Chapter 49: Stay the Night

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Chapter written by EZRAisTHEBEST
Some of you will know what that means.
George POV.

“That was a good choice of movie, Sapnap.” Karl said as we walked out of the cinema. My arm was entwined with Dream’s, and Sapnap’s arm was entwined with Karl’s. “I’ll have to message the guys back in North Carolina and tell them about it. They love movies.”
“Yeah, tell your friends about my amazing movie choices.” The ravenette nodded.

I just smiled, looking at the pair as they talked and giggled with one another. Meanwhile, I was leaning tiredly leaning against Dream. The movie was great, but now I was exhausted. We’d had a big lunch with a picnic in the woods, and a big dinner at the restaurant.

While the two continued to talk I leaned over to Dream and quietly muttered. “Maybe we should go to your house. It’s a lot closer than mine.”
The blond’s eyes lit up at my words and he nodded without thinking. “That would be a good idea. A great idea even.” He told me. “But what about Karl?”

“Karl can stay with Sapnap.” I whispered, but neither of them could hear me. “You and I could cuddle in your room.” It was clear that he wanted to, however there was something he was thinking about.

“Won’t your parents be worried about you though?” He questioned. “I don’t want you to get in trouble.” The blond’s gaze was full of care as he said that.
“I’ll text them.” I reassured Dream, pulling out my phone with my free hand. “If you let me stay at yours we can sleep in your nest.”

That was enough to convince Dream and he nodded. “Sure. Go ahead.” Then he added, “you will look adorable in my nest.”
“George.” Karl spoke up, catching my attention. The brunette was looking over at me from where he was walking with the ravenette. “What are you talking about? Nests?”

“Oh, Dream has a budgie.” I responded, shrugging off the situation. “And the budgie has recently made a nest for her eggs.”
“Yeah, that’s it.” The blond agreed. We didn’t want to be the ones to reveal the fact that everyone who lived in this town was a werewolf. That was Sapnap’s job as his soulmate.

“Cute.” Karl grinned. “You’ll have to show me your budgie sometime, Dream. I have been thinking about getting one myself.”
“I could take you to get one.” Sapnap offered eagerly. He was desperate to make Karl feel happy, just like Dream was. “Maybe we could find an orange one!”

“That’s sweet Sapnap, but if I was going to get a pet budgie then I’d want to buy it back home in North Carolina.” The mention of him going home made Sapnap get notably sad, but then Karl continued. “I will try and get an orange one for you though.” His voice was soft, then he added. “Oh, and I can call you everyday to show you him!”

I watched as the beta tried to hide his sadness with a nod. “That’ll be great. I’d love to see your budgie everyday. Maybe I could even come and visit and see him in person.”
“Besides, you couldn’t buy a budgie here even if you wanted to.” I added on. “This town doesn’t have a pet store. Nobody really has pets.”

“But what about those big dogs I see walking around?” Karl questioned, looking back over at me instead of batting his eye as Sapnap.
“Oh, those are basically the national animal around here.” I told him with an eye roll. “They are everywhere, but I’ve grown fond of one of them.” I glanced over at Dream as I said that.

We reached the car around then. The blond continued smiling at me the entire time. “Karl, Sapnap, would you guys be fine with staying with each other for the night?” Dream asked. “I was wanting to spend some time with George.”
“Yeah, I’d be fine with that.” Karl smiled, and the ravenette merely nodded.

“Great.” Dream replied. He allowed Karl to sit in the front seat so that he could sit beside me and hold my hand the entire time. While Sapnap drove back to our street, my hand held his tightly. The two of us just stared at each other, practically reading one another’s minds. I only looked away for a moment to message my parents and say we were staying with friends.

The blond’s grip on my hand only tightened when we reached Sapnap’s driveway and the car pulled in. After saying goodbyes and me giving Karl a hug I was pulled across the front yard by Dream with us both giggling and talking to each other. I saw the other two disappearing into Sapnap’s house while we headed to Dream’s.

When we opened the front door I heard his family talking in the living room and so I rushed to get him upstairs so I wouldn’t be seen. Unfortunately though, even if they couldn't see me, they’d easily be able to hear and probably smell me.

A feeling of relief washed over me when we were safely in the blond’s room, knowing that his family wouldn’t bombard us with awkward questions. In fact, most of his family wouldn’t even come here because of all of the werewolf rules about going into someone else’s room when their soulmate is there.

The moment we were alone I could see the blond’s anxiousness, desperate for me to be in his nest like I promised. I smiled before walking with him into the closet and kicking my shoes off, then I sat down in the nest. His eyes were blown wide as he saw me sit down, then the blond sat down beside me and pulled me into a hug.

“You smell so good right now.” He commented, his head resting on top of mine as he took deep inhales. “Just of perfect things… and popcorn.” Then Dream’s arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me onto his lap. I curled up against the werewolf, my head rested on his shoulder while he continued to take in my scent.

“Thanks… I think.” I responded, giggling at the way he was acting as he went to lay down with me on top of him. Dream began peppering kisses over my face. “Stop it,” I lightly scolded. “That tickles.”
“Too bad.” He replied, continuing to kiss me.

Then his lips trailed down to my neck and lightly started sucking on the skin. I moaned lightly before curling into the blond more. “D-Dream…” I stuttered between uneven breaths. All I got in response was a hum, signalling he was listening while continuing what he was doing. “Please-.”
1126 words

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