Chapter 91: More Karlnap Smut

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Karl POV
Smut warning

I blushed as the werewolf growled compliments to me. They made me feel special, the way he'd gruffly praise me and make my head fuzzy. I loved it. Loved everything about this. "Such a good boy," he whispered as he smeared lube over his fingers. I merely blushed, loving each of the gentle words that were directed at me.

This felt so foreign. I'd read smut (not that I'd let anyone besides George know that), but I'd never expected that I would have this happen to me. It always just felt like a far away possibility which I would never actually get to experience. But here I was, with the most beautiful person (werewolf) ever and we were about to have sex.

Suddenly I felt something press against my ass, making me gasp out. Quickly it was thrusted into me before it stopped. I opened my eyes to see Sapnap staring at me with his soft and loving gaze. "Are you alright?" He asked quietly, and I quickly nodded.

He seemed relieved at my nod and slowly began thrusting two fingers into me at once, kissing along my torso gently as he did. I whined out, my eyes squeezing shut and he held me as I did. "You are so good. I love you so much." I buzzed at his words.

In order to muffle the moans that were building up I pulled a pillow to my face and bit into the fabric. I moaned into it just as Sapnap thrusted deeply into me. "Such a good boy." The werewolf praised me as he spread his fingers inside of me. "Keeping quiet so well."

I pulled my face away from the pillow to quickly beg him to hurry up before hiding it again as he jabbed my prostate directly. Sapnap’s heart seemed to flutter at my moan and after listening to the muffled sound fade away he pulled his fingers out. Despite begging him to be faster I let out a pathetic whine, not liking the loss of stimulation.

With a firm pout on my face I watched as he lubed himself up, a process I’d read about dozens of times and now was witnessing. To be honest it wasn’t as much of a turn on as I had initially thought. I didn’t say anything though, a small smile on my face as I watched the ravenette jacking himself off. Even if it wasn’t a turn on, it was amazing to see.

It was only now that I remembered I’d never had sex before. That this was a new experience and it could very easily end badly. The person who I was destined to be with could be absolutely terrible and it crushed my soul to think about this. Sapnap seemed to sense my anxiousness and leaned over to me, whining softly.

“Karl?” He whimpered. “Are you okay? Is something wrong?” As he asked this he gently pushed my face into the crook of his neck, possibly as an instinctual werewolf way of calming me down, even though it didn’t work like that with people.
“No… nothing’s wrong… I’m sorry.” I quickly responded, my voice sounding like a quiet squeak.

“But Karl,” he paused and moved away to look into my eyes. “I can tell that you are not okay, so please tell me.” It was difficult to lie to him.
“Just what if I don’t like it.” I whispered. “What if we have sex and I hate it and that makes you hate it and then you hate me.”

“That would never happen honey.” Sapnap whispered, his lips pressing against my skin momentarily. “I wouldn’t hate you if you didn’t like the sex. I’d love you for telling me how you feel. Besides, I’m confident that you’d enjoy it.”
“You’re confident?” My voice was soft, unsure of what I was meaning. “How?”

“Because I would do anything to take care of you and make you feel good, Karl.” He reassured me. “But do you want me to stop? If you are uncomfortable.”
“No. Please keep going. I-I trust you.” The ravenette seemed cautious. In order to help him speed up I pulled our lips together and he quickly took over.

We kissed lovingly for a few moments before he pulled away. “Just promise you’ll tell me if something bad happens and you want me to stop.” I nodded. The two of us kissed again as he lined himself up. Then he slowly pushed himself in. I groaned into his lips, feeling the werewolf grin against me in response.

It was only now that he was inside me that I realised how big he was, how I felt myself being stretched to accommodate his length. It wasn’t something that disappointed me though, in fact I groaned against him at the thought. After giving me a few minutes to adjust he began thrusting into me, slowly, all the while keeping our lips close together.

Both of us groaned at the sensations, and after less than a second we began speeding up. He began thrusting into me and hitting my prostate dead on immediately. It was enough to overwhelm me and I shuddered against him at the feeling, bucking my hips upwards against him.

Each time it seemed as though the werewolf got deeper and deeper into me. “You feel so good,” he growled into my mouth. I threw my head back in a moan but it was immediately pulled back into a kiss by the ravenette. “Stay quiet darling,” he reminded me. “Be a good boy and be quiet for me.”

Hearing his words mixed in with my tired headspace made me want to do nothing other than follow his every word. I melted under his touch, pushing upwards into him. The ravenette grinned as he continued burying himself even deeper into me.

Precum was dripping down my erect cock, coating it in a strange, sticky sheen. I moaned at the sensation, especially when Sapnap began stroking me in time with his thrusts. “You are adorable.” He told me.

Both of us continued to make out as I got closer and closer to releasing. “Sapnap~” I moaned. “Hurry up. I want you so badly.” We continued lovingly before I suddenly came over my chest.
“God Karl,” he moaned. “I love you so much. I’m so close.” My head pressed into his shoulder and I panted.

Suddenly he released deep inside me. We both moaned out in unison as he collapsed onto my chest. “That was amazing.” I whispered. “You are amazing.”
“Didn’t I tell you that I’d make you feel good?” He responded with a giggle. He nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck and I sighed out tiredly.

“We should probably get cleaned up.” He said sadly, moving to get himself up and pull himself out of me.
“No.” I replied, wrapping my arms around him and pulling him back down. “I’m tired. Let's just stay and cuddle. Just make sure we get to the shower first tomorrow.”

“That could work.” He replied. “But I’m using a tissue just so you aren’t sticky.” Sapnap kissed me lovingly. The two of us wiped ourselves up with a tissue before drifting off while wrapped around each other.
1248 words

This chapter was once again brought to you by myself EZRAisTHEBEST
As will the rest of the chapters.

New story (Demons V2) will be up in I don't fucking know how many days.

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