Chapter 39: Breakfast

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Karl POV.

I smiled as I reminisced last night, even if I was drunk at the time. Beside me, sleeping soundly was the ravenette who had brought me home with him, still sound asleep. It felt quite early, and so I yawned tiredly before cuddling into Sapnap, who had already been hugging my waist, but now as I moved closer his grip tightened protectively.

His gentle hands wrapped around my waist mixed with his quiet breathing lulled me into a peaceful sleep.

When I woke up again he was gone. Now that I wasn’t drunk or pressed up against another person I could see that the bed was a lot bigger than I had initially thought. It could probably sit myself, Sapnap, George, all my friends from North Carolina, and still have room for more people to sit with us.

That reminded me that I should check my phone. George didn’t know that I had gone home with Sapnap, and my friends had been texting me daily to ask what Florida is like. It was half dead which I found strange since I barely remember using it, however I was quite drunk so maybe I had been on it and just forgot.

There were several texts from Jimmy and Chris on our group chat. Both of them were asking how Florida was and other stupid questions about whether I’ve been to Disney World or if I’ve met ‘Florida man’ yet. I rolled my eyes before typing out a response, even though it was 6am and they likely wouldn’t see it for a few hours.

When I finished replying to each of their weird and pointless questions I also sent a message to George, asking how he was and telling him I was staying with Sapnap. Then I rolled over in an attempt to go back to sleep. The room was a perfect warmth to lull me back to sleep and I wondered where Sapnap was, however I was too tired to go and look for him.

Before I could go back to sleep the ravenette I had been wondering about walked back into the room, carrying a tray with something that smelt amazing on it. I heard him putting the tray down followed by footsteps and then a gentle hand began rubbing my back with slow loving movements.

“Karl.” Sapnap’s gruff morning voice sounded amazing as he spoke, making me want to kiss him again like I did last night. “You need to wake up honey. I made you some breakfast. You need to eat it before it gets cold.” My eyes fluttered open at the cute nickname and I looked up at him, only to see him looking back with adoration present in his gaze.

“Morning darling.” He greeted me as I looked up at him, using another strange nickname. While I was tired it made me feel somewhat floaty but I knew if and when I woke up more that I’d become a blushing mess if he called me that again. “I made you breakfast in bed.”
“What did you make?” I asked in response, taking my time to sit up.

“Pancakes.” He simply answered. “And there’s fresh fruit, bacon, whipped cream, and maple syrup on the side to add as you wish.” As he spoke I looked over at the bedside table and saw what he had made and the sight of it made my mouth water. But it was too much. "I hope you like it."
“You didn’t have to make all of this.” I told him.

“Of course I did.” Sapnap responded. “You are my guest and I would do anything to make you happy.” That’s a bit strange for someone to do for his guest. I mean yeah, being a good host meant being nice and often having to put the needs of your guests ahead of your own, but doing anything felt like a bit much.

“Thanks Sapnap.” I responded. “You’re really sweet.” My comment made his smile widen dorkily and I noticed the colour appearing on his cheeks. Unfortunately though, Sapnap turned away before I could comment on it.

Sapnap POV.

“You didn’t have to make all of this.” Karl told me after he saw the pancakes on the bedside table. Of course I did. I mean look how perfect you look while you lay there. I had to make you something to eat and this is food fit for royalty… assuming that you like pancakes and bacon.

“Of course I did.” I said, obviously not telling him all my thoughts since I didn’t want to freak out the beautiful human. “You are my guest and I would do anything to make you happy.” Might have been a bit blunt but it works. Seeing him happy makes it all worth it.
“Thanks Sapnap.” Karl spoke quietly. “You’re really sweet.” That makes it worth it too.

The comment was amazing. Him calling me sweet made the blush begin to spread over my face. How could I not blush after all, hearing him call me that. I turned away to not let him see how much his simple comment affected me and quickly passed him the tray of food.

“Would you like me to get you a drink?” I offered, still refusing to look at him no matter how badly I wanted to. “I can get you a juice or a coffee or a tea or whatever else you might be wanting this morning.”
“No thanks. Breakfast is more than enough.” Karl reassured me.

Oh sweetheart, that’s so nice of you, but nothing is ever enough when it comes to you. I’d do anything to help you and even then it wouldn’t be enough. I nodded, if he didn’t want a drink I wouldn’t force him, but after drinking a lot last night it would probably be better for him to drink something.

“Are you sure? You had a lot of alcohol last night. A drink that isn’t alcohol might be good for you.” Even though he didn’t say anything I walked over to the minifridge in my room and grabbed a juice box.

Perhaps it was childish to have juice boxes, but I had a range of drinks for whatever I was feeling like. It was a small carton of pineapple juice with a white plastic straw which I passed to Karl. He muttered a thanks even though he hadn’t initially wanted it, and paused in his eating to open the box, stab his straw in, and take a sip.

I watched intently as he did, wanting to know whether he enjoyed my food and drink or not. My gaze focused on the straw between his lips… his lips. I remembered last night. The way that the two of us had been holding each other while in the closet at the party. Our hands on one another. Our lips on one another. Our eyes on one another.

The memory of the kiss was all I had been dreaming about last night. The thought that our first kiss was when he was drunk did pain me, however I couldn’t help but love the thought that I was able to hold him close and allow my lips over his body. It wasn’t as magical as I would have hoped, but I knew the next time we’d kiss it would be.

For now though, I stayed and watched my soulmate eat, hoping that the next time we were intimate, there was less alcohol playing an effect. As he ate he decided to ask me a question. “Would I be able to borrow some of your clothes for me to wear home?” He asked, and it made a wide grin grow on my face as I realised this meant he’d wear my clothes.
1360 words

The two relationships obviously started off in different ways. Which one do you think will end up better?

George: The one who knew about the werewolves and is still somewhat worried about his family.
Karl: The one who's second interaction had a drunk make-out session and knows nothing about werewolves. Plus he is only there for a few weeks.

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