Chapter 44: Waiting

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George POV.

Much to our surprise, when we returned from our picnic trip into the woods, there were two people standing at the front door. They looked like they had been waiting there for a while and stood as though they were part of the army; straight backs, square shoulders, looking forwards, and not speaking a word.

However it came to no surprise that it was Dream and Sapnap standing there, and when I answered the door they immediately both relaxed. “Hey guys.” I greeted, crossing my arms and raising a brow at them. “What are you two doing here?” I mean it was most likely clingy werewolfness that brought them here, but I’d let them explain for themselves.

“Well…” Sapnap began. “Dream and I found a movie downtown at the cinema we wanted to watch and we thought that you two might want to come with us.”
“And since it’s late we could all get dinner first.” Dream added on. “It could be a date, or a double date.”

“Does this have anything to do with the text that I sent you earlier, Dream?” I asked him suspiciously, my gaze darting between him and Sapnap since it was likely that he had told his best friend after he’d seen it.
“It might have.” He allowed himself to admit.

“And how about you Sapnap?” I turned to the other werewolf. “Was it you who suggested a double date? Or was this a genius plan that Dream had come up with?” It took him a couple moments to register my question, since he had been spending the last half a minute trying to sniff the air for any hint of Karl’s scent to help calm his anxieties.

“I-I never said it should be a double date.” He told me, stuttering slightly as he did. “I don’t know if Karl would want to go on a date with me, after all. I mean, I’d love to go on a date with him but… and anyway, would you and Dream even want to be going on a date either?”

Dream let out a low growl at that, not liking the fact that Sapnap was implying we wouldn’t be going on a date. I rolled my eyes before telling them I’ll go get Karl and then walked back to the kitchen. The two of them stayed where they were standing with their eyes following me as I left.

Karl was unpacking the picnic basket. He put anything that we didn’t finish eating into some containers I’d grabbed, replaced anything unopened in the fridge, and threw out anything that wasn’t worth keeping. “Who was at the door?” He asked when I returned, not taking his eyes off of what he had been doing.

“Come have a look.” I responded. “They want to talk to you about something.” Karl nodded wordlessly and put the bag of unopened gummy worms into the pantry before following after me as I led him back towards the front door. He grew confused when he saw Dream and Sapnap there, obviously unsure of why they were here.

“Hi Sapnap.” Karl greeted with a wide grin, happy to see the guy he so obviously had a big fat crush on. The brunette also gave a ‘hi Dream’ but it was clear he was more focused on the ravenette opposite him.
“Hey Karl.” Sapnap replied, not taking his eyes off of his soulmate. “How are you?”

“I’m good. George and I went for a picnic in the woods for lunch. It’s really beautiful out there, you guys are lucky you live here and can see it everyday.”
“Oh yeah, we really are lucky.” Sapnap’s eyes were soft as they focused on every small detail in Karl’s face, attempting to map it out and memorise it.

“So George told me that you wanted to talk to me about something.” Karl reminded them, a small smile on his face, his gaze was only focused on Sapnap even though his words were directed to the both of them.

“Yes.” Dream was the one to answer, since it seemed that Sapnap was still staring at him awe struck. “We were wondering if we could take you two out for dinner and a movie.”
“You mean like a date?” He questioned, his gaze finally moving off of the ravenette and over to the blond instead. “Or a double date since there’s four of us.”

“If you want it to be a date.” Sapnap cut in before Dream could say anything. “But that would mean that you’d be on a date with me and it’s alright cause if you’re okay with it then I’m okay with it but if you aren’t that’s also fine and…” He trailed off and averted his gaze over to me and Dream, wanting us to help him with this.

“I guess it could be a date… double date.” Karl nodded. “I mean, I would have figured that a strong looking footballer like you would already have a pretty girlfriend.”
“You’re pretty.” Sapnap reassured. “I mean, we all think you are, right Dream?” He glanced over at his best friend who gave a small nod, more so to help instead of actually thinking it.

My best friend seemed to realise this and even though three out of four of us knew he did not think Karl’s appearance was attractive in the slightest. Both Sapnap and Dream were beginning to grin widely after Karl had accepted the double date. I knew that because of this their wolf tails would be wagging the whole way home.

“Great Karl.” Sapnap smiled. “So we’ll come at about five and pick you up to take you out to dinner and dessert at the best restaurant in town. Then the movie is at 7pm.”
“We will pay for everything.” Dream added with a nod. “So you guys don’t need to worry about anything.”

“What would you like us to wear?” Karl asked, his eyes glistening. “I’ve not packed for a date but I could probably have some nice clothes.”
“Anything you wear will be perfect.” Sapnap hummed, basically swooning where he stood as he looked at his soulmate on the doorstep.

A few long moments passed with him lovingly staring at my best friend before his best friend, Dream, spoke up. “Maybe we should be going. We’ll see you both this evening.” Karl and I gave our goodbyes to both of them before the blond grabbed his best friend's arm. Dream had to physically drag Sapnap away because Sapnap was too distracted looking at Karl.

We stayed on the step watching them walk down the driveway, with Dream giving us both a wave with the hand that wasn’t grabbed onto Sapnap. Sapnap continued to stare lovestruck however myself and Karl decided to head inside once they’d passed the mailbox.

The two of us still had to empty the picnic basket, something we’d only stopped doing two or three minutes ago despite the fact it had felt like hours ago. We were feeling bubbly the entire time, our conversation never moving away from the two werewolves who had promised to take us out to dinner and a movie, with Karl being even more excited than me.

Neither of us could wait for this evening.
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