Chapter 69: Awake

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George POV.

My head hurt when I opened my eyes, immediately feeling ten times worse as I stared into fluorescent lights. It felt like I had a migraine, one that was bad enough to span over several days, even with medication. Slowly, with my back aching incredibly, I sat up. My arms shook as I did and then I felt an arm on my shoulder.

“George, lay back down sweetheart. You are hurt.” My mother’s voice was enough to soothe my headache slightly. I did as she asked and saw a faint smile appear on her face. “There you go.”
“What’s going on?” I asked her, looking around the room from my lying down position. “Where are we?”

“We are in a hospital.” She told me, her hand lovingly running through my hair. “You’ve been here for a while baby. Do you know what’s happening?”
“I…” my head strained as I tried to think back to the last thing that I remembered. “I’m not sure.”

“Well you were attacked by two wolves.” She explained. “Your friend Dream bravely stepped in and scared them off, then he brought you back to the doctor’s office.”
“Is Dream here?” I asked, wanting to see my soulmate after not being able to for so long. “I want to be able to see him.”

“He’s not here, sorry.” My expression fell when I was told. “But I have been calling your father daily and he’s been telling all your friends back home what has been happening. They are all going to be so happy when they find out you are awake.”
“Dad’s not here?” I questioned.

“Your father was here for the first couple days, but he had to go back and work. I’ve been staying at a motel nearby.” I sat up again slightly as she said that, going to look around and see what the room looked like.

The hospital walls were a nice pale blue with most of the furniture being white. It was a private room and so nobody else was in here. There was a round table that had a vase of pretty white flowers in them, however with only one chair. My mother had pulled the other one over so she could sit right beside me.

To the right of me a quiet beeping alerted me of my heart rate. It seemed like it was alright, and was somewhat calming. On the left was something much more interesting, and as I saw it my mother smiled.
“I was wondering how long it would take you to see this.”

It was a bedside table, the same white as the rest of the furniture in the room. Piled on it were a lot of cards, flowers, candies, blankets, even some stuffed toys, among other things. “Your Dad has come to visit a couple of times since he went home, each time he brought gifts from your friends back home.”

“That’s so sweet.” I muttered, feeling my eyes water from happy tears. To think that my friends had done all this for me was too much. It honestly made me feel bubbly, like how a kid would feel on their birthday, knowing that all of the presents, and sweets, and games, and cakes were all there for him.

Sitting front and centre was a toy cat, one which I didn’t hesitate to grab. The cat had beautiful yellow eyes and fluffy grey fur and it smelt like…. Dream.
A small card was wrapped around a ribbon on it’s neck and I carefully pulled it off before reading it.

Dear George

I’m so sorry that I wasn’t able to protect you. You are the most important thing in the world to me and a part of me broke when I found you in that forest. I am sorry for all the pain that you are going through and if I could have, I would have waited by your side every day and night until you woke up and were feeling happy again.

When you get home I promise that I will make it up to you and you will never feel pain like the one the wolves made you feel again. Hope you get better soon.

Lots of love, Dream <3

It made me feel even more happy and I hugged the cat toy closely. He’d probably sprayed it with his deodorant or something, but it made it smell amazing. My nose was buried in it’s fur and I took a deep inhale. Then I noticed something on the other side of the card.

P.S. Her name is Patches. I made her specifically for you and she is the greatest cat in the whole world (however wolves are much better than cats are). She will keep you safe while I am not there with you. <3

It made me cry even more. I was so happy that he was showing me this much love and care. It was honestly overwhelming. One by one I went through the other gifts, with things from Sapnap, Karl, Skeppy, Bad, Quackity, Wilbur, Techno, and even from Karl’s friends in North Carolina.

Soon I had a pile of all sorts enveloping me, all from friends who were worried about me. It was at this point I realised how hungry I was and it seemed as if my mother had read my mind. “I’ll call the doctor.” She told me. “He said that when you woke up he’d check on you before bringing up some food.”

I nodded before settling down, continuing to hug the cat closely. While I waited I wondered how everyone was doing. Obviously the news would have spread if all of our friends had heard and sent gifts. It also must have been from a while ago if Jimmy and Chris and Chandler had mailed gifts down from North Carolina.

That begged the question as to how long it had been? Perhaps I had been here just for a few days, just long enough for the gifts from North Carolina to be delivered, or perhaps it had been months, and everything (including my mother) had been sitting here for days hoping that I’d wake up.

A man with dark brown hair and a curly beard walked into the room, grinning when he saw me sitting up. “George, it’s great to see you awake.” He told me. “You are looking a lot better. How are you feeling?”
“I feel exhausted, and I have a headache.” I explained.

“Understandable.” He nodded. “I understand you are probably hungry, but just let me check a couple of things first.” I just sat without much resistance as he checked my heart rate, and temperature, and a couple other things.

“How… um long have I been here?” I asked the man once he was nearly finished.
“You were pretty badly hurt.” He explained to me. “You’ve been here for four and a half weeks now. However if you keep resting and your injuries continue to heal without issue then you could be out next week.”

Me being here for four and a half weeks means that Karl is back in North Carolina. He was gone and I never even got the chance to say goodbye. It made me feel terrible to think that he was there for him to see me, and I wasn’t there for him in response.

“That’ll be great, Doctor.” My mother smiled. “George seems quite anxious to get home.”
“I’m sure you both are.” He nodded. “Now, I’ll go tell your nurse you are awake and she’ll be bringing food in just a few minutes.”
1291 words.

No sex for 69
(Well George was unconcious last chapter so that was a good thing but still).

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