Chapter 4: Georgewasfound

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I am disgusted by the lack of awe struck comments and compliments for this new story. If you guys don't do better, I may have to have this story with an angsty ending again 😠
Dream POV.

“So Dream, what do you know about the new student that is supposed to be coming in?” Maddy asked me as she sat at her desk surrounded by the rest of my friend group.
“Nothing,” I responded. “My father wanted me to come and meet up with the new kids' family on Thursday, but I snuck off to spend time with Sapnap instead.”

“Why did you do that?” Bad questioned me. “That poor muffin will have no friends in the entire pack. Maybe you should have gone to meet them so that they wouldn’t be so alone.”
“Well I didn’t want my dad to force a friend on me, plus that new movie came out and I wanted to watch it.” I explained.

“You are going to be the alpha of this pack soon.” Maddy said, a disapproving look on her face as she watched me. “You should have been meeting all new members, just like your father does.” I looked back at her for a moment before averting my gaze. She and I had been dating for the past two years and had made an agreement for marriage.

We had expected to be soulmates based on how well we went together as kids, and were disappointed when we weren’t. The two of us made an agreement to get married when we were both twenty-four and I became the alpha, if neither of us had found our soulmates by that point.

It was common for werewolves to do that. They’d make promises with each other to marry if they couldn’t find their soulmates by a certain age. Maddy and I had agreed that once we’d graduate we’d go travelling around the states, looking for our soulmates and hoping that they wouldn’t be living in another country.

“Exactly what she said,” Sapnap hummed, agreeing with my girlfriend. “You are meant to be leading this place, you should be meeting each new person so that you can personally welcome them.” Skeppy nodded with what the other ravenette said before adding on. ‘A good first impression means that any new pack members will be less likely to revolt.’

The five of us were all sitting in our first period class and talking, but it was still a few minutes before the bell would ring to head to class. We liked to hang out here because it meant that we’d get a few extra minutes of talking without having to worry about getting to our class before the second bell.

Only three members of our friend group weren't here. Wilbur had a math class with Mr Palmer first period on the other side of the school. And Quackity and Techno both had a PE class with Mrs Addams and had to meet on the field in PE uniform so he’d probably have changed by now.

We were the most popular kids in our school, mainly because of our status though. I was the future alpha of the pack, in a few years I would be running this whole place and so most of the students were wanting to stay on my good side. Sapnap was the future beta of the pack, so he would be helping me to run the pack.

Most of the other members of our group all were of high status as well; Bad, Maddy, and Quackity all had parents and family members of high status among the pack, running large businesses and stuff. Wilbur, Techno, and Skeppy all had families which weren’t that high status but were popular for their witty humour, good looks, or just from association.

Most of them hadn’t found their soulmates either, and when each of them discovered that they were obviously disappointed, so me and Maddy offered to let them come with us to go looking once they turned eighteen. We figured that all of us going searching together would be more fun, regardless of whether we found our soulmates or not.

Only Skeppy and Bad had found their soulmates, which turned out to be each other. The two of them had been best friends within our group for several years, and had only grown closer since the discovery. They were planning on moving in together once they had graduated, but they spent most nights at one another’s house.

I envied them, being able to live contently knowing who they were destined to be with, instead of having to wonder whether you even had someone who was made specifically for you. When they graduate, they don’t have to worry about travelling who-knows-where to find who they were meant to be with. I had to go with no certainty to try and find someone.

The group went on to talk about something else, quickly finding another topic to talk about when Bad began explaining that he and Skeppy had baked some muffins in the weekend. Everyone knows how delicious Bad’s recipes could be and so they all began trying to convince the brunette to give them some during break.

I grew distracted though when I smelt something delicious. I couldn’t describe how it smelt, only that it smelled of good things. Things that made me feel happy. Whatever it was, it made me want to find it. For a while though, I resisted, certain that my enhanced sense of smell was just picking up on someone’s lunch, but that couldn’t be the case since it was too early.

That’s when I had the realisation as to what it actually was. The intoxicating scent that you couldn’t describe but just brought pure happiness from being around it. Heck, we’d just been thinking about it and I was sitting across from friends who had been through the same thing.

But there was no way that this could be the case, there was no way that my soulmate could be here in this school. Everyone in this school I had known for years, since this was the only school in the town so everyone went, and they were all around my age too. I waited around, thinking that maybe that wouldn’t be the case and the smell would leave, but it didn’t.

The longer that the smell stuck around the better it seemed to get. My gaze drifted over to the doorway of the classroom, almost as if someone would walk in holding some delicious baked food and say ‘this is what distracted you, it’s not really your soulmate’. That didn’t happen though, and the longer I stared the more I thought that maybe this was actually my soulmate.

“Dream? Why are you staring?” Maddy asked, her hand moving to rest on my arm in a concerned and caring manner. “Is something wrong?” I didn’t pay attention to her, or to any of the other members of my friend group as they tried to talk to me, my body getting more and more rigid with every passing second.

Eventually my body and brain seemed to simultaneously agree that I was definitely in the presence of my soulmate, but I knew that it would be nearly impossible to find him quickly in my human form. If I was a wolf however, it would be much faster. It was against the school rules to shift inside the main building, but I really didn’t care at the moment.

With a bounding leap I jumped onto the floor, switching from a human form into a large blond wolf. Behind me I could hear my friends calling out, trying to get me to slow down or explain where I was going, but I didn’t listen, too preoccupied with my chase. The smell was getting more and more clear with every passing second.

People recognised me as I passed and moved back so they weren’t blocking my path, some of them yelled out encouragement of my open defiance of rules, one which only made me more eager to find the source of the smell. Surely whoever my soulmate was, they had smelt me too and were on a similar search themselves.

Finally I rounded the corner and saw someone I didn’t recognise, surely that had to be him. I closed the distance behind him and practically jumped on the brunette, my tail wagging happily as I took in the delicious smell of him. After a couple of seconds I backed away, my tail wagging excitedly as he rolled over and I looked at his face.

God, he is so pretty. I couldn’t help but think as he sat up, a panicked expression on his face. “Who… whose dog is this?” He asked, seeming worried and causing my tail wags to stop. “Is this someone’s dog?” That confused me more. Surely, he has to know who I am, but all I could see on his face was confusion and worry.

Just as I was about to approach again, arms wrapped around me from behind. I turned around to snap at whoever was there before realising it was Sapnap. “I know the owner of this dog,” he said with a reassuring smile. “I’ll take him to him.” Without letting me say or do anything he began leading me off, with both the brunette and most of the hallway watching me.

Maddy and Bad both moved to help George as I was pulled away. All that I could think of was how wrong this moment felt.
1602 words

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