Chapter 27: Innocent and Confused

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Dream POV.

After the way George had been acting today, I knew that I had to check on him, the way that any good soulmate should. But obviously the brunette had been avoiding me as a human, for whatever reason. So in order to check on him, I did what I’d been doing for the past few days to make sure he was alright.

The path was one I knew by memory at this point, weaving between trees with my tail wagging happily at the thought of returning to George’s house. Maybe it seemed desperate, but I invested hours last night cleaning my fur, something which wasn’t easy to do in wolf form, especially without help.

I could see George moving around inside his house as I jumped over the fence, continuing the same pace up until I reached the sliding glass door before sitting down patiently. It’ll only take George a moment or two to answer and then we can go up to his bedroom and I, being the amazing soulmate I was, could comfort him.

Then once I had comforted him, the brunette would cheer up and I would be able to go back to talking to him (and eventually winning him over as my soulmate). For some reason though, George didn’t come to open the door for me, even though he always did. After growing impatient I moved closer to the window, lightly tapping it with my paw to get his attention.

George, who had been sitting on his phone at the table, looked over in my direction, seeing me sitting with my ears perked up and tail wagging in the window. Surely he’d let me in. My mood changed though when he noticeably sighed, seeming upset. Why would he be upset? Had I done something wrong?

The brunette walked over though, regardless of how he was actually feeling about me and he opened the sliding glass door. I was about to walk into his house as I usually did but the brunette pushed his leg in the gap and left me stuck. “Does it look like I want you here right now?” He asked with gritted teeth.

My head tilted in confusion, unsure of why he wouldn’t want me here. I hadn’t done anything to make him upset in my wolf form, had I? Maybe I’d gotten fur all over the floor, I guess that was an understandable reason.

“Don’t act all innocent and confused.” The brunette continued. “I know that you aren’t really a dumb dog, Dream.” Oh, that’s why he didn’t let me in. I just sat there for a moment, my ears drooping and my tail stopped wagging as George glared at me.

There were two ways I could play this. Either I stay as a dog and act as though I have no idea what he is talking about, or I shift back into a human and explain everything to him. (Well, not everything since I think finding a shapeshifting human and realising that they are your soulmate on the same day would be a lot for a human).

Eventually I figured that maybe, this was a blessing in disguise. Maybe some god or supernatural entity wanted me to use this as an opportunity. I could shift and begin explaining everything, it would be easy for him to understand and I could introduce him to the werewolf world and from there, I could introduce him to the concept of soulmates.

So, before he could say anything else I shifted back in front of him, averting my gaze as a sign of both guilt and respect. From the small glances I did catch of his face though, he seemed shocked to see me doing that, even though he knew that I was a werewolf. After a moment of neither of us saying anything I eventually asked “Can we talk inside?”

The brunette nodded and allowed me in, beginning to walk up to his bedroom with me slowly following him afterwards. The smell of the brunette which I was so obsessed with, mixed with my anxiousness making me feel some weird cocktail of emotions. I didn’t dare move in fear of making the brunette even more annoyed as he sat down on his bed with his arms crossed.

“So, you’re a werewolf.” He prompted the statement, to which I nodded wordlessly. As he examined me I began fidgeting with my hands, something which my parents had instructed me, as a future leader, not to do. We were meant to take command, but I couldn’t bring myself to do that in front of my soulmate.

Eventually George thought of his first question. “Why have you been following around?” He asked. “Sitting by me at school and following me home and stuff.”
“Cause you ignore me most of the time at school, so I came to your house. Werewolf senses mean that I can follow you easily… that sounds kinda stalerish though…” I admitted.

George didn’t respond to my ‘sounds kinda stalkerish’ comment, instead going on to his next question. “Who was that guy you brought with you the other day? The smaller black dog. Were they a werewolf too?” I nodded, since it was a relatively obvious answer. “Who was it?” The brunette repeated, and I let out a quiet murmur of ‘it was Sapnap’.

“Sapnap!” He repeated angrily, his brows furrowed in anger and frustration. “So he’s a werewolf too?! How many of you guys are there in this tiny, little, stupid fucking town!?”
“Actually…” I hesitated for a moment before deciding that I should tell him. “Everyone in this town is a werewolf. You and your family are the only actual humans.”

George simply shook his head disbelievingly. “No way.” He responded. “I don’t believe that. It isn’t possible that everyone is a werewolf.”
“I know it’s hard to believe.” I replied. “But it’s the truth.”

“How is it possible? Everyone is a werewolf besides my family?” Then he paused before going on to ask. “Why would you guys even let me be here if I was a human?”
“The town actually wanted you out.” I explained. “But I didn’t let them do that.” I revealed that much, thinking maybe George would appreciate me more if he knew that.

“And why didn’t you let them?” He asked. “How do you know I haven’t contacted werewolf hunters from all over the world to come and kill you?”
“Well, I doubt you know any were-hunters. And I talked them into letting you stay because I thought you were cool.” Obviously a lie. I mean, he was cool, but not the main reason why I had been so desperate for him to stay.

The brunette fell silent for a few minutes, with me not pressuring him to say anything in case I ended up saying something in order to somehow ruin his impression of me further. After a few minutes he finally spoke up again, telling me to leave his house and leave him alone. I simply nodded in response and turned to go.

It physically pained me at the harshness of his tone and his words. I walked slowly to the forest with his harsh gaze on me the entire time before shifting into a wolf and beginning to rush home. I wanted to cry, being hated by your soulmate felt like being stabbed through the heart.

As I hurried home I wanted to sob loudly into the streets, not caring who would hear me. Being hated by George made me no longer care about anything in the world except making it up to him, however he didn't want me near him and so I was stuck in this cycle of suffering on my own with no way out.
1298 words

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