Chapter 42: Visitor

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George POV.

“And he was so sweet to me, George!” Karl continued to ramble. “He made me breakfast and it was delicious, then he let me borrow some of his clothes so I could come home. I just took some plain ones though so nobody knew they were his.”
“Yeah, nobody is going to realise you wore his clothes.” I responded, rolling my eyes.

It was difficult not to tell my best friend about everything in this town. All the werewolves and their weird relationships, and about how the guy he made out with last night was his soulmate, but I didn’t. I figured that it should be Sapnap’s place, that he should be the one to reveal the world of werewolves to his soulmate instead of me.

“Oh, and in my notifications this morning I saw there was another chapter of the unloved omega out.” Karl added as he snapped on a bowl of pretzels my mother had brought up for us shortly after we’d both gotten home yet before she’d gone to work. “I was thinking we could read it together, like a book club. But instead of a book club, it can be a fanfic club!”

He then continued to ramble. “I mean, I was so annoyed by the cliffhanger last week. Jason cornered Onyx with half of the pack chasing him. Before Jason can get him though someone helps him escape. Like, who was it? Was it Misty even though she said she wasn’t one to get in the way of soulmates?”

I shook my head before telling him the devastating news. “Actually, I haven’t been reading the unloved omega for a while.” I explained.
“What? Why not?” My best friend questioned. “Have you been too busy?”

No, I just figured my life was close enough to an omegaverse that I didn’t need to read a story about it. “Just am not that interested in it anymore.” I gave a shrug as I told him.
I expected Karl to be annoyed or upset, but he didn’t seem to care. Instead he nodded. “That’s a shame, but now it means I get to rant to you about everything that happens.”

“I’m fine with that.” I responded, I was used to my friends rambling in many situations and so having him rant about fanfictions was definitely alright. He opened what I assumed to be Wattpad and began reading as I settled on the chair by my desk.

While he read my gaze drifted to the window before noticing a flash of something sand coloured weaving between the trees. As I focused in on it, I noticed that it was Dream. Of course it was Dream. It had only been a few hours and he’d already come searching for me. I rolled my eyes before I stood up.

“He is so damn obsessed.” I muttered as I began heading to the door, planning on intercepting him before he got too close to the house.
“Where are you going George?” Karl asked, barely glancing up from his phone while he continued to read the chapter.

“Just wanting to get myself a drink. Do you want something?” I responded, pausing as I leaned against the door frame while looking back at him.
“I guess I’ll take a monster ultra if you have one.” The brunette sitting opposite me requested, obviously choosing his favourite drink.

“Of course.” I nodded, having purchased several cans solely for my best friend. He’d drunk thousands of cans of the drink during our Discord calls and late night gaming sessions, so I had obviously been prepared. I even called Jimmy in North Carolina to double and triple check I got the right flavour.

The moment I was in the hallway I began sprinting down the stairs, reaching the ground floor just as the blond reached the door and began wagging his tail. Before I reached the door he shifted into a human and gave me a wave. An awkward grin grew on his face but it faltered by the time I opened the door. “What are you doing here?” I asked him.

“Am I not allowed to want to see my soulmate?” He questioned, tilting his head slightly while he stepped into the house without asking my permission.
“You are allowed to want to see me.” I responded. “But you still can’t come by my house and shapeshift in front of the window. My parents could have seen that!”

“They’ll see how much I love you?” The blond asked, and I couldn’t tell if he actually thought that was the reason or not, but he did admittedly look cute as he tilted his head.
“Sure, if that means I’ll have to explain less to you.” I muttered under my breath before rolling my eyes and beginning to walk to the fridge.

Dream trailed behind me looking like a lost puppy with his dopey grin and wide eyes. As I opened the fridge I felt his arms wrapping around me from behind and his face nuzzled into my neck. I let out a low sigh however I allowed him to continue, finding his body warm against the cold radiating from the fridge.

While the blond continued to nuzzle into me I grabbed out three cans of monster. One was for Karl, obviously. Another was for me. The third one was Dream, since I expected if he was here he would want a drink of some sort.

“Actually, there was another reason why I wanted to come here.” He continued. “My grandparents are coming, to meet you.”
“What? Why?” I responded, almost dropping the drinks as I asked.
“Well you are the future mate of the alpha. They want to officially welcome you into your role.”

While he said that I froze. “D-Dream…” I stammered trying to find a way to explain something which the werewolf obviously didn’t understand. “You are already introducing me to your family and getting me into some kind of role?” I questioned, watching as his face fell and he stepped away from me.

“We aren’t as fast moving as soulmates are. Human relationships take a lot longer than a month to get together, most of the time. I’m not sure if I can meet your family yet.” I continued.
Dream looked really upset as I said that. “I’m sorry.” He spoke softly. “I didn’t realise that humans weren’t like that.”

Seeing him upset pained me, with the stupid soulmate bond which I was only able to react to in some ways. I put the drinks down on the counter and pulled him into a hug which he melted into with a whine. I could tell he was subtly smelling my scent as a way of calming down and in between this he muttered out apologies.

“It’s alright.” I soothed, loving the way that he was holding me despite the reason that it was happening. “Look, I don’t not want to be your soulmate, so don’t get upset about that.” I told him, my hand squeezing his. “Just, I’m not sure about being married at the age of eighteen, or whatever the werewolf equivalent is. I’d hoped I’d be going to university and getting a job first.”

“Oh.” He muttered, his voice was low as he spoke.
Before he could say anything Karl called from upstairs, asking where I was. “I’m on my way up!” I told him, then I looked back at the blond. “You coming?” I questioned. “We can talk about all of this later.”

The blond shook his head and told me that he just wanted to come and say hi. He began walking over to the door and stepped onto the porch before shifting back into his wolf form. I followed after him to the edge of the porch before watching as he hurried to the end of the yard and effortlessly leapt over the fence.

Without another word I turned and returned to my bedroom, thinking continuously about what Dream had said.
1336 words

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