Chapter 9: Nest

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Dream POV.

Both Sapnap and Maddy were waiting for me in my room when I returned, sweat covering my body from my run. “Hey,” I greeted as I stepped inside, shutting the door behind me so that my parents or my younger sister couldn’t attempt to eavesdrop. I pulled off the hoodie I had been wearing and threw it into the laundry basket in the corner of the room.

“Hey.” Sapnap responded in a monotone voice. “Care to explain why you’d snuck out to see George?” Both he and Maddy seemed like they wanted to know the answer, but she stayed silent.
“Is there something wrong? I just want to be able to look at my soulmate again.”

“But look at him through his windows? Or as a wolf so he doesn’t think anything more of it?” The ravenette continued, seeming just as irritated.
“Look, I got ahead of myself. But who wouldn’t do the same in my situation?” I questioned.

“Well if you didn’t get back now we wouldn’t be able to make it to the pack meeting. I spoke to your father and they are discussing what they should do about George and his family, so if I were you I’d hurry.” I just nodded the entire time Sapnap was talking, and when he finished he and Maddy wordlessly walked out of the room so that I could change out of my dirty clothes.

I walked into the closet, which was overly large for one teenage male to have to himself. Then again, this entire house was made for the pack alpha and their family. Each of the bedrooms were large, since the house was meant to be able to fit an alpha and their mate, and their children plus their children's mates.

This closet was large enough for two people, with a couch in the middle of the room, however I had pushed it out of the way, instead having made a relatively large nest, larger than the average one. It was for if any of my friends ever needed it, since my familiar scent would bring them comfort.

My mother had helped me make the nest and it was large enough for two or three people, and since most of my friends didn’t have mates, I was usually the one that comforted them if they needed. I couldn’t help but imagine what it would be like if George ever slept in the nest.

Admittedly, George wouldn’t get the same comfort out of the nest as my friends would or my sister or my parents would when they used it, since my friends and family were all werewolves with enhanced senses. Still though, it would be absolutely amazing to see him laying there among all of my stuff.

I couldn’t help but imagine it, the brunette laying among all my stuff, a way of showing that he was mine and nobody else’s. I’d be able to lay with him, and if we ever have kids they would be able to stay around here and play. The thought made me even more eager to return to his house and find him.

But I resisted my urges, instead pulling off my shirt and throwing it down in the nest before grabbing another shirt, one which smelt slightly less bad. Once I pulled it on, and after I pulled a clean hoodie on, I headed downstairs. My parents had already left for the meeting, which was held downtown in city hall, and Sapnap and Maddy were waiting for me.

Because this was a formal event, the two of them were dressed up nicely. I was expected to also be dressed up nicely, it was expected as the son of the alpha, just as Sapnap was dressed up nicely as the son of the beta. All of these feelings about George though, have pushed away my responsibility to be dressed formally.

“Are you ready to go to the meeting, Dream?” Maddy asked in a small voice, and I couldn’t help but feel bad. She was seeing me meeting my soulmate, meaning that I wouldn’t need her or want to be with her any more.

I just nodded, not wanting to talk to her because of the guilt. It seems as though she knew exactly what I was doing and why, but she didn’t say anything either. Instead we just walked outside to the driveway without saying anything. My car was parked next to an empty spot where my father parked his car, since he’d taken the car to the meeting.

Since it was my car, I hopped into the driver's seat, with Maddy sitting in the passenger's seat beside me and Sapnap in the back seat. I didn’t drive often, since it was just as convenient for me to run to wherever I needed to go in either my human or wolf form, but since we were already running late, and we needed to keep our clothes clean we’d drive.

Just like in the house, none of us said anything to one another as we drove, and as we got closer to the town hall we noticed more and more cars around. The pack meetings were open for anyone to watch, witness, and contribute to, but this is the busiest I have seen the main streets of town at this time of night in a while.

The human family moving into town was obviously the cause. We had been instructed to not tip them off to us being werewolves, seeing as humans did not know about our species or our existence. But it was difficult. We never knew where the humans would be, so we had to be careful the few days they’ve been here so they couldn’t see or hear us doing something.

Most of them probably wanted the humans out, and since it was going to be the main focus of the meeting it would be kept until last, but you could guarantee that most of the people in town would be wanting the humans out. I just hoped once they realised my connection to the family they would be willing to let them stay.

There was an empty spot around the side of city hall, which was meant for the members of the pack council. Including my father, Sapnap’s father, and a spot for both me and Sapnap, however we were all in one car so that would leave one space free. I didn’t say anything about it as I stepped out into the evening light and began walking inside.

Maddy and Sapnap followed after me as we entered through a side door, not wanting to cause a distraction by entering through the front entrance since we were already late. We stepped into the room quietly, with several gazes turning to look at us while the rest remained watching the front, where the pack council was talking.
1202 words

Just wondering, what do you guys think of the nest concept? It is one of the more similar things to omegaverse which I am trying to distance this story from (besides George reading it).
But do you guys find it alright or should I try and shift the concept slightly?

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