Chapter 32: Soulmate

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Sapnap POV.

My heart was fluttering as the door was shut in my face and I stood there for at least another minute. I kept my breathing slow, listening to the quiet evening around me as I smelt the beautiful brunette who George had in his house, wanting to get any last trace of the intoxicating scent before I had to leave.

Who would have thought that the brunette who was staying with Dream’s soulmate would just so happen to be my soulmate. It was almost as if it was some fantasy story. After a few minutes I began sprinting like an eager child back to Dream’s house, wanting to report my amazing discovery to my best friend.

It had taken me far too long to find the scent, especially knowing how far away a werewolf can smell their soulmate’s scent from miles away. But the stress I’ve been overwhelmed with as I’ve been looking after Dream must have stopped me from making the realisation sooner.

When I reached Dream’s home I didn’t stop to knock first and see if I was able to come in, nor did I stop to pant and catch my breath. Instead I ran upstairs, leaping up them three at a time before hurrying to Dream’s room. It smelt of warm stew when I burst in, something which I knew the blond’s mother had made for my best friend many times over the past month.

“Dream!” I greeted eagerly as I burst into the room. I wanted to rush over to the blond to tell him what was happening but still remembered my manners and didn’t come any closer to his nest without permission. “You won’t believe what happened!”

“What?” He responded with a quiet grumble, sounding utterly exhausted and probably having gone several days without sleep.
“Well I’ve organised something with George.” I commented. “There’s a party tomorrow and he, and I, and his friend, and hopefully you will be going.”

The blond instantly, notably perked up at me, however I continued to talk before he had the chance. “And even better than that, I managed to find my soulmate.” I said, basically swooning about the thought of the brunette again. “God he smelt amazing! I understand what you were talking about with George.”

“Who was your soulmate?” Dream asked, probably thinking it was some person from town I hadn’t come across in a while since he had no idea about George’s beautiful friend.
“You won’t know him.” I brushed off my friend. “He is one of George’s friends who has come to town to stay for a few weeks!”

The thought that my soulmate was only staying with George for a few weeks hurt, so I planned on making these weeks count, then at the end I will probably go to North Carolina with him so that we aren’t apart, or come up with some different solution. I looked down at Dream again, who I remembered still hadn't answered my questions.

“So, are you wanting to come with me to the party?” I asked. “It’ll be a good, fun way to see George again.” The blond thought it over for a minute, probably remembering everything that his soulmate had said about him during their last meeting. Eventually though he responded.
“I could like that.” He said, before beginning to shift back with a grunt.

It was the first time I had seen him in his human form in a month, and a lot about his appearance had changed. Even though the clothes that we’d be wearing as a person would stay on, they were dishevelled after a month of being worn and smelt extremely bad. His hair was grown and tangled as a line of stubble had grown on his face.

I resisted the urge to gag at the smell of a teenager who’s gone a month without a shower but it was incredibly difficult. “You are planning on cleaning up before the party right?” I questioned him as I backed up to the door. “For the sake of George’s nose and everyone else's?”
“Of course I am.” He responded. “I know that I smell.”

“Great.” I spoke with a small nod. “I’m going to go before my nose starts bleeding from your stink.” I told him before waving a brief goodbye. “Make sure you have a very long shower and I’ll pick you up just before 7pm.” The blond nodded as he ran his hand through his bird nest hair before I left the room.

When I returned downstairs I ran into his mother. “Hello Sapnap.” She greeted warmly, the loving but firm motherly tone present that she used for all of Dream and Drista’s friends. “I thought I saw you running past a few minutes ago. How are you?”
“I’m good, Miss.” I responded. “Just had some exciting news for Dream.”

“What kind of news?” She asked as I began tailing her into the kitchen. “If it’s not a secret of course.” It wasn’t a secret, in fact if I could, I’d climb on top of the tallest building in town and below the news into the wind so anyone and everyone could hear.
“I found my soulmate!” I told her, barely containing my excitement.

“Congratulations.” She responded. The kindly werewolf woman pulled me into a hug the same way that my parents would and I allowed myself to laugh against her. “So who is the lucky person who gets to be with you?” She questioned.
“Well, he’s one of George’s human friends, and he’s so pretty.”

My expression must have gone to that far off fantasising look as I talked about him, causing her to laugh at me before moving over to a pot on the stove. “What are the chances that you two amazing young men both got two lucky humans?”

“It’s unbelievable.” I responded. “Though, I’m not sure how the pack will react when they find out that the alpha and beta both have human soulmates.”
“They’ll accept you eventually.” She reassured. “You and Dream are the heart of this town, and regardless of whether your mates are male or female, human or werewolf, they’ll accept that.”

I nodded at her words, hoping that it was true. “Now, you need to go and let your parents know, they’ll want to celebrate.” She was about to shoo me outside but before she did she seemed to remember something. “Also, I know you like my stew, so how about I give you a container of this to take back to your family.”

“That’ll be great Miss, thanks.” I responded. Our conversation was short, however Dream’s mother was someone who I could always talk to. Her reassurances about the way the pack would react when finding out about Karl, if I allowed them to find out about my beautiful soulmate, helped me a lot.

After a few more minutes of conversation as I was given a container full of stew, I was escorted out of the home. A bubbly feeling flowed through me as I hurried outside to run home to my parents.
1212 words.

Fuck I came up with another story, I have too damn many of these, I can't be writing another one no matter how interesting it is. 😭

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