Chapter 60: Closet Nest

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Dream POV.

The brunette was sleeping in my arms as I curled up in the nest that he had made for me. Being able to just think that was enough to send joy running through my veins. He had made me a nest, which was a major relationship thing between soulmates, and the fact that he was a human as well made it even more special.

It was absolutely perfect as well. Admittedly quite a few bits of clothes weren’t tucked in nicely, and he’d gone about laying items all wrong, but the amazing smell and the fact that George had gone to the effort was more than enough to make up for it.

The closet where George had made the nest was quite small as well. It was much more warm and cosy than my own nest, plus it smelt a lot better. The only issue was that there wasn’t enough room for us to lay down. Instead we were curled into each other and had managed to almost completely shut the closet door from the inside, hiding ourselves from the world.

His soft snores sounded beautiful, or as beautiful as a snore could sound at least. My hands moved to begin running through his hair as I let my thoughts wander. I kept going back and repeating what my grandmother had said to me over and over again in my head. The harsh words that stung hard enough to make it feel as though she actually had hit me with them.

‘That’s not alpha behaviour.’

‘Your friends will be even more distressed if you ruin this pack.’

‘What’s wrong is that your soulmate is a male.’

‘You’ve ruined everything.’

‘God, you are such a disappointment.’

‘I thought you’d been raised well enough to know that you can’t be with a human being, he’ll weaken you.’

Tears pricked at my eyes as I remembered each and every word that she had said to me, and I also remembered how much each of them hurt. Hearing my grandmother calling me a disappointment, telling me that I ruined everything, was enough to make me cry. In fact, I did begin to sob silently from the safety of the closet.

And how could she have said those things about George? About how he could possibly make me weak. If anything, George made me stronger. Thanks to him I felt more happy, and even more confident in myself than I’d ever been beforehand. Thanks to him I felt like I had found a piece of myself which I’d never known I’d lost.

Who knows how long I was there on the verge of tears, only managing to calm myself down as I sat in the warm embrace of George’s smell. The fairy lights which the brunette had strung above us casted a golden glow over each bud of water which raced down my face and hit the soft fabrics surrounding us.

After who-knows how long, the door to the bedroom was opened and I let out a low growl while glaring through the small gap of the closet door. Much to my relief it was Karl. The moment he heard the growling he froze before continuing over here. When he pulled back the closet door he instantly stepped away upon seeing us curled up.

Despite my growling, George was still asleep, and I quietened down when Karl backed away again, looking between myself and the brunette in my arms. “Hey Dream.” He greeted, moving to sit on George’s bed, something which didn’t make me overly happy but I didn’t comment on it at all.

“Hey Karl.” I responded, adjusting George so both me and the sleeping Brit would be more comfortable. “What are you doing here so late?”
“Actually it’s 10am.” Karl responded. “Sapnap just dropped me off.” He paused and looked down at his mattress in front of him. “We heard yelling at your house last night.”

Damn, it must have been really loud if Sapnap and Karl could hear it from next door. “My grandparents are over at my house.” I told him. “They hate the idea that my soulmate is a human male.” As I explained it to him I let out a small whine.
Karl watched me with a sympathetic gaze. “I’m sorry about that.”

“It’s alright.” I lied. “A lot of werewolves are like this though. They believe that since we have better senses and stuff than humans, that we are above them. They often look down on people who have humans as soulmates, even if it isn’t their fault.” ‘I thought you’d been raised well enough to know that you can’t be with a human being, he’ll weaken you.’

“So people think that about Sapnap as well.” Karl questioned quietly. “There are people who think that he's weak and pathetic because of me?” His hands had drifted down to begin playing with the hem of his shirt and I nodded. “But he’s so nice.”
“It’s like homophobia, or racism. They hate you for things you can’t control.”

“And that’s what your grandmother is like?” It was at this point I noticed he was packing up his bag, albeit slowly. It seems he had gotten distracted by me and George.
“Why are you packing?” I asked him. “Are you going somewhere?” At the question Karl glanced down at his bag before glancing back up at me.

“I decided that since I’m only here for a couple more days I wanted to stay with Sapnap.” He informed me. “Wanted some more time to get to know my soulmate before I go home to North Carolina.” A small, somewhat sad smile was on his face as he told me that.

“What about George though?” I questioned, glancing momentarily at the sleeping brunette as I said that. “Weren’t you here to visit him?”
“I am.” He responded. “And we still will hang out everyday. But I want to be able to get to know him more. Plus, you probably need to be around him a lot more than I do.”

“Alright.” I nodded. “I’ll see you around then.” My arms wrapped tightly around the brunette’s waist and I watched as he subconsciously cuddled closer to me. “Want me to say anything to George when he wakes up?”
“Just say that I’ll see him tomorrow. Or we’ll message and hang out tonight if we get bored.”

I gave another nod before watching as he zipped up his bag and left, giving me a quiet goodbye as he did. I watched as he walked out of the room and shut the door before my attention moved back towards the sleeping boy in my lap.

Several hours passed with us sitting undisturbed. I protectively hugged my soulmate and kept my gaze on the door. Any time that my thoughts drifted somewhere negative my nose buried itself into his hair, inhaling softly to try and calm down.

After a while as I held him, he began shifting around in my arms. Finally, his beautiful eyes fluttered open and he looked up at me, looking like an angel.
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