Chapter 41: Past alphas

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Dream POV.

Once I had escorted George home I collapsed back in the nest, loving the smell that had been left after he’d laid in it with me for the past few hours. It was just before lunch when he realised that he should probably meet back up with Karl and I insisted that I take him home just in case there was anything dangerous on the street.

He laughed but allowed me to walk him all the way to his doorstep, with my hand clutching his the entire time. George smiled as I finally stopped and when I thought he was going to go without a word, he squeezed my hand lovingly as a goodbye. It caused a grin to grow on my face as he unlocked the door and stepped inside.

That was thirty minutes ago, now I was laying back in the nest reminiscing of last night. The party was completely gone from my mind, all that I was remembering was how George was curled up in my arms in my bed. It was something that I wanted to remember forever. And knowing how soulmates worked, I definitely would.

But there was something else which I remembered; it was not us sleeping, nor was it him laying in my nest, but instead it was my father. What he had said to me when he was standing in the doorway of my bedroom. His words kept replaying in my mind.

"I didn't realise you had managed to get this close to George."
"Yeah, we started talking at the party we went to last night. I invited him to stay the night and he did."
"Does this mean you two are getting together?"

"We are. Even after what happened in the past month he was laughing and smiling around me. I'm so glad I get to be the one to make him happy. He's so perfect when he laughs."
"That's what I always thought about your mother when I met her."

"So what are you doing here?"
"Well if you are beginning your relationship with George… Maybe if your relationship is going well, we could introduce them to my parents… the former alphas of the pack…"

Those were the words I had been thinking about for the past few hours.

It was part of the standard routine throughout most packs for when they were beginning to get a new alpha. All of the packs living former alphas would come to welcome the new alpha and their mate into their role.

When my father was becoming alpha, his parents (with his mother being the alpha), his grandparents (with his grandmother being the alpha), and his great grandparents (with his great grandfather being the alpha) all came. Unfortunately though, my great grandparents (his grandparents) and my great great grandparents (his great grandparents) had all passed away.

So it meant that all would be coming to help me into the role of alpha would be my grandmother and grandfather, who had moved away once their son had taken over the role of alpha. They lived somewhere in Canada, although I wasn’t exactly sure where. It was a small humble cabin surrounded by woodland, that was as much as I knew.

The only issue was that they would not know about George or the fact that he was a human male until they got here. They’d just get a message saying that I have met my soulmate and was going to begin training to become the alpha and I’d be the one to introduce them when they arrived.

I hummed as I took in more of his scent, hoping that it would never wear out, and because I’d actually convinced him into my nest that would mean I never would lose his scent. Any time that it got close I’d just bring him back here and hold him close until the amazing scent enveloped me again.

A knock on the door caused me to sit upright. My eyes narrowed in the direction of the sound and I let out a gruff sounding ‘who’s there?’. Even though I was alone in here, the thought of someone entering and disrupting the scent made me want to attack anybody who dared some close which was something I heard a lot of werewolves did after meeting their soulmate.

“I just wanted to check on you about my question earlier.” My Dad’s voice called from through the door. “Do you want me to message your grandmother? Tell her to come and visit because you’ve found your soulmate?”

It took me less than a minute before I nodded with a yes. Then I remembered he wasn’t in here and so I told him out loud. A voice eagerly responded asking. “Does this mean that Grandma and Grandpa are going to come visit? Will they bring some cool shit from Canada?”
“Not if you keep swearing.” My father told my sister.

“Do you two mind getting out?” I asked them, standing up and walking over to the door. “I don’t want to lose the scent of George and you are both ruining it.”
“Why are you so obsessed with George?” Drista asked. “He’s a human. All he does is stink up the house with his human-y scent.”

I growed lowly at that, a warning that I would attack my sister if she continued to insult the brunette. “Drista.” My father also spoke lowly, although it seemed more like it was to diffuse the situation rather than as a warning. “Don’t talk about soulmates like that until you meet your own one. Then I bet you’ll be just as lovestruck as Dream.”

“Leave please.” I reminded them,already beginning to return to my nest. “I don’t want you guys in my room.” As I said that I faintly heard the sound of footsteps heading towards the doorway. It wasn’t even a full moment before my father said one final thing.
“I’ll message your grandparents.” He said before leaving.

His footsteps then accompanied my sister’s to the door and then I faintly heard it close behind them. When he was gone I went back to daydreaming about George. The thought of him being the pack’s leader alongside me made me feel something which I wasn’t able to describe.

Now that my grandparents were coming over it meant that we were getting closer by the day.
1084 words

How do you think both George and Dream's family are going to react when meeting one another?

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