Chapter 79: Restaurant

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Dream POV.

“Are you sure that you don’t want to go back to your parents?” George asked me, shifting from the position we were cuddling in so that he could look me in the eye. “They probably are wondering where you are.”
“I refuse to leave your side until you are better.” I told him, giving a kiss to his forehead.

“You are so sweet.” George grinned. “But at the moment all that I have is a couple bandaged scars. If you want to go home then I am fine with that.”
“So you really want me to stop these cuddles?” I questioned. “Be left all cold and alone while I head back home.”

“Yeah actually nevermind.” George smiled, snuggling back into me. “This is good. You can stay here” The two of us were cuddled up on the couch, watching a movie while both of his parents were out at work.

Surprisingly both of his parents were very understanding about the werewolf thing, much more than George was back when I had told him (however George would claim that he was extremely understanding, more understanding than anybody else would be). Both of them also seemed certain that they must be one another’s soulmates after hearing about the signs.

“But do you know what I do want?” I asked, my hands coming to rest on his waist as I inhaled his scent slowly.
“What is it that you want?” He responded. He raised an eyebrow, clearly suspecting that I’d be doing something inappropriate, such as another make-out session, or sex.

While they were both fun things which I loved to do with George, it wasn’t what I was planning on doing. “I want to take you out for lunch in town. Really spoil you.”
“You always like to spoil me.” The brunette reminded me. “Being able to treat me seems to make you happy.”

“It does make me happy.” I nodded. “I want to see you being treated like the royalty you are. You deserve flash clothes, delicious food, warm cuddles, amazing sex.” I teasingly told him, kissing along his face with each reason that I gave him. He giggled lovingly before kissing back.

“Alright, let's go then.” He smiled lovingly. He climbed out of my arms and pulled on one of my hoodies. “Do you have a place in mind?”
“Actually I do. It’s a small restaurant a fifteen minute walk away. I love going to this restaurant all the time.” I told him as I stood up as well. “It makes me happy, just like you do.”

So that is what caused us to be walking through the early afternoon. It was the perfect temperature for a walk, not so cold that you have to be wrapped up in warm clothes, but not so warm that wearing anything more than one layer of clothes would make you feel like you were burning.

Our arms were wrapped around each other as we strolled through the streets, it was George’s first time out of the house since he had been attacked and gotten back from hospital and I was ecstatic that he was here. It was also my first time out since the day of the attack, before then I’d been mourning my soulmate with permission to stay in his home.

I wanted to show him off, be able to let everybody see that he was back in his amazing greatness. Let everybody see how he was a human who was strong enough to survive an attack from two werewolves, one of which was a former werewolf alpha.

As we walked I saw many people around the town, as I expected I would. A mix of both people and wolves all going about their daily routines. Another thing that I saw was that a lot of them stopped to stare at us as we passed, something I didn’t have an explanation for, especially when those stares were joined by pointed whispers.

It concerned me, why would they want to whisper about me and George? Part of me wanted to go over and ask, but I didn’t. Instead I just held George’s hand and continued walking, just chalking it up to town gossip. All sorts of stories about how amazingly strong he was, along with how lucky I was to get to be his soulmate.

As we walked, to distract myself from the staring eyes I began telling George about the restaurants. All of the people in town continued to stare as we passed and I could tell the brunette was beginning to get slightly cautious. “Just keep walking sweetheart.” I whispered to him. “They are probably just surprised to see you back.”

“Really?” He muttered in response, seeming anxious. I nodded at him, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze.
“Of course. You were really badly injured, everyone heard about it. They know you must be strong in order to recover this fast.” I smiled, kissing his cheek briefly.

“Now you’re just making things up.” He realised, before muttering a quiet ‘thanks’.
“It may as well be true though. Look at you, you look strong enough to beat a bear in a fight.” I  told him proudly. Then we reached the restaurant and I led him up the stairs to the front door. I also opened the door for him, as any good soulmate should.

Several people were inside in groups of all sorts of sizes. Some of them were in pairs, others groups of friends, plus one or two people who were sitting on their own with a book or messaging on their phone. Waiters and chefs were also around doing their jobs, serving the customers and cooking their meals.

When we walked in through all of them looked over at us. Some of the people just stared momentarily before looking back towards their food or their conversations, however other’s watched each and every movement we made. I noticed the way that George shifted cautiously under their gazes and hugged him more.

I approached the counter while hugging him close, planning on asking the lady who was standing behind it for a table. “Excuse me,” I said when I reached her. “Would I be able to get a table for me and my soulmate to have lunch here? I promised that I’d take him out somewhere and I’ve always loved this restaurant.”

She looked over at the two of us for a moment before quickly shaking her head. ‘You aren’t able to eat here,’ is all that she said, looking straight ahead without any emotions. That made me feel upset, since I had promised George an amazing lunch and now we couldn’t have it.

“Is it a timing issue? There are a lot of empty tables around.” I asked her, more out of curiosity than out of disrespect.
“It’s not that.” She told me. “You just aren’t able to eat here today.”
“There has never been an issue with seating or timing before today.” I muttered.

“I am sorry Dream, but we don’t want you, or your soulmate, eating here any more.” She said after I continued pushing it. “Now I will ask you one more time to please leave before I have to use force.”
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