Chapter 78: Explination

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George POV.

"George if you are wanting to tell us you are gay then that's fine." My mother told me, and my eyes widened.
"What! No! I'm not-" I cut myself off, rethinking what I was saying. "My sexuality has nothing to do with this. Dream and I we- it's not anything about us being gay or dating."

"But we are dating." Dream added on, causing me to turn and lightly hit him.
Then I put my head in my hands. "What we actually wanted to tell you isn't about my… our sexuality, or the fact that we're dating, but it's… it's about Dream…"

"Is it about his religion or something?" My father guessed. "Because if it's not supportive than just know that we accept you and-"
"No." I basically whined. "It's not about my sexuality, or the fact we are dating, or that Dream's religion. It's that he's a werewolf!"

Neither of my parents spoke as I said that, with me and Dream both studying reactions for any sign of disbelief or fear. There was none. Perhaps this would be easier than I thought. Then we both thought. “George, have you taken your medication today?” My mother asked.

“What?” I responded cautiously, not exactly sure what she was talking about.
“Doctor Rivers at the hospital said that your medication could cause hallucinations. So have you taken your medication today sweetheart?” She asked.
“Yes I did.” I took one of the pills before coming downstairs with Dream.

“Then that has to be it.” My father said with a nod, clearly in agreement with my mother. “He’s just in a delusional state.”  I opened my mouth to say something but my mother jumped in first.
“And what about Dream? Did he take some of your pills too? Did you boys think you could get high off of them?” She asked.

“Maybe it could be spread through lip contact?” My father suggested, causing me to blush brightly.
“Mum! Dad!” I spoke firmly, causing her eyes to widen and him to cut himself off before he said anything else. “Dream didn’t take my pills and kissing wouldn’t cause their effects to transfer.”

Both of them seemed sceptical, which I guess I couldn’t blame them for. I probably wouldn’t believe someone if I heard that they were saying werewolves were real and that the person they were dating was a werewolf. What makes it even more unbelievable is the fact that the person talking is on medication which could cause hallucinations.

“I’m not insane.” I told them firmly, raising my voice as I did. “Dream is a werewolf. It isn’t some sort of hallucination that I have, or some joint hallucination that we both have. Aren’t you curious as to why there are so many big ‘dogs’ running around town?”
“George.” The blond muttered. “You screaming you aren’t insane makes you sound insane.”

I glared at him briefly before making a motion to him. I was trying to signal for him to turn into a werewolf, since that would prove to my parents that they existed, and that he was one, and that I was not insane. He quickly realised this and gave a brief nod before taking a few deep breaths. Then he shifted in the middle of the room.

After seeing him do this a few times I was used to the sight. Seeing his body move in a way which was unnatural to humans, with his bones restructuring themselves from that of a bipedal human to a quadrupedal wolf. Fur began growing out of skin and his ears began twisting themselves forward so they grew pointy atop his head.

The look was completed as a tail grew out of his lower back and when he was finished he sat himself on the floor. My parents just stared, shocked at what they saw just as I was the first time I had seen him do this. Dream’s gaze was anxious and it shifted between myself and my parents, his ears twitching in search of any sounds that were present.

“George…” my mother stuttered as she looked at the same wolf that had been in my bedroom a few minutes ago, the same wolf which had terrified her. “Dream… is that you?” The wolf gave a nod before standing up and padding over to me. My hand brushed through his fur and his tail began wagging.

“Wow…” My father muttered. “This is…” he struggled to find a word and just muttered out a quiet ‘curious’. I mean at least he took it somewhat okay, my mother was still concerned.
“So… you are a werewolf?” She asked, only to get a small nod again. “George, are you sure this is safe?” She said, now looking at me.

“Muml Dad, It’s still Dream.” I told them both, my hand continuing to absentmindedly brush through his fur. “He is safe.”
“And you said that the other dogs in town… they are werewolves too?” My father asked cautiously.

Dream shifted back as I continued to pat him, now though it shifted from soft cream coloured fur to blond hair. He lovingly rested his head on my thigh and I subtly rolled my eyes. He was the one to answer my father. “Yes sir. Everyone is a werewolf. They are all like me.”

“Oh God.” He muttered, shifting in his seat and seeming uncomfortable. “So all of these people who live in town. All the people I have become friends with… all werewolves? With fangs and claws and…”
“Dad. These are the same people. They don’t have any interest in hurting you.” I told him.

“What about those animals that attacked you?” My father asked, seeming more stressed now. “Are they werewolves too?”
“They are.” Dream nodded. “But I dealt with them. I didn’t let them attack your son and get away with it.”

After that he lifted my hand, kissing along one of the scars left by my attack. I hummed lovingly before squeezing his hand and after that we were both just staring at each other while smiling lovingly. “You two are so cute together.”
“Well we are soulmates.” I continued to smile, not looking away from the blond.

“That’s so sweet.” My mother basically swooned. “Saying you are one another’s soulmates.”
“We are actually soulmates.” Dream informed her, finally breaking eye contact. “Werewolves are able to sense their soulmates, and I was lucky enough to sense the most perfect human in the world, less than a week after he moved here.”

Both of my parents seemed confused and so the two of us began explaining to my parents how soulmates worked.
1172 words

This story is gonna have like 95 chapters total LOL.
It will be my second longest, after Bodyguard. Then Demons is the next longest after that.

Also who is excited for the new version of Demons, over 2 years after the original. What would you all like to see in a story where Dream is a demon and George is his captured human?

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