Chapter 70: Pick Up

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Dream POV.

I sat anxiously in the passenger seat, staring out the window at all of the passing buildings. My stance was so awkward that you might assume this was my first time ever leaving my hometown and the safety of my werewolf pack, which it wasn’t.

For hours I had been sitting here, not doing anything to distract myself other than stare out the window at anything and everything that zipped past. While I was bored I decided to play a counting game. I’d counted up hundreds of houses, thousands of trees, along with heaps of all manner of other things.

Sitting beside me in the driver’s seat was George’s father. He seemed as though he was just as anxious as I was, and stayed just as silent as well. I noticed the way that he was tightly holding onto the steering wheel and refusing to look anywhere other than the road with a stone called expression.

Today was the day that George was able to come home from the hospital. I had stayed at George’s house using his scent to help with the stress and his father had been updating me and the rest of my friends daily on the brunette’s situation. According to the messages sent by George’s mother, he was healing really well and had no complications with his recovery.

Yesterday when I went to ask for any new information he told me that he was going to be picking both George and his mother up today. I was surprised when he invited me to come with him but more than eager to accept. Being able to be the first person to see George when he was out of hospital made me feel more happy than I had felt in days.

On my lap sat a fluffy blanket I’d brought as a gift for George. It was a deep blue, a colour which I knew he was fond of. A white ribbon was wrapped around it and tied in a neat bow, stopping it from becoming a wrinkled mess on the floor. My hands were absentmindedly brushing over the fluff as a way of keeping myself calm.

Buying gifts for George was one of the ways I was able to keep myself sane. It was a way of being able to provide for him even when I couldn’t be there directly. Apparently he had fallen in love with the stuffed cat I had brought for him, according to one of the messages that his mother had sent.

“We’re here.” George’s father spoke up, and I glanced over to see a large building that he was turning towards. The parking lot was quite full. Lots of people were parked there, either there for work or there to visit sick family members and friends.

It took a few minutes for Mr Davidson to find himself a park. Thankfully it was only a minute away from the main entrance. Neither of us spoke another word to one another as we parked and walked inside.

When I walked into the reception I was immediately bombarded with a mixture of sounds and smells. I’d never been in a hospital before, but I immediately disliked the place. The smells of a thousand different people mixed with sanitiser and detergent. Hundreds of voices mixed with one another, all sorts of chattering and ordering and screaming made me feel disoriented.

“Dream, are you alright?” I looked over to see Mr Davidson’s concerned expression.
“Oh…” I took a deep breath to try and regain my composure. “Yeah I’m fine. Must just be a little carsick.” My excuse was a believable one, and I was beginning to develop a migraine from the concoction of sights and smells and sounds.

“While we are here we can get you some panadol for the trip home.” He reassured me as we approached the front desk. “Excuse me,” George’s father spoke to the man sitting behind the desk. “We are here to see my son, George Davidson. The doctor said he was able to leave today.”

“Alright.” The man nodded, beginning to quickly type something on the computer. “Okay, George Davidson is on the second floor.” He said without looking away from the computer. Then he looked up at a female nurse who was looking over some papers. “Ellis, didn’t you say that you were going to deliver some paperwork to George Davidson and his mother?”

“Yes I did.” She nodded, then she looked over at us. “I can take you both upstairs with me. I’ll see you later Josh.” Nurse Ellis smiled at the man behind the desk before turning to us. “I’ll take you both up now.” She began walking off, giving polite greetings to the staff and patients as she passed them, and myself and Mr Davidson trailed behind him.

When we got to the room where George had been I could smell his scent a lot more. There was still the faint stink of the hospital sanitiser smell, and that of the nurses, but my soulmate’s scent was a lot more prominent than those. “So how do you two know George?” Nurse Ellis decided to make conversation. “Are you friends? Family perhaps?”

“I am George’s father.” Mr Davidson explained. “And Dream is George’s boyfriend. We are here to pick him and his mother up and take them home.”
“Oh, that’s sweet of you.” She smiled. “Both of them are very nice people. I’ve talked to them quite a bit every few days.”

The complement of my soulmate made me happy, even at this time when he was injured from a brutal attack he was still his sweet, loving self. I was so looking forward to seeing him after being apart for so long. We reached a door which smelt extremely like him and the nurse opened the door for us, allowing both of us to step inside.

George was standing up in his room, shuffling around and putting stuff into bags, I immediately noticed my Patches toy on the hospital bed. "George." I called softly, getting his attention. He spun around and his eyes widened with glee as he saw me.
"Dream!" He cried happily, jumping into my arms and we embraced in a loving hug.

"I'm so happy you are here!" He grinned. "And I'm going home today! That's two amazing things and-" he cut himself off and buried his face into my chest.
I beamed as I rested my head atop his, being able to properly inhale his scent for the first time in weeks. "I missed you so much." I whispered. "I'm so happy that you are safe."

My hands momentarily drifted to us waist, but I hesitated when I felt several bandages from under the thin fabric of his shirt. George just continued to hold me. "I missed you so much Dream, but Patches kept me safe like you wanted."
"Good, but I'm never leaving your side again so she won't need to keep you safe. You are too precious to me I can't lose you again."

"Isn't that sweet." I heard George's mother comment at our whispered conversation, making the brunette flush red before pulling away from me. "Sorry to break up this reunion but it'll be a long drive back and we want to get going as soon as possible."
"I just need you to fill out some paperwork first." Nurse Ellis added on.

She passed George and his mother a stack of half a dozen pieces of paper and a pen before motioning him over to the table in his room. I stood protectively behind the brunette, not wanting to let him out of my sight after last time. My gaze focused on the other people in the room, as they quietly talked and picked up the rest of George's gifts.

Even though I knew that George's parents and a nurse were some of the least likely people to attack George I was still on edge. So I would not leave George's home until we were safely back at either my home or his home.
1349 words

Soulmates ❤️

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