Chapter 22: Scent

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George POV.

The big cream coloured dog wrapped his body around mine as I just sat on my phone scrolling through Tiktok. His head was on my lap and he seemed content, however his eyes never moved off of the slightly smaller black dog a few metres away. I had held out my hand to the other dog to try and draw him in closer, but he didn't approach.

On the one occasion when he did move towards me, the other dog on my lap let out a low warning growl. I couldn't help but chuckle at him. "Are you in charge?" I teasingly asked as I scratched behind the soft ears. "Are you the alpha?"

As I asked, his tail began wagging faster, making me smile, however it was obvious he wouldn't understand my words. After all, he was a dog, there was no way he could actually know what the term 'alpha' meant. Still though, I was allowed to think it was cute.

While I sat with my two newfound furry friends I couldn't help but wonder where they had come from. On my first day of school a kid told me he knew the owner of the dog currently curled around me which is how I came to meet Sapnap, but what about this other one? Did the large black dog share an owner with the creamy one or was he some kind of stray?

The warmth of the dog cuddling up with me was enough to make me feel slightly sleepy, and I had to resist the urge to adjust myself so I was laying down with the wolf-like creature curled up against me. However I didn't want to make the animal angry so I stayed still and switched over to Wattpad.

I opened up An Unloved Omega, scrolling onto a new chapter while one of my hands continued to play with the soft fur on the dog's head. I'd just finished the other chapter earlier today. Onyx had gone past a bar where his soulmate was busy having a party with his friends but didn't want to find the alpha and so he pretended to ignore him.

However, when Omega's first senses their alpha, they go into heat which is much more intense than any natural one. It was a way of ensuring that the two of them would mate as soon as possible. Another thing that he didn't know is that his alpha would be able to sense his heat no matter how far apart they are.

Jason awoke completely and utterly hungover on his couch, wiping his face repeatedly to attempt to get off the sweat which had been coated there for who knows how long. His night was completely forgotten after all of the alcohol he had consumed, which must have been a lot seeing as it is incredibly difficult for an alpha of his status to get drunk.

It had been a celebration for his beta: the second in command of the entire pack. He had just found his soulmate and they were expecting and so this was a cause of celebration, obviously., since it meant that the lineage of the beta would continue. Although if everyone else had drunk as much as the blond werewolf had, his beta wouldn't remember the celebration either.

There was one thing that he remembered from last night though. A distinct smell of citrus and an array of other delicious fruits coming from somewhere in the bar. Jason had in his drunken state attempted to search for it but with no luck at the time.

As the blond tried to think about what caused the smell he suddenly began to sense something that was not too far away, and it all started to make sense. Jason realised what the original smell must have been. It must have been his soulmate! Of course. That's what it had to have been!

A few hours passed as I continued to read the story, with the two wolf-dogs both staying by me the entire time. I read about how Jason realised that he had to have sensed his soulmate and then as he began trying to find the scent but couldn't because Onyx kept running around the city to try and find something to suppress his in-heat smell.

Eventually it was starting to get cold and I began shivering, since I had left the hoodie I'd been wearing inside and was just wearing the shirt and pants that Dream had given me. The cream coloured dog noticed my shivering and he sat up, beginning to nuzzle into my side in some attempt to warm me up.

I couldn't help but let out an aww which convinced him to begin liking my face. "No! Stop!" I protested against the furry face. "Dog slobber is so gross!" As I did this I couldn't help but laugh as I playfully pushed the animal away, watching as his tail wags slowed. "Thanks for cleaning my face." I couldn't help but respond as I wiped the saliva off.

The dog went to approach me again but before he could get to close the black dog began letting out a string of barks. I wasn't sure what they were saying to one another but after a few moments the cream coloured one let out a couple of yips before turning back to me. I wasn't sure what I was supposed to expect but after sniffing me once more, the dog turned and left.

I watched them as they hurried to my back fence and lept over it in a single bound before disappearing from sight between a row of trees. The cold wind was beginning to get to me from the moment that the blond dog had moved away from me and so I stood up to head back inside the warm house.

Before I went inside I took a moment to try and brush the dog fur off of the clothes that I was wearing, since I'd feel bad if I returned it to Dream covered in easy to spot dog hair. Although I was also planning on washing the clothes, after being a long time cat owner back in the UK I knew that fur was impossible to get rid of.

Dream POV.

"Dream, we should go, it's getting late." Sapnap barked from where he was sitting a few feet away while I stood watching the brunette.
"Just a few more minutes." I responded, not moving my eyes off of George. "Look how pretty he is Sapnap."

"Dream." Sapnap growled lowly, his ears lowering. "We should go. Your parents are probably wanting to know where you are and we have homework." After a moment I sighed and my wagging tail slowed even more.
"Fine." I responded.

Before I went to leave I took a moment to inhale the amazing smell of George's scent mixed with mine. Then I turned to leave, following after my best friend as he jumped the fence. The two of us were laughing at each other as we weaved between the trees.

"You are down bad." The ravenette commented as he shifted back into a human and I simply scoffed at him in response with my ears lowered.
"It's not my fault that George is completely and utterly perfect." In all honesty I was more happy about the fact I got to curl up in his lap.

"Sure." Sapnap smirked. "If you'd like I could get you a collar and a leash for whenever you're around him, since you only seem to get close as a dog."
"Don't make me bite you." I threatened.
"George might be into that kind of stuff." The ravenette responded with a shrug.

My eyes narrowed at his words and I let out a harsh laugh before beginning to chase him, planning on beating him up when I caught him.
1322 words

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