Chapter 35: Morning

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George POV.

A low growl from somewhere underneath me was what woke me up. My eyes opened widely, worried about what it might be, but it was a bare chest which I was pressed against. I tried to sit up in order to see what exactly was going on, but a pair of strong, muscled arms pulled me back down.

It was Dream, I remembered what had gone on yesterday and that I was laying in bed with him in his home. Now he was hugging me with an iron grip that kept my ear pressed against where the growling was coming from.

I let out a huff at what was happening before relaxing back against the exposed skin where the low growl continued to emanate from his chest, knowing I wasn’t going to be able to escape. Suddenly, as I was laying back against the blond's body he quietened down. I glanced over my shoulder in the direction of the door and saw a younger girl peeking through the gap.

At the realisation that I was being watched my face flushed a different shade, not liking the fact I was being seen in such a vulnerable position. My face returned to the chest I was being held against and I accepted my fate.

The girl disappeared after that and I think I must have dozed off again, yet when I woke up I was still being hugged tightly by Dream in a secure grip. A warm grin was present on his face as he looked down at me. "What are you looking at?" I asked in a quiet grumble, blinking the sleep out of my eyes as I looked up at him.

"I'm looking at you." He responded, pure adoration present in his voice. "It's not everyday you wake up with a perfect human in your bed. Plus, I had to make sure last night wasn't just a dream."
"Oh alright." I laid back down properly against him at that.

"Someone came in here earlier." I told him, since he should probably know that. "I wasn't sure who, but it was a blond girl. You were growling and it woke me up."
At the mention of the growling Dream blushed slightly. "Yeah, that's a werewolf thing we do when we are asleep with our soulmates, it's a way to protect them."

The blond finished off his explanation by telling me. "That girl was my sister, I don't think you've had a chance to meet her."
"Great. So now your family all knows I'm here, and they'll all think I had sex with you last night after the party.”

“They will know that you didn’t.” He reassured me, cuddling closer to me and nuzzling his face into my neck. “Trust me. If you had, my scent will be all over you, and a lot stronger than it is right now.”
“What do I smell like now?” I asked, mainly out of curiosity of how a werewolf thought I smelt.

“Wonderful.” The blond responded dreamily. “You smell of wonderful things. That is how I first realised you were my soulmate, you just smell of everything perfect.”
“Strange.” I murmured. Werewolves were strange after all, I mean who smells someone to realise that they are destined to be with them.

“We should probably get up.” He told me, even though he was reluctant to let go of me. “Do you want a shower before breakfast?” His eyes greedily gazed over my body dressed up in his clothes and I nodded at him. “Cool, do you want my clothes? I can choose something perfect for you.”

I nodded before rolling over as he climbed out of the bed. My gaze followed after Dream as he disappeared into the wardrobe. While I was waiting for the blond to return I pulled my phone from the pocket of the jeans I had been wearing last night which was currently on the floor.

Who knew where Karl was at this point in time? I just hoped that my friend was alright after I had left him alone at the party. Surely though, Sapnap was with him since they had been nearly inseparable last night. I picked up my phone, deciding that I should message my best friend to make sure he was alright.

Once I had finished the text to Karl making sure he was alright I sent a separate text to my parents, just letting them know I was alright. Then I put my phone on the bedside table to conserve power. A minute passed before Dream returned, carrying a hoodie which looked as warm as the one I was wearing at the moment from last night, and a pair of basketball shorts.

As the clothes were passed over to me I gave him a quiet thank you, watching as he eyes lit up with happiness at my words even if they were extremely simple. The blond just seemed happy to please me, which I could honestly get used to. After thanking him for a second time I stood up and slipped into the bathroom.

It was the second time that I had been in here, with the first time having been after his parents had invited my family for dinner. Now that I knew the reasoning behind the dinner I guess it did make a lot of sense, as did a lot of the things that had happened around this town which had struck me as peculiar.

Every time my desk was moved in school, or I was invited over to Dream’s by his parents, it was probably some way to try and make a connection between two soulmates. The only thing I didn’t understand was that weird bacon ham thing which his mother had made. I mean, werewolves would obviously eat meat because they were part wolves, but who needs that much?

Now that I was apparently soulmates with a werewolf, and I wasn’t worried that I was going to be eaten, I would need to learn these things and more. Would I have to learn to make meaty meals for Dream’s sake? Or is it just one of his weird family things. I knew I’d need to ask these sorts of questions eventually.

I was more worried about some other things than simple dinners. Would I be expected to somehow have Dream’s children was my biggest worry. Even though we were both teenagers, if I did get with Dream it would happen eventually. Would I have to go into heat?

Before that thought could develop too far I began showering my hair, using a large amount of Dream’s shampoo since it smelt admittedly really nice. When I finished I wrapped a towel around my waist before returning to the bedroom, not failing to notice his awestruck expression before he disappeared into the bathroom himself.
1145 words

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