Chapter 23: Drawing

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Dream POV.

Unfortunately at school George had gone back to wearing his own clothes, which I was disappointed with because it obviously meant he smelt less like me. Still though, there was the faint smell of our intermingled scent which pulled a relaxed hum from me as I sat beside him in English.

My tail was wagging internally as I shifted closer and continued to subtly sniff at the brunette. It was perfect, and instead of focusing on my work I was instead thinking about what it would be like when he found out about who and what I was. The two of us would spend all day together and I’d always be able to smell his amazing scent.

Last night I had slept in the nest in my closet, having added the shirt that George had forgotten to take home with him which mixed in for a perfect smell. I’d spent almost an hour piling all the blankets and clothes in a way that I liked, also having removed anything that did not belong to either me or George which could deplete the scent.

Now that George’s shirt was there though I knew that I could let nobody else near my nest. I would not want somebody to risk mixing their scent to the perfect balance of myself and George’s smell, which was also the reason I had removed everything else.

“Dream!” I heard the stern voice of the teacher say, cutting through my perfect fantasy. I turned to look at the front of the classroom only to see the teacher looking at me, along with a lot of my classmates. “What was your answer?”
“Um… sorry.” I muttered. “Can you repeat your question?”

“From the reading last night, Romeo and Juliet? What did you think about how Romeo was acting towards Juliet?” Well actually teacher, I hadn’t done the fucking reading. Thankfully though, I knew what Romeo and Juliet was about.
“Well, I think that Romeo acted in a way that most people would when they are in love.”

It was a simple enough statement that I wouldn’t say something incorrect, but the teacher hopefully wouldn’t be able to figure out that I hadn’t read the story. “Would you care to elaborate?” The teacher asked. “How did Romeo act exactly?”

“Well…” I took a moment to glance over at George from his seat beside me before continuing. “I would do all sorts of stuff for someone when I was in love. Anything to protect them even if they are part of a completely different group to me and our people hated each other. I may even go as far as killing for them in all honesty.”

As I spoke I was thinking only about George. I mean, every word that I said was true. If I fall in love with someone, which I had, then I would do anything to protect them, which I will. I hoped that George would know that when I finally revealed all of this to him.

Most of the class seemed to realise that I was talking about the brunette, but out of respect to me as their future leader (and the risk of exposing the entire werewolf world to this human), they said nothing. The teacher didn’t push me further, instead going to ask another student a similar question.

I let out a sigh before going back to my daydreaming, while also thinking about how Romeo and Juliet was an absolutely terrible thing to read since it was several hundred years old and half of the words I can not understand anyway. George glanced over at my slumped position on the desk and tilted his head at me. “Are you okay?” He asked, his gaze soft and sympathetic.

Well now that I’ve heard your beautiful voice I’m alright sweetheart. I obviously didn’t say that as I responded with a simple ‘yeah I’m fine’. “Oh alright. You just seem kinda… I don’t know… off.”
“I’m fine.” I responded. “Just thinking about stuff.”

As I spoke he pulled out a notebook, one which I noticed had a few doodles in it. I tilted my head curiously at the sight of it before watching as George flicked through some pages. The brunette shrugged as I looked over his shoulder. “These are just some drawings I did for a book I’m reading, they’re kinda bad.”

“They look good.” I commented, my eyes widening in a smile as I recognised one of them as a white wolf with brilliant blue eyes. “Do you have a thing for wolves?” My eyes practically glowed at the question, thinking about how much more perfect and easy this whole situation would be if George loved wolves.

“Yeah. I like wolves. They are pretty cool animals.” He nodded. “I’ve not really shown many people this besides my best friend.”
“You should definitely show more people.” I complimented. “It looks exactly like a real wolf. It’s really pretty.” Just like you.

“Thanks.” George murmured. “You can have it if you want. Or I could draw you one.” The thought of him making a special drawing just for me made me want to howl, which was something surprising since despite common stereotypes, werewolves rarely do that.
“I’d like that.” I answered. “I’ll get you something in return.”

The brunette scoffed. “You don’t need to do that.” As he said that he moved over to another page where I saw another picture, it was incomplete but I recognised it. It was a picture of me, or at the very least me as a wolf. I recognised the cream coloured fur and the eyes which he had done a brilliant green.

“That picture is amazing.” I smiled, tilting my head to look at a better angle. The more time I spent looking at the picture, the more and more I was convinced I was looking at some kind of photo instead of a drawing.
“You recognise the dog?” George questioned, to which I nodded.

“Yeah. I’ve seen him around.” No I haven’t. “You’ve got every detail right. From the shape of his ears to the colour of his eyes.” Before I could stop myself I added. “They are a very beautiful green.” In an attempt to fish for compliments.

“I didn’t realise his eyes were green.” The brunette admitted sheepishly. “It was just a guess. But I’m glad it looks nice.”
“How did you not realise?” My tone was a little harsh, but I have always been complimented on my green eyes, how could he not notice? Honestly I was a little hurt by that.

“Well I am colour blind.” The brunette responded. “Yellow and green look identical to me.”
“That’s cool.” I responded. “I’ve never met someone who’s colour blind before. Sorry if I sounded a little rude.” Now I was feeling bad because I upset my soulmate, great.
“It’s alright, but if you’d like, you can have this picture once I’m finished drawing it.”

“That’ll be-” I was cut off by our English teacher before I could finish the sentence.
“Dream, George. I understand you two might both have a lot to talk about with each other, but can you please wait until lunch to have any personal conversations?”

We both nodded at her and George closed his notebook however I did also notice the way that George smiled at what I had said as he did.
1249 words.

Also, what do you think Sapnap would call Karl as a pet name?

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