Chapter 93: Signing

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Happy late birthday Dream!
George POV.

“You guys can stay here and think for a few minutes. I have to make a phone call but then I’ll be right back.” Principal Myers said, giving us an apologetic smile before heading inside. All of us sat down at a picnic table in the shade of an oak tree.

She’d taken us to all sorts of classrooms, for everything from drama through to engineering. It was an amazing school. There were a lot more opportunities here than there were back in Florida. We were also introduced to a bunch of teachers, told about all of the sports teams and clubs, and asked any of the questions we had asked her.

Sapnap seemed very excited. He was happy about the thought of being able to come here everyday with Karl. Once we finished the tour he began rambling with Karl about all the after school clubs and sports teams that he could join. It was adorable to see him so enthusiastic, not adorable in the way Dream was adorable, but adorable in a Sapnap way.

Dream had cheered up after I talked to him, just enjoying getting to see around such a nice school. It seemed he was thinking about being here on holiday over the next few… days? weeks? months? Who honestly knew how long we were going to be staying here. How long Karl would even allow us to stay here?

“So what do you think of this school?” I decided to ask the ravenette. “Have you decided that you are going to come here?” He nodded over at me.
“Well I decided that I was going to come here as soon as I was offered.” Sapnap admitted. “The tour was just a formality for the principal.”

“I can’t wait.” Karl grinned before lowering his voice. “You are going to be sick of me by the end of the first week though.”
“That’s impossible.” Sapnap responded, kissing Karl lovingly. “How could I ever be sick of my soulmate?”

For a few minutes we all lounged around in the sun. Dream stayed quietly listening to our conversation, leaning against me and inhaling my scent as he did. I smiled, holding his hand while continuing to chat with Sapnap and Karl.

A few other members of staff were around as well, mainly gardeners and groundskeepers making sure the courtyard we were hanging around in was clean. They didn’t even spare a glance at us as the four people continued with their sweeping and pruning and painting. So we could continue talking as simply and unsubtly as we wanted.

“I’m going to message the guys, tell them that we’ve finished the tour and we’ll be at the arcade in half an hour.” Karl said as he pulled out his phone. I continued chatting with Sapnap while my hands brushed through Dream’s hair. Both of them seemed happy and were grinning widely. Sun soaked their faces with golden rays.

After a while the principal returned, smiling as she approached while carrying a few pieces of paper. “Alright.” She said as she took a seat at the picnic table beside Karl. “I think that after the tour and just getting to know you that you will be a great fit for our school. There are a few more formalities, but there are papers for you three to sign here.”

As she said that she spread out the papers and put one pen on the piece in the centre. “ ‘For you three’?” Sapnap asked, parroting her words. “What do you mean ‘for you three’?”
“Oh, I just thought that all three of you would be a good fit for the school, not just Sapnap. If you were wanting to come here of course.”

“Dream and I are just staying here for a holiday.” I brushed her off. “Just for a few weeks and hopefully we’ll be back home before the school year starts up again.” The blond beside me nodded in agreement. The teacher seemed disappointed but nodded at Dream’s words.

“I apologise, I overheard the two of you talking in the science lab about not knowing how long you are going to be here, and so after being able to talk with you both, albeit briefly, I thought you could be good fits for our school. After all, we do need some new football players.” She then shook her head. “I’m sorry that was stupid of me.”

“No, it’s perfectly fine.” Dream said, giving her a smile as he took one of the sheets of paper. He smiled while looking over it, his gaze brushing over each of the words.
“I do have some meetings this afternoon, so is there anything else you would like to ask or see, then please tell me now.” She said, smiling at the group.

“We should be good.” Sapnap said. He looked over at Karl and grinned lovingly. “Karl can show us anything that we want to see, right?”
“Right.” Karl replied. The two of them continued to just smile at each other, sharing their love which it didn’t seem the principal noticed, or cared for.

“All right.” Principal Myers nodded. “Just make sure that you fill in the paperwork and have it dropped back off at the school before Friday.” She then awkwardly glanced over at myself and Dream. “The same thing applies to you two… if you both change your mind and decide that you want to come here.”

“Thank you.” I said with a smile on behalf of the group before she promptly nodded, turned, and walked off. When she had left, a lot of us decided that it probably wasn’t best for us to continue hanging around here so we stood up to leave.

“Does this mean that we are going to meet your friends now?” Sapnap asked eagerly as he hugged his soulmate’s arm. “I am so excited to finally get to meet them.”
“Yeah. Apparently they are all already there.” Karl said. “They are complaining on the group chat that we are taking too long.”

“Then let’s not keep them waiting, honey.” The comment was followed by a long and loving kiss between Sapnap and Karl. Dream and I glanced away to allow them brief privacy, but when they broke apart the brunette still blushed.
“Sapnap… people could be watching.” He commented. “All the groundskeepers…”

“Sorry,” he whimpered lightly, his werewolf instincts not liking the idea of Karl seeming uncomfortable. “I need to remember to save the kissing for the car.”
Karl giggled and nodded, before holding his hand. “Let’s go.” He said with a grin.

Myself, Dream, and Sapnap made sure we folded up and pocketed the forms which Principal Myers had given us before walking back to Sapnap’s car along with Karl.
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Tomorrow is new story (Demons 2.0/Demons V2)! But before then you get this chapter and then three more chapters to be written by me. EZRAisTHEBEST!!!!

I will see all of you tomorrow for another amazing Ezra chapter.

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