2023 Christmas Special

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Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates it!

This Christmas special was written mainly by EZRAisTHEBEST, who obviously does smut chapters for my stories, so if you enjoy it and enjoy reading sex then go check him out

(what a festive start to the story)
George POV

The weather was cold outside however I was enveloped by a warm fluffy blanket to keep me warm. Honestly, I would be happy with staying cuddled up here all day instead of having to deal with the somewhat crazy heating of our apartment. That idea was shattered when my blanket started wiggling.

Soon after a wet nose found itself against my hand and began sniffing at it. This I was able to deal with, however it quickly devolved into licking it with a slobbery tongue. "Dream!" I yelped, sitting up as I was now suddenly and overtly awake. "What was that for?" I wiped the slobber onto his creamy fur before it disappeared between my fingers.

"It's Christmas!" He beamed back in response as he shifted in front of me. The alpha's paws were on either side of my body and he trapped me beneath him. After saying that he leaned down and murmured a 'good morning' before giving me a kiss.

We were curled up in Dream's nest, since I knew it would make him happy to lay in here enveloped by our own scents and nothing else. Yesterday I had also helped remake and clean it, which made Dream look as though he was going to burst with excitement.

"Isn't now when we open the presents?" He asked like an eager child, after all it was his first Christmas. Apparently they didn't celebrate Christmas, or Yule, or Hanukkah, or anything else of the sort. They had their own holidays for this time of year, a couple of which Karl and I had celebrated in the past few months.

There was one about hunting as a group in the forest, which I wasn't overly interested in, however Dream and Sapnap loved us taking part. Another one was a Thanksgiving type holiday where they cook a feast (mainly involving meat) over fire and serve it up to eat at midnight. Then there were multiple honouring the moon, and wolves in general.

"It is when we open presents." I confirmed, however as he was about to climb out of the nest I rolled over. "But maybe we can stay in here for a bit longer. It is so cosy and warm."
He hummed, looking lovingly at me. "While I love to see you in our nest, I also want to be able to see you opening everything I got you."

Seeing his wide loving eyes, looking down at me like a curious and eager child, I couldn't help but nod at him. Also because I wanted him to enjoy the holiday, and getting up ridiculously early to open presents is a major part of it.

"Just make sure that you put a shirt on." I told him, since although I loved cuddling against his warm chest, it was not something that I wanted to see while unwrapping presents in our usually cold living room. The blond did as I asked, unwrapping a shirt from the nest and pulling it on, muttering happily about how it smelt like me.

Dream went bouncing along the hallway to our living room which had been spectacularly and chaotically decorated by the blond using almost all of the money that I had saved through November and early December (with my permission of course). The centrepiece of the room was a large Christmas tree.

"This looks amazing." I told him happily, with him grinning proudly at his work. We sat on the rough carpet in front of the tree and took a moment to cuddle with one another. "Do you want a peppermint tea before opening our gifts?" Not the most Christmassy drink, however it was something that Dream was able to have since he couldn't have hot chocolate.

Dream shook his head, seeming more excited about the idea to open presents. He quickly grabbed the two stockings hanging by our window and beamed as he looked inside of them. "Santa came!" He told me happily.

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