Chapter 5: Dog

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George POV

I felt all eyes on me as I walked through the school hallways, most of them probably judging me since I was the new kid. I’d been given my schedule in the office, which told me which classes I needed to be in and when, so I kept my gaze on that to avoid making eye contact with anybody else. I also had my locker number and combination so that was where I was going first.

The locker was right next to my first class, which was a maths class and that made me somewhat thankful, since it would mean that I would not have to go stumbling around looking for my class. I slowed to a stop in front of my locker and fumbled to unlock it with the eyes of dozens of students on me before suddenly I was tackled to the ground.

A large weight was on top of me, one that I wasn’t strong enough to push off, and it caused me to panic. Was this some sort of school prank on the new kid? I wondered, before my breathing picked up more when I felt the thing on top of me shift, and a warm, wet nose tracing along the side of my face. There was a dog on top of me.

After a moment it moved off and I rolled over, seeing a big, fluffy, blond dog with it’s tail wagging as it watched me curiously. It’s yellow eyes were focused on me in an almost humanlike gaze, but I was too worried to focus on that. I feared the dog might attack me if I made any sudden moves, so I shuffled backwards until my back was pressed against the locker.

The dog didn’t make any moves, instead just watching me. “Who… whose dog is this?” I stuttered out the question, not taking my eyes off of the animal. When I asked the question the dog’s tail stopped wagging, almost as if it registered what I was saying. “Is this someone’s dog?”

Nobody said anything, until a trio of kids my age came sprinting around the corner. The first was a ravenette who wrapped his arms around the dog's neck from behind. The dog attempted to go and snap at the ravenette but stopped when he looked at the teen. “I know the owner of this dog,” the ravenette said with a reassuring smile. “I’ll take him to him.”

While he spoke the two other teens, a boy and a girl, moved to help me up. I warily allowed them to while not taking my eyes off the ravenette and the dog. The teen had taken his arms off of the dog, but it still followed after him loyally, but glanced back over at me once or twice.

After the two of them had rounded the corner I turned to look at the crowd of students who were watching me, and the two teens standing next to me too. I didn’t know what to do and my mouth was dry so I couldn’t and wouldn’t say anything. A teacher appeared out of the doorway of a classroom though and told all the students to start heading to class.

The bell had obviously gone at some point during my interaction with the dog, but everybody had been too focused on the situation in front of them to realise had gone. But at the teacher’s words most of the crowd dispersed, heading off to their classes and leaving me alongside the two teens who had followed after the ravenette.

It seemed the teacher was fine with the two other students and me all being here, maybe he had seen the interaction with the dog. Once the door was shut the two teens both looked over at me. “Are you okay?” The boy asked. “You aren’t hurt at all, are you?”
“No, I’m fine.” I responded. “Just a bit shocked.”

“That’s good.” He hummed. “My name is Bad, and this is my friend Maddy.” He introduced, and the girl smiled at me wordlessly.
“I’m George.” I responded. “I just moved into town on Thursday.” I greeted. “Everybody here is giving me weird looks, and that dog-” I cut off my thoughts, not exactly sure what to say.

“These people just aren’t used to new people, most of us have known each other since we were kids.” The girl, Maddy, explained. “And the dog…” She trailed off for a few moments before continuing. “ was nothing important. Anyway, what class do you have first?”
“I have a maths class with a Mr Palmer.” I answered, glancing at my sheet.

“Oh, our friend Wilbur is in that class!” Bad grinned. “It’s right down the hall. And at lunch you can sit with us too if you want!” I nodded at his enthusiasm, feeling grateful that I have some people who I could spend time with in between classes so I wouldn’t be lonely.

“Well it was nice meeting you George.” Maddy smiled. “But we have to go now so we’ll see you at lunch, we usually meet on the field after getting food from the Cafeteria.” She explained, and I told her I’d be there. The two of them directed me towards the door of the maths class before hurrying off to whatever class they had.

Dream POV.

I let out a huff when Sapnap dragged me into a bathroom, shifting back into my human form and brushing off my clothes. “What was that?” My best friend asked, raising an eyebrow at me while I tried fixing my hair in the mirror.

“What was what? I went to find him and he didn’t realise it was me.” I explained, feeling like shit.
“It’s because he was human, obviously.” Sapnap responded. “Do you not remember your Dad talking about a human family moving into town, and how he wanted a meeting with the rest of the council to figure out what we should do with them and if we should let them stay.”

“So they are going to kick him out of town? But he just got here.” The thought of him being forced out just after I found him made my heart ache.
“They probably won’t do that, but it will be hard.”

A feeling of pure pain was inside of me. I’d just met my soulmate, a feeling which my parents, grandparents, and everyone else always said was the best feeling ever, but he didn’t recognise me. The feeling of pure confusion and worry in his eyes when he had looked at me was enough to break my heart.

People always said that when they met their soulmate they’d fall in love, hard and fast, the only time that wouldn’t happen would be if and when the werewolf was already in deep love with someone else. I don’t know what I had thought my meeting with my soulmate would be like, but I didn’t think he’d be a human who was utterly terrified by me.

Fast forward a minute or so, my head was in my hands as I tenderly rubbed my forehead, attempting to calm down my mind as it ran rampantly through many different thoughts. Sapnap was just standing with me, not saying anything but just giving me support with his presence.

“What am I going to do?” I eventually asked. “Our fathers and the rest of the pack are gonna want him gone. But if that happens then I’ll just be pathetic and heartbroken, how will I take over the pack if I’m like that?”
“I’m sure they’ll allow them to stay and they’ll support you if he’s your soulmate.”

“And what about Maddy?” I questioned. “I care about her, and now she knows that I’ve found my soulmate and that I won’t be able to be with her.”
“She’ll support you Dream.” The ravenette reassured. “You both agreed you’d just stay together if you didn’t find your soulmates.”

“But what if…” I began again, only to once again be cut off by my best friend.
“That doesn’t matter for now.” He stated. “You probably feel like shit, so why don’t we go to the office and you can head home. There is a pack meeting tonight and you can explain everything then.”

Reluctantly I agreed, seeing the way that Sapnap relaxed before he directed me out of the bathroom. I managed to get out of the building while resisting the irresistible smell which only seemed to get stronger as I headed towards the exit.
1443 words

Also Dream is dating someone! How is she going to react with George being Dream's soulmate?

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