Chapter 76: Bath

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Best bit Ezra writes
George POV.

As we cuddled after the sex I couldn’t help but feel completely and utterly happy. "I love you so much." The werewolf whispered into my ear before kissing along the side of my face. "If it were up to me I'd lay here like this with you forever." I giggled at his words, noting the way he dopily grinned at me.

"As much as I would love to do that, I am covered in cum, we are naked, and my parents are next door. So perhaps not forever."
The blond seemed upset at the suggestion but he nodded. "Fine," he huffed. "But I'm only moving if you promise to wear my hoodie."

“That can be arranged.” I nodded while kissing him lovingly. He beamed down at me as I agreed before moving off of me, pulling out of me at the same time which caused a brief, overstimulated, moan to fall from my lips.

He pulled his shirt on and a pair of shorts before poking his head out of the bedroom. “Seems your parents are still watching a movie.” He told me, looking back over his shoulder. “I’m going to go and fill up the bath for you.”
“Don’t get caught.” I muttered out before watching him slink out of the room.

I flopped back down, feeling the ache from the sex in my lower body, and the sting of the bitemarks in my upper body. The light pain was overwhelmed by the recent pleasure, it was absolutely amazing. Only one thing was annoying me which was the feeling of the cum over my body which was steadily drying.

A few minutes passed and the blond returned, taking his time to approach me as he admired my naked and exposed body. He seemed even more enthused by the drying cum, something which I didn’t understand but perhaps it was a werewolf thing.

He lifted me up and held me close. My head rested on his shoulder as he carried me through to the bathroom. Being naked and walking in the open hallway sent a new fear through me. The thought that my parents would be able to walk out of their room at any moment and find out what we had been doing caused a terrifying shiver to run through me.

When I was brought into the bathroom he sat me down on the counter while going to lock the door. Since I didn’t want my bandages to get wet I began to carefully unwrap them, shivering as the cold air of the bathroom hit my body. Then I dropped those bandages into a trash can beside the sink.

I noticed the way that Dream froze as he looked over my body, captivated by guilt as he saw the injuries which he blamed himself for. There was a small faint whine from his lips and it made me feel guilty in response for making him have this reaction. So I distracted him in the only way I knew how, asking Dream to come and hold my hand.

It sounded pathetic, but even before the recent sex it had been very clear that he would want to do almost anything that I asked of him. No matter what strange request it happened to be, he would always be willing and eager to do whatever it is that I wanted so that I would be happy. It was sweet, and could often be useful.

Asking to hold my hand wasn’t something stupidly simple, and it was easy to get him to do in all situations. I watched as he approached me before taking my hand, his eyes no longer focused on the marks littered across my torso (the ones which he hadn’t left) and instead focusing on my eyes. “I love you.” I whispered to him, watching him perk up.

That’s when he lifted me up, managing to support my weight with one arm as he continued to hold my hand with another before lowering me into the bathtub. It was a lot smaller than the blond’s bath back in his home, but that was due to the fact that my family wasn’t as rich as his family was.

Neither of us minded though, with me and the werewolf cuddling into each other in the warm water. His head moved to rest on my shoulder, greedily inhaling my scent (which smelt a lot like sex but perhaps that was something werewolves liked). Since he was busy with cuddling I took the initiative to get the shampoo and begin cleaning us.

I started with massaging the shampoo into our hair, with Dream melting into the gentle contact that I was providing him which made me chuckle which, in turn, made him smile bashfully. When that was done I began lathering my hands up with soap before running them over our bodies’, starting with Dream.

The way that he allowed me to touch him like this made both of us happy. He shivered with delight every time my hand brushed over his skin, leaving soap suds in my wake. “You are so perfect.” I told him lovingly, pressing a kiss to his wet shoulder blade. He muttered something I couldn’t understand before kissing my face.

When I was finished I went to rinse us, cupping some warm water in my hands before releasing it over my head, followed by the blond. After repeating this a few times all the soap and shampoo was gone and we were left with only wet hair.

Before I could say or do anything, the blond shook the water off of his hair in the way that a dog would. It was surprising and I turned away before covering my face to stop water from getting into my eyes. “God Dream!” I laughed. “Do you know how annoying it’ll be to clean up this water?” Then I lovingly kissed along his jawline to show I wasn’t serious.

“If you continue to touch me like this then there’ll be another mess to clean up.” Dream responded with a loving growl. He then kissed me again. Neither of us were too worried about heading back to our room at this point in time. We began making out, now sloppy and messy and slippery from the water, not that we minded.

Both of us knew that this wasn’t going to go any further after we’d already had sex. I wasn’t even sure I’d be able to stay conscious if I had a third orgasm in an hour. It was just something loving before eventually breaking apart. knowing we had to get out of the water before our skin got gross and wrinkly.

When we climbed out the two of us lovingly dried each other with our towels, something stupid but fun. When I was dried I wrapped new bandages over my wounds before pulling Dream’s hoodie on. The blond remained shirtless but pulled on some sweatpants, then we returned to my bedroom.

He pulled me onto the bed and inhaled my scent deeply, loving the way that my smell mixed with the smell of his hoodie. When the blond let go of me again, I let myself fall backwards onto the bed. Wanting to have contact with the werewolf I opened my arms to him, but he didn’t move in for a hug like I had hoped.

Instead he shifted into a wolf, jumping onto the bed and sniffing at me. I was starting to get tired at this point and was worried he’d bite me again (I knew he wouldn’t bite me hard, but I was in a content, relaxed state at this point, and I didn’t want to be woken up by sharp werewolf teeth).

A few moments passed, then he curled up and I was surrounded by a warm ball of fur. It was a surprise, but this was an amazing feeling and I pulled the sheets up over the two of us. Because of all the warmth that I was surrounded by, I found myself quickly drifting into a deep sleep.
1355 words

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