Chapter 67: Waiting Room

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Dream POV.

"You are okay George, you are going to be okay. I promise." It felt like those were the only words I could repeat as I held his limp hand. Because he had to be alright, there was no way that something bad could happen to him.

"Dream, perhaps it is best if you go back home now." The doctor in the room spoke softly. "We called a helicopter to take him to the nearest hospital in the next town over. He will be much better cared for by his own kind."
"I can't leave." I growled. "He could be hurt even more. I can't leave him again."

All of my own worries for myself had gone. I could only feel guilt for the human. I was unable to protect him since I was upset about my own family. If I had been less selfish then he would be alright instead of laying in this medical cot. It was completely and utterly my fault. I was such a terrible soulmate.

We were sitting in the pack's doctor’s office. Werewolves got a lot less injuries (and a lot less serious injuries) than humans did, so there was never any need for a major hospital. If and when there was something bad enough, we’d radio the nearest hospital to ask for a helicopter or an ambulance.

“You need to let the rest of the pack know that a helicopter is coming, otherwise they may expose everyone.” The doctor informed me.
“Is there no way that I can stay and go with him to the hospital?” I asked desperately.

“Well as much as I think that would be sweet, alpha, a helicopter only has a limited number of seats and surely it would be better for his parents to ride with him.”
“Oh…. yeah… perhaps you’re right.” I sighed before squeezing the brunette’s hand again, a sad whine falling from my lips as I saw him.

When we had gotten him here, myself (along with Karl and Spanap) had been forced to sit outside in the waiting room while they bandaged him up, but now that I was allowed in I wasn’t going to be leaving his side until he was better. This is all my fault. If I had just stayed with him instead of being miserable, then he would be alright.

The doctor had sedated him so he wasn’t drifting in and out of consciousness, and gave him some pain meds. Once the brunette was unconscious, the less painful wounds were cleaned and bandaged. Next the doctor attempted to clean and bandage the worst wounds, however he said that a hospital would be better to help him.

Suddenly a door was thrown open and I looked over my shoulder to see George’s parents rushing in. “Oh my God,” George’s mother sobbed. “What happened? My poor baby.” She approached the bed and cupped her son’s face. I shuffled backwards, allowing the mother to have space with her son.

“I’m so sorry.” I whispered, feeling absolute guilt when I saw the sorrow-filled way that she looked at him. “This is all my fault.” I should have been protecting him from those wolves, but I didn’t, now look at the way I had hurt his family.

“No sweetheart.” His mother reassured, looking up at me sadly. “It is not your fault that George is injured. You don’t have to take any of the blame for this.” She really didn’t know.
“You are one of George’s closest friends. He wouldn’t want you to take the blame for this.” His father said.

My beautiful soulmate was covered in bandages. I could barely even see his pretty face. All that I was able to see was his lips. They were slightly parted, with a singular slit on his upper lip from one of the wolves’ attacks. With each breath they parted slightly more before closing again. The sight brought tears to my eyes.

As I sat there mourning him and his injuries, the doctor returned into the room. He took a moment to put a stethoscope to George’s chest in order to check his heartbeat, followed by checking his lungs to make sure he was breathing alright. “Is he doing alright doctor?” Mr Davidson asked. “Is my son alright?”

“He is not getting any worse, thankfully.” The doctor nodded. “I’ve done all that I can with the equipment that I have here. The helicopter is five minutes away and will take him to a hospital with what they need to help him.”
“Oh thank God.” His mother sighed in relief. “My baby is going to be okay.”

“The helicopter can take both of you as well.” He continued. “If you want to be with George, which I am sure that he would want.”
“Yes.” Mrs Davidson answered instantly. “Yes I want to go with him. I can’t leave my precious son alone in a strange town.”

Once again the doctor gave a nod. “I’m going to give you some privacy.” He told the three of us before leaving. “I will come and get you when the helicopter arrives.”
“Thank you.” Both of the brunette’s parents muttered, one after another. They watched as the doctor left before turning themselves back to the human.

Tears were rolling down his mother’s cheek, making me feel even worse. “I am so sorry.” I repeated again for the millionth time, watching as they both embraced in a hug by George’s bedside. My instincts were running wild, cursing at the rest of me for not being able to protect my soulmate.

“I’ll leave you guys be.” I told them while standing up. “Please message me with any information about George. I hope that he gets better soon.” I walked out of the room, if I had been in my wolf form I would have my tail between my legs and my ears lowered, but I couldn’t do that as a human.

Sapnap and Karl, along with several of our other friends were sitting in the small waiting room, all there to give their support to George and his family. “How is he doing?” Karl asked. “Is he awake yet?”
“Not yet.” I shook my head as tears pricked into my eyes. “He’s being moved.”

“Moved?” Sapnap asked. “Where?”
“A hospital in the next town over.” I repeated what the doctor had said. “Apparently there isn’t the proper equipment here.”
“That poor muffin.” Bad huffed before shaking his head. “I feel so bad for him.”

“Have you found out who did it?” Techno questioned, “cause I can help find them… or make it so nobody ever finds them again. Whichever you prefer.”
“That won’t be necessary.” I reassured him, then I took a deep breath. “But… I’m going to go home now.”

“Oh, alright.” Bad gave a small nod. “You should go home and get some rest.”
“You are probably very stressed.” Skeppy agreed. “I know that I would be if something happened to my soulmate. Take care of yourself.”
1183 words

And then George dies.
And then the story ends.
#spoilers 😘✌️

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