Chapter 47: Restaurant

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George POV.

“And here is your table.” A waiter told the four of us, having led us to a table for four in front of a large window which faced a garden. All of us gave a small thank you and she gave a bow in response. It was overly polite for a waiter to do, so I assumed that it must have been because Dream and Sapnap were the future alpha and beta.

She also responded with a polite nod before setting down menus at each of the four chairs. Karl and I went to sit down on one side of the table but before we could, Dream and Sapnap pulled the chairs out for us. We thanked them as they then pushed our chairs in before taking their seats opposite us.

“I’ll be back in a few minutes to get drink orders.” The waitress told us. “But feel free to take your time.” She then walked off, leaving the four of us to look over the menu. Karl and I both looked over one drink menu together while whispering to each other about what drinks we wanted.

While we did that, Sapnap and Dream both watched us with their gazes fixated on us. As we talked, Sapnap decided to remind us, ‘we can pay for anything that you guys want. Even if it’s alcohol or something’. Both of us moved our gaze to him. “We can’t drink alcohol,” Karl reminded him. “We’re underage.”

“I know that.” Sapnap told me. “But you guys can if you want to. We don’t really have a drinking limit here. It’s just that if getting wine or whatever would make you happy then you can have it.” I didn’t say anything, however I knew that it would likely be because he wanted Karl to be happy, even if that meant with alcohol. It was cute.

I personally wasn’t one to drink alcohol, Except for trying a few small sips at the party. Even though the drinking age was eighteen in the UK and so I could have if I wanted. Karl was the total opposite, often calling me after getting drunk with his friends in North Carolina. But we decided on getting a glass of coke each, not caring that it might be childish in a classy place.

“It’s not childish.” Dream reassured after we’d told the pair of werewolves our decisions. “As long as you guys drink something you like then we’re happy.” His hand slid across the table to hold mine and I rolled my eyes however I gave him a light, caring squeeze.

“Well what about you guys?” I asked. “What do you two plan on drinking? Are you going to have something with alcohol, perhaps?” Dream was quick to shake his head and Sapnap did the same thing almost immediately after.
“I think coke is a great option. It was a great idea.” The blond told us, with his friend agreeing.

After we’d all come to a decision the waitress returned, asking us if we’d made up our minds while holding a small notepad to write stuff down in. “Just a glass of coke for each of us please.” Sapnap told her. She nodded and scribbled something down quickly before asking if we were ready to make our minds with food.

“We’ll need a few more minutes, thanks.” I told her, and I felt her gaze focusing on me for a few long moments before she nodded and left. She probably knew who I was, after all there aren’t many humans who have werewolf alpha soulmates. I was like some mythical foreign animal in a zoo for her, something she’d never seen before.

When she was gone Karl and I went back to looking through the same menu. I noticed that most of the meals had a lot of meat in them, for both the starters and the mains. In a small box at the bottom of the menu there was also a list of the most popular, which was quite unsurprisingly steak, lamb, and pork roasts.

“There is a lot of meat.” Karl observed as well, deciding on commenting about it. “Don’t you guys have any vegetarian options? There’s not even a plain salad here.” He obviously didn’t know about the fact that everyone who would eat at this restaurant was a werewolf and therefore they likely wouldn’t be vegetarian or vegan, but we weren’t going to tell him that.

“Are you a vegetarian?” Sapnap asked, seemingly getting paranoid. I don’t know what it would feel like for a werewolf to be dating a vegetarian but I imagine it would be similar to a Christian dating a Satanist, which I guess wouldn’t be all that nice for either of them. “I mean, do you not like eating meat, like at all?”

“He eats meat.” I reassured Sapnap, since Karl seemed content with leaving the ravenette to freak out while he continued reading over the options. “He had a ham and cheese sandwich for lunch, plus he really likes beef jerky for some reason.”

Sapnap POV.

“There is a lot of meat.” Karl commented as he looked over the menu. “Don’t you guys have any vegetarian options? There’s not even a plain salad here.” His words worried me. I mean, I am destined to be with him, but I’m a werewolf and we thrive off of meat, but if Karl didn’t eat meat then…

“Are you a vegetarian?” I asked. If he didn’t eat meat then I would be able to deal with it, I guess. I didn’t have to eat meat every single day, however I’d be willing to do it as a sacrifice if the brunette absolutely needed to but…

“He eats meat.” George reassured me, clearly seeing the worry in my eyes. “He had a ham and cheese sandwich for lunch, plus he really likes beef jerky for some reason.” That was a relief. I loved Karl a lot, however I didn’t want to have to give up my favourite foods.

“I’m not a vegetarian.” Karl agreed. “I just think that if someone in this town is vegetarian, then they would not be able to eat at this fancy looking restaurant.”
“Great.” I smiled, trying to hide my overwhelming relief. Karl didn’t understand that werewolves had to eat meat, but his ignorance was absolutely cute.

“Maybe we should get one of the sharing plates, George.” The blond suggested, looking dreamily at the brunette opposite him. “Like a spaghetti plate, or the meat platter.”
“That could be nice.” George responded. “What were you wanting?”
“Anything you choose would be perfect.” the alpha smiled.

“What about you Karl?” I asked, lovingly gazing at my brunette. “Were you wanting a shared meal? Or just something for yourself?”
“We could get the shared spaghetti plate.” He responded. “It could be like that scene from Lady and the Tramp.” After suggesting that he giggled lightly.

“I love that movie.” I responded, although all I was really thinking about was the restaurant scene, which Karl was also talking about with the spaghetti. But what I was most interested in was what the two dogs ended up doing with the spaghetti. I mean, what a fun way to have a first kiss (if you exclude the party when Karl was drunk). “We could do that.” I grinned.
1259 words

✍️ Dream ✍️ and ✍️ Sapnap ✍️ Do ✍️ Not ✍️ Like ✍️ Vegetarians ✍️


✍️ And ✍️ Sapnap ✍️ Wants ✍️To ✍️ Lady-and-the-Tramp ✍️ Karl ✍️

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