Chapter 8: Creep

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What a fun chapter name
Dream POV.

George continued to scroll on his phone as he laid on the bed with me, my head was resting on his chest and his hand was brushing mindlessly through my fur. It was peaceful, having the two of us there, with the only thing moving being my tail, continuing to wag against the bed from how content this situation made me.

I couldn’t help but wonder what it was that the brunette was reading on his phone. In the twenty or so minutes I had been laying here with him I had figured out that much. Since whatever he was doing wasn’t making any noise, meaning he wasn’t watching videos, and he wasn’t moving his hands in the kind of motions you’d use if playing a game or typing something.

That meant he must be reading. But reading what? My best guess was Twitter. From experience I knew that you could scroll for hours, reading about all the latest online drama, or celebrity gossip, or whatever else.

Part of me wanted to get up and move, but I didn’t because I was far too comfortable, and because I figured if he saw a wolf just stare at his phone he might get a bit confused, or suspicious. The bigger issue was the suspicious part, since if he found out that the wolf in his house was a werewolf it would get a lot more awkward.

So while I was laying here I took the opportunity to look around George’s room. It was relatively clean, which made sense since he’d only moved here a few days ago and hasn’t had a chance to get it messy yet. The walls were relatively plain white, but there were some posters hung up which decorated the room a bit.

The bed was beside the door, with a table and a bedside lamp on one side, and a set of drawers which probably held clothes on the other. Opposite the bed was a large window which looked out to the woods, a view which I thought was beautiful and wouldn’t mind having myself in my own home.

A desk was beside the window, which had some shelves for books and more drawers for stationary. It was relatively untouched at the moment seeing as he wouldn’t have had much to do yet. The bulletin board hanging above it was just as empty.

There was also some other stuff around the room, mostly boxes in various stages of being unpacked, but the thing that caught my attention was the closet on the other end of the room. The door was slightly ajar, and inside I could smell all wondrous things which had George’s scent on them; hoodies, t-shirts, jeans, even shoes.

I lifted my head off of George’s chest, trying to get just a few inches closer so that I could have a better smell, but unfortunately that’s as much as I could do. The smells coming from there were much stronger than the rest of the room, seeing as they were all clothes that he’s worn for who knows how long.

My mind drifted slightly, attempting to imagine what it would be like to go in there and just make a nest out of George’s clothes, something comforting and safe that I could lay in forever. Just as I was about to stand up properly to go to the closet, I heard the sound of a car engine, really close to the house and it caused my ears to perk up.

Now, it is common knowledge that werewolves have much better hearing than wolves do, which in turn has much better hearing than humans do. So it was relatively unsurprising when I was able to hear it and George could not, however he did notice the way my ears stood up and twitched lightly, attempting to locate the source of the noise.

“What’s going on buddy?” George questioned, no doubt curious as to what his new furry friend was hearing. Then he must have thought of something and he looked at what the time was on his phone. “Shit,” he murmured in a tone which made his British accent sound even clearer. “It’s five. My parents will be home from work around now.”

He stood up and looked around the room before turning his attention back to me. “Alright, this was fun but you have to go dog.” He said, beginning to hurry out into the hallway with me following after him. “I’m sorry but my parents don’t really want me to get a pet, especially a large, fluffy dog which sheds everywhere. So you have to go.”

I heard the urgency in his tone and did exactly as he said, following George all the way to the sliding glass door that he had come from. He opened the door for me and I stepped outside without hesitance or complaint, afterall I didn’t want my soulmate to get in trouble with his parents.

The moment I was outside, George shut the door behind me, and when I looked over my shoulder at him he made some shooing motions, making his message obviously clear. I let out a quiet huff at not getting to hang around before running towards the back fence and effortlessly jumping over it.

Memories from what just happened were already filling my mind, causing my tail to wag as I began following the path back home. All about his soft hands, and his entrancing accent, and that beautiful smell.

After walking for a good five or so minutes to make sure I was clear of the house I shifted back into a human form and pulled my phone from my pocket. I called Sapnap, since he was my best friend and I wanted to rant to him about how amazing my mate was, just on first meeting with him.

I don’t know what strange magic seems to follow us werewolves around, but when we shift back and forth our clothes stay intact, as does everything in our pockets. I however never questioned it since I was raised in a place where it didn’t matter, and instead just pulled my phone from my pocket in order to call the ravenette.

As I turned it on I realised that I had several missed calls from my parents, Sapnap, and Maddy, which immediately made me realise I would be in trouble for disappearing without saying anything from my house. But I’d deal with that later, for now I just called my best friend, anxiously tapping my fingers against the screen case as I walked.

“Dream!” He answered urgently. “Where are you? Maddy and I both came to see you after school and couldn’t find you anywhere. Your parents said that they didn’t know where you were and so we tried to call you, but you didn’t answer.”
“I went for a walk,” I explained. “But Sapnap, you’ll never believe whose house I was at!”

“Let me guess, was it George’s, the new kids?” He questioned in an exhausted tone.
“Yeah, and, God, he is just the most perfect person that I have ever met.” I exclaimed, practically bouncing as I walked from my happiness.
“So you decided to go and talk to him? What did you say to him?” Sapnap asked.

“Well… I didn’t say anything. I went as a wolf, and he let me in. I got to be in his room Sapnap! It was amazing! His room smells absolutely amazing!” I raved like a madman, only to be met with a sigh.
“Dream… did you go into his house as a wolf? You are such a creep!” He said.

“I am not! Besides, you are acting as though you wouldn’t do the same thing in my situation!” I defended myself. “And it’s not as if I just went sneaking in his room, he let me up there!”
“You are such a fucking creep!” My best friend repeated. “Now get back over here. Maddy and I want to talk with you and then there’s the pack meeting!”

“Fine. I’ll be five minutes.” I reassured before hanging up. I repocketed my phone before speeding up to begin sprinting to my house.
1430 words

Also something I've noticed with the last two stories (King of the Cell and Action) is that a certain something has happened to both Dream and George in those stories. To those of you who haven't read those stories check them out.

But this might be the start of a new (disgusting) trend...

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