Chapter 53: A werewolf

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Karl POV.

“Thanks for letting me stay the night… again.” I muttered as I sat on the large bed beside Sapnap. We’d decided to do a movie marathon, even though Sapnap seemed to want me to get some sleep, which I found quite cute. A blanket was wrapped around the two of us and both of us had a bowl of food on our laps.

Now though I was in a dozing mood. I was tiredly leaning onto the ravenette with an empty bowl of popcorn in Sapnap’s lap, and a full bowl of chips in my lap which we had just refilled. My eyes could barely stay open. I was tired from the past few days and let out a yawn as my eyelids fluttered.

“Maybe we should lay down and get to sleep.” Sapnap suggested, already moving the bowls of food out of our way. His arms wrapped around my waist and he pulled me
down while I giggled.
“Sapnap, I’m fine.” I responded. A blush was growing on my face at the close contact with the ravenette. He was just so warm and made me so happy for some reason.

“You need sleep honey.” He told me. “It’s almost 6am. When you go and see George again you don’t want to be falling asleep at his doorstep, do you?”
“I guess not.” I responded, knowing exactly where he was going with this.

“Then sleep sweetheart.” He continued, his fingers ran through my hair a few times, completely tiring me out under his gentle and loving touch. I was just about to drift off when he moved away from me. I let out a whine only to get my cheek cupped by the ravenette. “I’ll be back in a minute.” He reassured. “I just want to turn everything off and put the food away.”

After he walked out of the room I let out a quiet yawn, patiently waiting for him to return. Now that Sapnap had gone I was feeling quite cold. The blankets weren’t doing much without me being able to hug Sapnap close and so I decided I’d go and raid his closet.

I wouldn’t do anything creepy like snoop around or look at his underwear, all I’d do is grab a hoodie and return to bed. It would be just a minute trip and I’d be back in the bed before the ravenette returned. Being careful not to make too much of a mess of Sapnap’s bedroom, I padded through to the walk-in closet.

Much to my surprise in the middle of the room was a huge pile of clothes and blankets. It was probably from him not cleaning his room, yet the way the pile was shaped seemed intentional and even personal. Perhaps it was… no but it couldn’t be.
This reminded me of the nests from the omegaverse stories I read.

Does this mean that Sapnap reads omegaverse? No, that couldn’t be it. I mean both George and I read omegaverse yet neither of us ever had some weird desire to make our own nest in our bedrooms.

I just grabbed a hoodie that was folded up on a shelf and pulled it on before returning to the bed, now thinking a lot about what I had seen. Perhaps I was looking into it too much. It could just be the fact that Sapnap… had a dog, and that dog likes sleeping on his clothes in the closet, however it just wasn’t here today. Yeah that obviously wasn’t it.

A few minutes passed before Sapnap returned and he climbed into the bed beside me. His eyes lit up the moment that he saw me in his hoodie and once he’d turned the bedside light off he shuffled over to me and I allowed him to pull me into a hug. From then on it was silence, both of us wanting to have a little bit of sleep.

Sapnap’s eyes were closed and I assumed that he had fallen asleep so I took the time to go back to thinking about the pile of clothes in his closet. Time passed. Who knows how long it had actually been? Perhaps only a few minutes, perhaps an hour, and I still was no closer to falling asleep.

I shifted out of the ravenette’s arms and grabbed a glass of water he’d put on the bedside table closest to me. After drinking the whole glass I figured that that would help and turned over only to see Sapnap awake and looking at me.
“Did I wake you?” I asked in a whisper when I saw him, immediately feeling guilty.

“No you didn’t.” The ravenette responded. “I’ve been awake the whole time. Was just wondering why you were moving around. Are you okay?” His gaze was softened and I could hear the care and concern in his voice. I nodded.
“Yeah, I was just thinking about something.”

“Well what were you thinking about?” Sapnap questioned. “If you don’t mind me asking.” I met his gaze in the darkened bedroom before deciding it was just easiest to ask.
“I just saw that weird pile of clothes in your room and I was wondering about it.” I told him, noting the way that he seemed somewhat upset when I referred to it as a ‘weird pile of clothes’.

“Oh, it’s special to me. You’ll probably think it’s weird though… and stupid.”
“I’m sure that I won’t.” I replied, leaning in closer to him in my tired state. “Just tell me, please.”
“Fine.” He answered. “It’s a nest. I made it as a way to bring comfort to the people I care about, and that includes you.”

“What?” So I was right about the nest, but what about all that shit with ‘bring the people I care about comfort’? How the fuck can a pile of clothes bring people comfort?
“A lot of people find it comforting to lay in a nest with the scent of someone they care about. That one in the closet is mine.”

“They can smell your scent?” I asked, beginning to put the pieces together really quickly. “Does that mean that you are…?”
“I’m a werewolf.” Sapnap answered, causing my eyes to widen. “I was planning on telling you later but yeah…”

I froze, not saying or doing anything. Sapnap was a werewolf. He was a powerful creature that could rip a grown man to shreds without breaking a sweat. I wasn’t a grown man. I couldn’t face off against a werewolf. He watched me stare at him, asking if I was alright but I didn’t answer.

“I have to go.” I told him, pulling his hoodie off and dumping it on the bed before putting my shoes on. I didn’t even bother to do up the laces as I walked out of his room. As I descended down the stairs I could hear his footsteps following after me, telling me to ‘wait up’, however I didn’t listen.

The front door was locked so I had to take a moment to undo the latch before stepping out into the early morning. When I glanced over my shoulder I could barely see Sapnap appearing at the bottom of the stairs.

Now that the door was closed I ran next door, over to Dream’s house. I wasn’t going there for Dream though, I was going there for George. When I knocked on the door a few moments passed and I hoped they weren’t asleep. The ravenette still hadn’t left his house and yet I was still on edge when suddenly the door opened, revealing a blond girl.
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