Chapter 15: Dream's house

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George POV.

"And this is my house!" Dream announced proudly as he began walking down the driveway, with those five words being the only thing he's said to me since we'd left school, and the first time that he hadn't been awkwardly muttering or avoiding eye contact. In fact, he seemed overly proud that I was here, which I thought was odd.

"It's a nice house." I responded. "It looks very homey." Usually when I said this kind of stuff after seeing someone's house for the first time I'd just say that out of politeness, but for once I was being genuine about what I was saying. It was a house that appeared to be almost twice the size of mine, and mine was quite large in itself.

The blond beamed much brighter once I complimented his house as he hurried up the steps of the front porch. The front door was unlocked, which made sense because his parents' cars both seemed to be here. He opened the door and then held it for me so that I could enter first.

I gave a small thank you when I stepped inside before allowing myself to gaze around the entryway, as he followed after me. "Mom! Dad! I'm home!" He called out into the house before adding. "I've got George with me!" Once again he wasn't awkwardly stuttering and muttering, both of them seeming to have disappeared.

A couple of long seconds passed before a woman appeared. She was nearly the same height as the blond and had the same yellow eyes, however her hair was more of a dirty brown over a blond. As she approached she took her time to examine me. "Why hello there." she greeted me as she held her hand out for me to shake. "It's nice to meet you George."

When I shook her hand she turned to look over at her son. "He is so polite," she grinned. "And quite handsome too." I could feel my face flushing slightly at her comment, and when looking over at Dream his face was doing the exact same thing. "Your parents haven't arrived yet, George, so you can go and hang out in Dream's room until dinner."

I gave her a nod before turning over to look at Dream, who was clutching the strap of his backpack while averting eye contact again. His mother chuckled at him before moving her hand to rest on his shoulder. They exchanged a look, almost as if they were talking telepathically with one another, and then Dream turned back to me.

"George, my room is upstairs." The blond said as he began heading up the stairway, beckoning me to follow after him. I did that, cautiously following him up the staircase and into a relatively roomy corridor.

He began leading me towards a door slightly further away from the other doors in the hall, with him cautiously glancing over my shoulder to make sure that I was still following. And there was the fact that there was another staircase which led up to a third floor, along with all of these rooms on the second floor, made me question whether Dream's family was rich or something.

I guess it would make sense, since I do know of a lot of rich people who give their kids weird names, and Dream was definitely a weird name. So were a couple of the other names around this place too, like Sapnap, and Skeppy, and Bad, and a bunch of other people who I've met while being here. Almost as if this town was a small heaven-on-Earth for rich people.

The blond opened one of the doors and muttered something about how this was his bedroom, holding his arm out to welcome me inside. I stepped into the bedroom and was honestly surprised by how big it was, which supported my theory about how he and his family were rich.

After I looked around the room I settled down so I was sitting on the edge of the bed, only to look up and see him staring at me with his eyes blown wide.

Dream POV

Ever since my mother had made the comment about Goerge being handsome I'd been reduced back to a flustered, muttering mess, and attempted to avoid eye contact with George as a result of that.

I mean, everyone knows that mother's could be completely and utterly embarrassing, but the fact that she'd call out that my soulmate was handsome, in front of my soulmate, was just pure evil. So without saying too much I had led George up to my room, which was where he was now, sitting on my bed.

It was near impossible to not admire the brunette, with the way he was sitting on my bed made me feel overly possessive. I just stood watching him, my eyes wide and blissful as I attempted to subtly admire him. All of my thoughts though were of keeping my soulmate in my room for as long as possible.

I stood in front of the door to my walk-in closet, behind which was my large nest, and I resisted the intense urge to drag him in there and keep him laying in my nest for who knows how long. I mean, it would be a beautiful sight. The most beautiful person in the world laying in my nest alongside me, it was enough to make me want to bounce around like a hyper puppy.

But obviously I couldn't do that. Forcing another wolf into your nest was considered a form of sexual harassment to werewolves, and I would never do that to my soulmate. Even though technically he wouldn't be a werewolf so it wouldn't go against the law, I still would never want to do something like that to him.

So I wouldn't. I left him sitting on the bed despite how desperate I was to see him lying amongst my stuff and smelling exactly like me. That was every werewolves dream, to see their soulmate laying contently in a pile of their stuff and it sounded like a very nice dream. "Um... why are you staring at me?" The brunette asked, catching my attention.

For a moment I didn't know what to say, thinking that any word that came out of my mouth would make me seem like some insane stalker to the human. Eventually I came up with a simple answer. "Oh, I was just trying to think of something to do." I shrugged it off, avoiding eye contact as my gaze shifted around the room.

"I have some video games if you want to play those." I suggested. "Or maybe we could watch a movie, or I think we have some board games like Monopoly in my sister's room which I can go and get." I knew some of these options weren't appealing to anyone over the age of about twelve, but for every offer I came up with, it was less likely I was being a creepy weirdo.

He thought for a moment, considering some of the options I listed, but before he could say anything my mother called us from downstairs in a loud voice. "George! Your parents are here!" She told the two of us. "Dream, come on down and say hi! You don't want to give a bad first impression!"

My eyes widened and I resisted the urge to blush as she called out to me. Her loud voice had been heard even through walls that were supposed to be soundproof. George seemed somewhat confused as to how she was so loud too, but without letting him ponder on that thought I gave a small smile. "Sorry about her, but do you want to head down?"
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