Chapter 24: Colourblind

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George POV.

Watching Dream examining my artwork was self conscious, as I worried that he may find something in the image to hate me for, or perhaps he’d just find me weird for spending my spare time (when I wasn’t reading wattpad) drawing wolves. However, based on his bright smile it seemed as though he liked it.

“That picture is amazing.” The blond commented, admiring my picture of the wolf-like dog which had been appearing around my house daily. I figured that after it had visited so much, it was only fair to the friendly creature.
“You recognise the dog?” I asked, since he’s probably seen it somewhere.

“Yeah. I’ve seen him around.” He nodded. His gaze darted over every aspect of the creature that I had currently drawn. “You’ve got every detail right. From the shape of his ears to the colour of his eyes.” His gaze stayed fixated on the eyes for a few moments before he added. “They are a very beautiful green.”

“I didn’t realise his eyes were green.” I admitted. When I had begun to colour the sketch I wasn’t sure what colour the eyes would be between yellow and green. I didn’t have anybody that I could ask and so I just took a chance with green. “It was just a guess. But I’m glad it looks nice.”

“How did you not realise?” The blond responded, sounding a little harsh at the question which shocked me, but I barely reacted as I gave him an answer.
“Well I am colour blind. Yellow and green look identical to me.” When I explained it his gaze softened slightly.

“That’s cool.” He replied. “I’ve never met someone who’s colour blind before. Sorry if I sounded a little rude.” His gaze was now downcast and upset and I honestly found it cute, somehow. The way he seemed so sorry and embarrassed for one little comment he said. It was kind of cute and dorky.

I couldn’t hide the grin at the way that was acting. “It’s alright, but if you’d like, you can have this picture once I’m finished drawing it.” And at the offer he immediately perked up with a grin.
He smiled as he responded. “That’ll be-”

“Dream, George. I understand you two might both have a lot to talk about with each other, but can you please wait until lunch to have any personal conversations?” Our English teacher asked, giving us a look from across the classroom. We both nodded at her and I shut my notebook before sliding it onto my lap, and my smile fell as I listened to the teacher.

The rest of English was slow and boring. To pass the time I just kept thinking about what I could add to my sketch, that and about the next chapter of An Unloved Omega. I had stopped reading yesterday when the two large dogs left and hadn’t continued since after they were gone I was called to dinner and then went to draw the picture.

I didn’t pay attention to anything until the bell rang and I noticed Dream standing up beside me, so I obviously did the same, holding my book close to my chest as I did. Although I was very proud of my work, I knew that many people were not, especially back at my old school. A lot of them thought I was a disgusting furry for simply drawing animals, it was strange.

And I didn’t want to be known as some kind of furry here either. So I was not going to let more people than needed see it. Just having Dream see my work was more than enough people at this school. For some reason though, I had just trusted him to not show everybody my strange sketches, and I couldn’t explain why.

The moment I had left school at the end of the day I called Karl as I walked, wanting to talk to him about the day. He answered after a few rings with an enthusiastic ‘hey George!’. “Hi Karl.” I responded. “How was your day?”
“It was good. Some of my classes were long and boring, but it was good.”

“Oh my god, same.” He replied, reminding me of one of those stereotypical American girls from High School Movies which I thankfully hadn’t met yet. “It’s as if our teachers coordinated boring days today. So what are you doing now?”
“I’m gonna go home and just finish drawing my wolf picture. How about you?”

“I’m going over to Chandler’s house.” Karl explained. “We have a group project on rocks for science. Can you believe it? We have to write a three minute presentation about rocks.”
“That’s a shame.” I scoffed, “good thing it’s school holidays soon.”
“Yeah, so can I come over to stay?” He asked, switching the subject.

As we walked home I continued to talk to him about our holiday plans. Now that the two of us were in the same country, it meant we could visit one another. Although I had been feeling that it would be more fair for me to go to North Carolina and visit him, after all he’s spent years telling me about his friends so I could finally get to meet them.

However, Karl wanted to be the first friend to stay in my house. So we had been trying to come up with a plan as to what we should do. “So what kind of stuff happened at school today?” Karl questioned. “Any fights, or juicy gossip that I’ll understand.”
“Nothing much, I did show that wolf art to one of my classmates.” I explained.

“You showed the super secret art which you made me promise not to show anyone?” He asked teasingly. “You must really love them.”
“What because I talk to him and show him a picture?” I scoffed. “How romantic.”

My best friend giggled, causing me to sigh before I turned to walk down my street. “Sorry, but you just aren’t the type of person to be showing your super secret and personal art to just any classmates. He or she must be someone special.”

“So every time you mention doing something with your friends it means you are head over heels in love with them?” I questioned.
“You’ll never know.” Karl teased as I walked up to the front steps of my house. I simply rolled my eyes as I began fishing in my pockets for the house keys.

“Anyway,” I continued as I opened the door and headed inside. “I’ll double check our plans with my parents. Have you looked up any flight dates that could work for you?”
“Not yet, I’m planning on looking after I get back from Chandler’s tonight… speaking of which, my Uber is just a few minutes away.”

As he said that I began walking through my house, dumping my bag and kicking off my shoes before heading to the kitchen for some food. “Yeah you better go.” Before I could get to the kitchen though I noticed a familiar furry face sitting by the window.

“Well bye George.” Kale spoke happily, and I responded with a simple ‘goodbye’ before he hung up and I lowered my phone from my ear. As the wolf-like dog looked over at me his ears perked up and his tail began wagging, causing me to scoff before unlocking the sliding glass door.
1239 words

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