’ my tail wagged as I answered him internally. “Well whatever it is, my name is George.” God, what a pretty name. George. “I wonder who your owner is? Should I go searching for them?” No need, just let me stay here.

As he talked to me, or more accurately to himself, I couldn’t help but sniff at the air, taking in the scent of both George, and his family. It was a mix, all three people who lived in here had a different scent, but George’s definitely smelt nicer than the other two scents did. It was a lot stronger from a room upstairs, and so without thinking I padded up there looking for it.

The brunette asked a question of ‘hey, where are you going?’ as I made my way into an upstairs hallway, continuing to sniff the entire time to trace the smell. Eventually I stopped in the doorway of his bedroom, all the while my ear twitched as it followed the sound of him following after me. I found my attention drawn to his bed and continued towards it.

“Yeah, this is-uh my room…” He explained while following after me, his eyes widening as I jumped up onto the bed and began sniffing around. It smelt strongly of George, which made sense since he slept in it. My wagging tail began to speed up and George let out a small chuckle, ‘this is my bed.. and I’m not so sure what about the smell you are attracted to…”

He trailed off as I rolled over onto my back, not caring about how much of a weirdo I may appear to him. It might have sounded insane but it wasn’t my fault that his smell was so good. After a few minutes of rolling around to get the smell all over me I stopped, paws in the air as I laid on my back and my tail wagging and greedily sniffing around at the smell like it was a drug.

“You are silly.” George noted as he walked over to me before sitting down on the bed. He made himself comfortable and then his hand trailed down to begin giving me belly rubs. It was something my mother used to do when I was a pup, and a very young one at that, but this one felt different, and much more amazing.

My tail began thumping up and down against his bed, and George let out another laugh. As he did, his other hand moved to his pocket and pulled out a phone. I didn’t even mind, as I just enjoyed the small ounce of attention from my perfect soulmate, and we settled down contently as he began doing who knows what.
1576 words

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