Chapter 2: Room

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George POV.

“And this is us!” My father announced again, catching my attention as the car stopped in front of a relatively small two story house. “Welcome to our new home!” His words caused me to lean in between the two seats in front of me so that I could stare out of the front window at the house in front of me.

It looked a lot nicer than our old apartment did in London. The house was quite old looking, but must have been refurbished recently with a fresh coat of light blue paint for the walls, and white for the framework around the doors and windows. It also seemed that most of the windows and doors had been replaced with newer ones, a contrast between old and new design.

Most of our stuff was already here, having been shipped over to the US in the last few weeks before we moved. All that we had on us now were a suitcase or two each of clothes, hair products, toothbrushes, phone chargers, and that sort of thing. I let out a grumble at the thought of living here before sliding out of the backseat.

“This looks nice.” My mother commented. “Way better than they had in the pictures we’d been sent. And it’s much bigger than our apartment was, we even have a garden here.” I ignored her comments while I grabbed my stuff out of the back before heading up to the front door.
“It should be unlocked!” My father called. “The guy we brought it off siad keys are in the kitchen.”

I didn’t respond as I opened the door and walked in, seeing many of our boxes sitting around and full of our stuff which we would have to put away over the next few days.I walked around it for now and over to the staircase, planning on going upstairs and finding a room for me to dump my stuff in.

The kitchen was the room with the staircase, an odd design choice if you ask me but I didn’t really care. I was exhausted after having to sit in a car for who knows how long and was just in the mood to put as much stuff as I needed away and then go to sleep.

As I climbed the stairs I could faintly hear my parents coming in, and doing who knows what. I was more focused on the upstairs hallway, which had four rooms leading off of it. My dad had told me that there were three bedrooms and a bathroom, and whichever room wasn’t taken would be turned into an office.

I poked my head into each of the rooms, none of them seemed overly impressive, but eventually I decided on the room at the back of the house, opposite the bathroom. It was a decent sized rectangular room with windows facing out towards the back lawn, and the forest behind.

It was an alright view, one much better than my room in the apartment I had in London. This entire town seemed to be mixed in and around nature, from maps that I have seen of the place, there are many large parks, too many for such a small town in my opinion. I dumped my suitcase on the floor before going to find my parents.

“Dad! Mum! I picked out my room!” I called as I headed down the stairs. “Can one of you guys help me set up my bed please?” As I returned to the entrance hall I saw both of them standing in the driveway, talking to someone. I stopped calling out obviously as I approached the three of them.

“This must be your son.” The man said as I approached. He held his hand out for me to shake which I did. “I’m the town Mayor, Mayor James Smith, but you can just call me James. I spoke to your parents on the phone in the weeks before you met me.” He greeted. “I always like to meet new members of our town. We are all like one big, happy family.”

“I’m George.” I responded, looking the blond man up and down as I did.
“And how old are you George?” He questioned, crossing his arms over his chest. “Cause I have a son who I think is around your age. I was planning on bringing him, however he had plans with some of his friends.”

“I’m seventeen.” I answered. “And I don’t need to meet your son, thanks.” It felt stupid, but it was clear that this was an organised stunt by the adults over the phone, possibly to try and get me a friend in my first day or so here. Maybe the mayor’s son had realised this too, or he’d been used when other families moved in.

“George doesn’t mean to sound rude.” My mother quickly jumped in, noting the mayor’s expression after I said that I didn’t need his son to become my forced friend. “He’s probably just tired from the jet lag and the past five or six hours of driving.”
“Oh I understand, teenagers can be moody sometimes.” The blond reassured.

“How about you go inside and start taking some of your boxes of stuff up to your room. Then I’ll come in and help you in a minute.” My dad suggested. I bit the inside of my cheek before nodding and walking off.

As I headed back inside I faintly heard the sound of this ‘James’ guy talking to my parents about his son. Something along the lines of how we were both in the same school so we may become friends on our own. I rolled my eyes at the thought, wondering why the hell parents always assumed that their kids would get along just because they did.

I ignored what the adults were doing as I grabbed one of the boxes with my name on it and began heading upstairs. When I put the box down beside the door my phone vibrated in my pocket, causing me to slump against the wall before pulling it out so that I could see what it was about. It was a call from Karl, which I instantly answered.

“Hey Karl!” I greeted, a grin growing on my face as I began talking to the brunette. “Why did you call? We were texting like ten… fifteen minutes ago.”
“I know.” He responded in a drawn out, whiny tone. “But I want to know what your new house is like. Is it nice?”

“It’s alright I guess. Better than the London apartment, and I have a room looking out to the forest, so I guess that is nice.” I explained.
“But in a small town, everyone will know each other. You’ll be an outcast.”
“I know.” I replied. “That is exactly what I said. This place seems weird though.”

“What do you mean weird?” He questioned.
“The mayor came to pay us a visit and he’s currently chatting with my parents outside, which is strange. Apparently he has a son my age who goes to the same high school. I just think it’s kind of weird that the mayor somehow comes to visit less than an hour after we arrive.”

“Weird.” Karl agreed, before changing his personality slightly. “So, have you read the new chapter of ‘An Unloved Omega’ yet? The new chapter is good.”
“I was reading on the way here,” I nodded, despite the fact he couldn’t see. “I haven’t finished the chapter though. Probably won’t until I finish unpacking.”

“It’s really good though.” Karl explained energetically. “You better finish it by tomorrow so I can rant, it’s really good.”
“Alright, I’ll finish it tonight. Now go, I have to unpack.”
“See ya then. I’m going to the movies with my friends anyway.”

With that he hung up, and I sighed before pocketing my phone and standing up to go grab some more boxes.
1327 words

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