Chapter 55: Walking Home

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George POV.

Karl and I both sat silently for a few minutes, thinking about what I had said to him as we sat on Dream’s bed. Eventually the brunette spoke up, quietly mumbling while sitting silently, “can we go back to your house?”
“Sure.” I nodded, standing up and offering a hand out to him.

We both walked to the bedroom door and upon opening it two blond’s both sprung back. Dream and Drista had obviously both been listening, and their gazes followed Karl as he pushed past them and walked down the stairs. Once he was gone the two of them turned their attention back to me.

“George…” Dream didn’t seem to know what to say. His gaze was saddened as he saw me. I only gave him a sad smile and held his hand for a moment before walking off.
“Bye Dream. Thanks for having me” I muttered to the werewolf, knowing that he’d be able to hear me.

Karl was waiting for me downstairs, fidgeting with his fingers and glancing anxiously at the door every few seconds. “Are you sure that you want to go now?” I questioned. “It’s dark and we’re going to have to walk halfway across town. Dream would be fine with letting us stay a little longer until we can see where we are going.”

“I want to go back to your home, please.” Karl simply answered. “I want to think and I can’t do it here.” I nodded in understanding, after all I had needed a lot of time to think after finding out about Dream.

As I opened the door I could see the two blonds watching us walk out from the stairs. After waving a goodbye to the pair I followed Karl out into the darkened street, his gaze was fixated firmly on Sapnap’s house.

“Karl.” I grabbed his attention. “You ready to go? It’s kinda cold out here.” He nodded and so I ran up to him. We walked together, speeding up each time that we weren’t underneath one of the bright streetlights. Karl seemed scared that something or someone would attack us in the darkness but I knew nobody in this town would be dumb enough to do that.

“So every single person in this town is a werewolf?” Karl asked awkwardly after we’d been walking in silence for a few minutes. His gaze was switching between the different houses on our side of the street. All of the curtains were pulled shut but some of them had a soft glow behind them, signalling the residents of those homes were awake.

“I’m surprised you are so scared.” I told him. “You loved omegaverse much more than I did yet you are terrified now that you know this town is full of werewolves.”
“Yeah, but I also loved to read Hunger Games as a kid. Doesn’t mean I’ll be happy if I wake up in an arena and get told to fight to the death.” He responded.

That was some sound logic coming from Karl, and yeah I was admittedly being a hypocrite since I had acted the exact same when I found out about werewolves, but now that I knew about them there was nothing scary about them. I didn’t give a verbal response to what Karl said, and so he continued looking at all the windows.

I had to direct each turn that we took and so I was slightly in front of the other brunette, but as we walked I heard the sound of something coming from behind me. When I glanced over my shoulder I saw a figure moving in the darkness on the other side of the street, slinking perfectly in the shadows as though it was a predator hunting prey.

Honestly I was expecting it to be Dream. He had proven several times that he would creepily follow me home, however the figure moving was much too small to be the blond. Instead I quickly realised that it was another wolf I had encountered, with black fur and amber coloured eyes.

It was Sapnap watching us from the shadows, most likely ensuring that the two of us (mainly Karl) got home safely. For a moment when I looked back we made eye contact and his eyes widened. He was probably scared that I’d tell Karl he was there but then Karl spoke up and caught my attention.

“What are you looking at George?” He asked, and I watched Sapnap quickly retreating to avoid being spotted.
“Oh, I thought that I heard something. I think that it was some sort of raccoon. It must have run off.” I explained.

“Alright, let's keep going then.” I turned and continued walking. After a minute I glanced over my shoulder to see if Sapnap was still following us but I couldn’t spot him. The initial close call which almost got him caught by Karl, he probably didn’t want to risk being too close.

We reached the house and I unlocked the door. My parents had left the downstairs lights on just in case we had come back while they were asleep. The heater was also on and so it was an amazing contrast to the cold morning. It was so warm in fact that I had to pull off the hoodie Dream gave me.

“Are you okay?” I questioned, looking over at Karl. He was clearly upset about what he had found out and what he was thinking about.
“Yeah.” He replied. “I’m just thinking about what you said. Maybe I should go and apologise to Sapnap.”

“I think that’ll be what’s best.” I nodded, walking to the kitchen. “But before then, do you want me to make you a hot chocolate? I asked my mum to buy those little marshmallows.” I beamed.
“Yeah, that’ll be good.” Karl nodded. He sat down at a chair by the counter while I started moving around in the kitchen.

“Hey George.” He spoke quietly after a few minutes of silence. I hummed at my friend, a way of signalling that I was listening to him. “What did you mean earlier? When you said all that stuff about me having a warm feeling when I’m around Sapnap?”
“Well I was just wondering if you had felt any of that stuff?” I responded, not making eye contact.

“I guess I’ve felt it once or twice…” Then he paused and looked over at me. “Why were you wondering?”
“Well because…” Sapnap is going to be mad at me because he probably would have liked to be the one to reveal they were soulmates. “You two are soulmates.”

Karl’s eyes widened in disbelief as I said that and I knew I’d have to now be the one to explain everything.
1129 words

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