Chapter 48: Movie

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Dream POV.

“I can’t believe you guys don’t have chocolate ice cream here.” Karl commented. “But I do have to admit that this cheesecake is absolutely delicious.”
“Yeah, people in this town just don’t like chocolate things.” George responded. “It’s a shame but I’m used to it, Dream has shown me all sorts of delicious foods instead.”

The way George talked about chocolate made me feel somewhat guilty. I mean, if George loved it so much it was unfair of our town to keep it from him. However his comment about me showing him some other delicious foods did make me perk up a bit. The thought of providing things for the brunette which he liked made me feel happy, since I was being a good mate.

We’d finished our dinners, both myself and George, and Karl and Sapnap grabbed shared plates. The two of them shared a spaghetti (it seems Sapnap attempted to Lady-and-the-Tramp Karl multiple itmes), and we got a lasagna and salad. This was amazing so far, being able to provide a meal which George liked for him.

“The movie is meant to start in twenty minutes.” I noted, looking at my watch. “Should we get going?” As I looked over at both of the brunette’s who were finishing off their desserts.
“Yeah, I’m almost finished.” Karl responded. “Just a few more minutes.”

“We can go and pay for the food while you guys do that.” Sapnap suggested. He, just like I, was eager to provide for his soulmate, a kind of instinctual urge to take care of them.
“Thanks Sapnap.” Karl smiled lovingly as we both stood up and went over to the waiter.

The two of us had decided to thank her in person since she had been extra generous with our table. Both of us had been here before and knew the standard meal sizes were a lot smaller than what we had been given.

“Oh, it’s just because myself and the chef are excited to be able to see the future mates of the alpha and the beta and wanted to provide them with a nice meal as a welcome.” She told us, seemingly happy that we noticed the extra care they put into the food. “Would you like to pay right now since you’re here?” She went on to ask.

Sapnap and I nodded and while we took turns paying our half of the bill I found myself watching George as he and Karl finished their meals before standing up. When they reached us, George grabbed my hand and leaned into it, looking full from his meal. I smiled as he held me while thanking the waitress and we left.

“So what movie are we going to see?” Karl asked as we stepped onto the street. A lot of people were walking past, often stopping to glance at the two humans who were accompanying myself and Sapnap. “I’ve been wondering all afternoon.”
“It’s a comedy.” the ravenette answered. “About vampires and werewolves.”

“Like a more funny Twilight?” George questioned, a grin on his face. I noticed Karl rolled his eyes as his friend said that, making me feel like this is a movie he wouldn’t want to see.
“No, it’s not Twilight.” Sapnap responded. “It’s a horror movie as well.”
“Great.” Karl smirked. “I love horror movies… and werewolves.”

“You love werewolves?” Sapnap asked eagerly, his face getting all gooey and a grin grew over his face. “Like… you really, really love werewolves?”
“Yeah I guess so.” Karl nodded. “I have a lot of stories about them.” George giggled at Karl before elbowing him, causing me and Sapnap to share questioning looks.

“Great.” Sapnap smirked. “You loving werewolves is absolutely great. I think werewolves are the best.” If he was in his wolf form I could only imagine how much his tail would be wagging right now, it was probably enough for him to break a bone at the very least, but based on his expression it seemed he would barely notice and would instead still be lovingly focusing on Karl.

“Would you two be wanting anything to eat at the movie theatre?” I questioned, since the ravenette’s brain was still mush. “Like popcorn, or skittles, or a can of coke.”
“You’ve already brought us more than enough.” George told me. “We don’t need anything else to eat, especially if you paid for it.”

I nodded, although I had no issue with paying for stuff that my mate needs or wants. Sapnap’s brain was still mush though, however I’m sure he would agree with me if he was able to talk. We decided to walk to the movie theatre, since it was only five minutes away from where Sapnap parked his car.

The cinema was one of the more popular hangouts in our town, alongside a small strip mall, and the large park in the very centre of town. A group of teenagers were gathered in the entrance hall when we reached there. They lined up wanting to buy tickets and snacks while chattering about which of the movies they wanted to see.

There were three cinemas, with a screen hanging behind the counter which showed what was playing in each one. George and Karl were immediately looking over at it, wanting to find out the movie we were watching.

Sapnap had seemingly gotten out of the daze that Karl had accidently put him in after telling him that he loved werewolves, and now the ravenette was offering to buy Karl movie snacks and drinks. “George said you like bacon bits.” He said. “They sell heaps of different types of that here. I could get you some.”

George POV.

Karl and I giggled as Sapnap, who had been quiet since Karl made the comment about loving werewolves, offered to buy him some snacks. He didn’t want his soulmate to go hungry and it was funny enough that even Dream was chuckling. “George said you like bacon bits.” He said. “They sell heaps of different types of that here. I could get you some.”

“That’s nice of you Sapnap, but I don’t need you to spend any more money on me. Dinner was nice enough.” As he said this I could tell those words went in one ear and out the other for Sapnap. He was just so desperate to make Karl happy and spoil him.
“What about you George? Can I treat you to anything?” The blond asked.

“Thank you Dream, but no thanks.” I responded. “I don’t want you to have to spend more money on me. I don’t think I can eat another bite until breakfast.” As we walked over to the counter I leaned lightly onto the blond, enjoying the warmth he provided in the somewhat cold cinema.

Dream had told me that the cinema was quite popular, but I hadn’t expected that most of the over one hundred seats would be full. Thankfully though, we managed to get four seats beside each other, and the two werewolves brought some snacks and drinks ‘just in case’.

When we got into the cinema, the two of them insisted on sitting on either side of us, with me and Karl in the middle like some sort of strange human sandwich. It seemed as though this was their way of protecting us from all of the dangerous people who were going to watch a movie. Neither of us minded though, instead just giggling with each other until the lights went down.

The screen lit up and I began leaning on Dream again, wanting nothing more than to just enjoy a movie with my soulmate.
1278 words

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