Chapter 65: Woodland Walk

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George POV.

Neither of us said a word until we got downstairs and out into the backyard. “That was tense.” Karl said, allowing himself to giggle as he did. I convinced myself to smile alongside him. “How has Dream been doing?”

“Well he’s upset, and more clingy than usual.” I responded, “and he’s quiet as well. Probably has a lot to think about.” As we walked out of the backyard and began strolling through the bush I glanced over my shoulder, expecting to see the werewolves lurking in the window and watching us, but they weren’t there.

“It is super sad what he’s going through.” Karl shook his head as he spoke. “But it’s cool that we get to hang out again, since I am going back to North Carolina in a couple days.”
“Yeah it is cool.” I responded with a nod. “Even if we aren’t seeing each other under the best circumstances.”

We kept walking, the house disappeared behind us, hidden by the thick shrubbery of dozens of trees. The morning was quiet. There weren’t any birds chirping, the wind wasn’t even rustling any leaves in the trees. It was almost as if myself and my best friend had stepped into our own little universe.

“Have you talked to Sapnap about what’s going to happen when you go back to North Carolina?” I asked him.
“Well it’s a nine hour drive or a four hour flight.” He told me. “We googled last night. The two of us were thinking every holiday and long weekend we’d go to visit each other.”

“So he’s not super upset?” I asked, being honestly surprised. “That’s how I figured he’d react. I thought he’d be all ‘I’m going to die without being able to kiss Karl every single day!’” I mocked playfully, causing Karl to roll his eyes.
“He was like that, but then I told him that we could call every day, that cheered him up a bit.”

“Cute. I wonder how all the guys back in North Carolina are going to react when they find out that you have a boyfriend, especially that he is a werewolf.”
“Oh God they’ll never let me hear the end of it.” He replied with a giggle. “Jimmy, Chris, and Chandler can be so annoying when they manage to find something to tease me about.”

“But I do admit I will miss him.” Karl huffed out, slumping on a fallen log. “Maybe I could see if there was any way that he could come and live with me and go to school with me. Or perhaps I could come here for school.”

“This is a town full of werewolves who are paranoid that if humans find out that they exist, they’d be hunted like in the dark ages.” I explained. “Do you really think they’ll be happy if a second human moved to town? Even if they are mated to the pack beta.”
“I still feel weird about the omegaverse terms.” Karl chuckled. “They feel so strange.”

“They do, right?” I joined him in laughing, the sound reverberating of trees and bouncing around the forest. “I seriously still can’t believe that it’s somewhat real.”
“How long do you want to sit out here?” The brunette asked. “Surely Sapnap and Dream will worry if we are gone for too long.”

“Just a few more minutes.” I told him in a relaxed voice. “The fresh air is really nice, my migraine is completely gone.”
“Okay. What else do we have to talk about?” The brunette chuckled. “How did you-” He was cut off by a low growl coming from behind him.

Both of us spun around to see a wolf, glaring at the two of us as it padded closer, a wrathful gaze focused on us. My arm grabbed Karl and I pulled him to me, the two of us began to back up as the wolf came even closer. It had matted cream coloured fur, a similar colour to Dream's yet also so very far off. It's grey eyes never moved off the two of us.

Wild wolves in Florida were extremely uncommon, in fact the majority of the wolf population in the United States were werewolves, plus we were so close to another wolf pack that this wolf had to be a part of it. Knowing these things, I took a couple deep breaths before deciding to try and talk to the wolf.

"Please don't be scared," I spoke softly, not wanting to make the wolf think we're dangerous. "We are friends of Dream and Sapnap.You know who they are, right? I live in the werewolf pack and my friend Karl is visiting. We aren't intruders."
"Yeah, Sapnap is my soulmate." Karl told the wolf, "and Dream is George's soulmate."

The wolf didn’t respond, making me start to get worried that it actually was a wild wolf that just so happened to be passing by. “You don’t have to worry.” I continued. “The two of us can leave if we are in your spot anyway.” After saying that we began backing away slowly, not wanting to give the wolf any chance to attack us.

It merely growled before approaching us, probably seeing one of us, or both of us, as potential meals. Neither of us knew what to do, other than just backing away. The wolf was likely faster than we were and stronger, so our chances of outrunning and overpowering it was very unlikely.

“George…” Karl muttered lowly before bumping into a tree branch. I glanced in the direction and noticed a second wolf, appearing beside the first one. This one was slightly smaller, with grey fur and yellow eyes. It stayed a few steps behind the first wolf, clearly allowing the other one to be in charge.

Suddenly I stopped moving, noticing out of the corner of my eye that the other brunette stopped moving when I did. “Karl.” I spoke slowly, “you go back to the house and get Dream and Sapnap. I’ll stay here and slow them down.”
“George… what? I can’t leave you here!” The brunette responded, moving to grab my arm.

I shrugged him off. “Karl go.” I told him. “They’ll probably kill us both, that’s less likely to happen if you go and get Dream and Sapnap and I stay here to keep them distracted.”
“But…” He tried.
“Go.” I basically growled at him.

He nodded before turning and running off. The moment that he was gone the two wolves lowered themselves into a crouch before launching themselves at me with their teeth bared.
1226 words

People said that I was going to make something bad happen and they were right. ❤you all know me so well️❤️

I just can't have a nice story where the main characters bond. (Actually that's most of the next story that I'm gonna write).

However, as an apology I will reassure there is (at least) one other smut chapter, and I have been given permission to tell you what EZRAisTHEBEST's next smut prompt is on his account.

It was a bodyguard Dream × Privileged Rich George (feel like I've read this somewhere before). It was requested by a reader.

Anyway, hope you guys are looking forward to George being attacked by wolves tomorrow (might make it really ✨ traumatizing and graphic✨ and make him be scared of werewolves).

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