Chapter 77: Telling

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George POV.

A loud growl was emanating from below me, causing me to grumble in frustration before my eyes opened in a glare. This was like the fourth or fifth time that this has happened. His werewolf instincts not liking anyone being in the room while we were asleep or, as he described it once before, ’in a vulnerable position’.

But before the growl fully died down I heard a gasp of shock, or perhaps even terror. My eyes flickered over to my doorway and I saw my mother there, staring at both me and Dream as he cuddled into me with his fur. But the soft fluff which I’d fallen asleep cuddled against last night now felt like one hundred jagged little spikes instead.

“Mum,” I began with a gasp as I sat up looking over at her. I was meant to say something else but I wasn’t sure what I could say. What would you say to someone who walked into a room and saw you laying in bed with a wolf.
“G-George.” She stuttered. “I need you to walk over here… slowly.”

As she said that I felt Dream shift beneath me, his cream coloured fur brushing against the back of my neck as he let out a small sigh in his sleep. Somehow the overprotective werewolf wasn’t awake to ‘protect me’ as my mother screamed about a wild animal in the house from across the room.

I slunk out of bed and over to the doorway, planning on giving some explanation (which I wasn’t completely sure of yet) to my mother in the hallway. It was only when I was halfway across the room when I heard Dream whine softly, clearly missing his soulmate.

When I left the room I shut the door behind me and took a few deep breaths before looking at my panicked mother. “Why is there a wolf in there?” My mother hissed out the question before I could say anything. “Did… did it break in-in the night? Do I need to call animal control?”

“No Mum.” I reassured her, grabbing her arm. “I can explain everything… it’s just hard.” ‘This town is full of werewolves, and we’ve been granted permission to live here because the son of the pack’s alpha is my soulmate’. Very hard.
“Have you been sneaking in one of the dogs from outside?” She asked. “Did it hurt you?”

I mean kinda, except he’s not a dog. He’s a wolf. And he didn’t hurt me that badly. Our situation was one where pain was acceptable. Plus I felt good after. “And where has Dream gone? Did he go home last night after we’d fallen asleep?” I could faintly hear the sound of shuffling around in my bedroom. He had clearly woken up and found out that I wasn’t here.

“Well because I am able to-” I was cut off as my mother saw my father walking past.
“Richard.” She said with a sob. “Please call the police! There is something in George’s room. It’s a wolf of some kind!”
“I will.” He replied with a nod and he was about to walk off but I was getting annoyed.

“Enough!” I cried out, loud enough that both parents froze to look at me. The noises in the bedroom also got quiet so I knew that it was loud enough to stop Dream from shifting around in there. “Both of you stop. I can explain everything. You don’t need to worry about… the wolf. Just go sit on the couch and I’ll be down in a minute.”

My parents both were concerned but they agreed, shuffling down the stairs. I noticed the terrified glance that my mother shot back at me, a way of saying that she wanted to be safe. The moment they were gone I opened the door to the bedroom and saw Dream sitting on the bed, now in human form.

He had pulled on a shirt and was tapping his foot anxiously but the moment he saw me alone he stood up and pulled me into a hug. “I’m sorry.” He whimpered out. “I’m sorry I got you in trouble with your parents! If I wasn’t a wolf then you wouldn’t have gotten in trouble. It was- I was-” He couldn’t make out a full sentence, either feeling too guilty or too anxious to get the words out.

“Don’t worry, Dream.” I reassured him. “It was only natural that they would find out at some point. So I think that now that they know, maybe we should tell them the full story.”
“You want to tell them I’m a werewolf?” He asked awkwardly, pulling away from the hug.
I nodded. “It’s unfair on everyone to keep them in the dark.”

The blond still seemed unsure about it so I continued. “Plus, if we told them, then the entire town can stop walking on eggshells. You can go back to shifting in the street, or doing midnight group howls, or hunting for rabbits through the streets, or whatever it is that werewolves do.”

After saying that we kissed again, our tongues briefly glanced over one another’s lips, not wanting to go into a make-out session with my parents waiting for us. Then he chuckled. “Only one of those things actually happens.” The werewolf informed me before kissing me again. “But how do we know that they won’t freak out? They might try to take you away from me.”

"They won't." I reassured him. "Even if they wanted to, I promise that I would talk them out of it." We had another kiss. "They won't take me away from you, I promise."
"Good." He muttered, his lips remaining close to mine. Then he pulled away and took my hand. "Now let's go tell your parents everything."

Our hands were entangled with one another as we headed down the stairs. My parents were on the couch like I told them to, both having a worried expression on their face. When they saw Dream they were even more confused. "Dream, what are you doing here? I thought that you left." My mother said as we went and stood opposite them.

"No, I was still here." The blond responded, somewhat cautiously. "And… George has something which he wanted to tell you." I mean I couldn't blame him for trying to push this onto me. Telling someone about the existence of werewolves wouldn't be easy. Fortunately for Dream I took it well though, since I was so accepting of different species, remember.

"Well I did have something I wanted to talk to you about, but I think Dream would know more about this. So Dream is going to tell you guys." I didn't want to tell them that werewolves existed either. Too difficult for someone who's only known about werewolves for a few months.

"But George is still learning these things so maybe it would be a good chance to see how much he knows. I'll just jump in when there's something that he needs help explaining."
"I need help explaining everything." We went back and forth for a few minutes like a verbal ping pong match. Neither of us wanted to be the one to tell them.

"George, Dream," my mother cut us off after a few minutes. "Whatever it is you have to tell us it won't be that bad. But shouldn't we focus on the dangerous wolf that is in the bedroom."
"Actually the wolf isn't that dangerous." I told her, glancing at Dream.

"Fine then, tell us what it is that you want to tell us." My father said with a shrug.
"Well… it's kind of weird. You may think we're crazy." I told them.
"George if you are wanting to tell us you are gay then that's fine." My mother told me, and my eyes widened.

"What! No! I'm not-" I cut myself off, rethinking what I was saying. "My sexuality has nothing to do with this. Dream and I we- it's not anything about us being gay or dating."
"But we are dating." Dream added on, causing me to turn and lightly hit him.

Then I put my head in my hands. "What we actually wanted to tell you isn't about my… our sexuality, or the fact that we're dating, but it's… it's about Dream…"
"Is it about his religion or something?" My father guessed. "Because if it's not supportive than just know that we accept you and-"

"No." I basically whined. "It's not about my sexuality, or the fact we are dating, or Dream's religion. It's that he's a werewolf!"
1441 words

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