Chapter 92: School Tour

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George POV.

"It's a pleasure to meet you after talking on the phone Sapnap." The principal smiled at the ravenette. "Karl has put in a very good word and we'd be happy to have you at our school." Sapnap grinned at the compliment from the brunette woman. "And your friends as well. I hadn't expected anyone else."

"Yeah, they were staying with us and so I figured they could come check out my school. I hope that's okay Principal Myers." A weary smile was on Karl's face. He stayed close to Sapnap all morning. They were both up, showered, and dressed when Dream and I woke up. Karl's hand seemed to always be touching the werewolf in some way.

"That's perfectly fine Karl." The principal replied, adjusting the glasses which were perched on her pointed nose. "It is just a tour and a few teachers are here who I'll introduce you to." All of us nodded and she led us out of the office.

The woman began a spiel about the history of the school, the mascot, the founder, just about everything. Sapnap and Karl stayed just a few steps behind her, and Dream and I were just a few steps behind them. He was stressed after everything that had happened, as anybody would be.

"You okay?" I asked him, glancing at his face, seeing his brows knitted together in frustration. The blond's eyes widened and he shrugged glancing over to me.
"My parents tried calling me again," he explained. "I didn't answer… I don't know what I'd say to them if I did."

It was a difficult thing to come up with an answer for. What would you tell your parents if you snuck out and crossed over several states without them knowing.
"I'm so sorry that I caused all of this." I muttered, pressing a kiss onto his cheek.

"It's not your fault." He told me. "It's never your fault. You did nothing wrong." He kissed my cheek. "I can just keep ignoring their calls." When we woke up this morning Dream's phone had been filled with texts and calls from his parents, having found out that he was gone and not finding him in any of the usual sports at my house, Sapnap’s house, or any of our friends.

“So what subjects are you boys interested in?” Principal Myers asked our group, stopping in front of a water fountain with a poster of the school mascot behind it.
“I quite like PE. It’s one of my favourite subjects.” Sapnap explained happily. “I’m on my school’s football team. I also like coding.”

“That’s great.” She smiled at the ravenette. “We have one of the best football teams in the state, and quite a few of our players recently graduated so we are looking for more players. Oh, and our computer lab was renovated last year.”
“Awesome. Our school in Florida doesn’t have a computer lab so Dream and I are self taught.”

“I’m pretty sure our coding teacher is in the classroom setting up for the new school year, she likes doing something new to surprise all the students.” Principal Myers explained.
“It’ll be great to meet her. I’ve been really excited about this opportunity.” He squeezed Karl’s hands excitedly.

“And what about you two?” She asked, turning to look back at myself and Dream. “What subjects are you boys interested in?”
“I also like coding, and I also like art and reading.” I explained with a smile. “But I haven’t been reading a lot in a while.” Most of my reading was Wattpad stuff (mainly omegaverse), but I stopped...

“And what about you, Dream?” The brunette asked, adjusting her glasses to look at him. “What subjects are you interested in?” The blond looked like he was in a daze, seeming as though he was thinking about anything and everything besides the question.

“He also likes coding and football.” I explained. “And he told me that he writes a lot, although I haven’t read much of what he’s written.”
“So you both like reading and writing? Then how about I show the library, it’s just up the hall here.” She grinned.

The library was large and open, a lot bigger than the one that was back in Florida, it might have even been bigger than the school I went to back in the UK. “We have books on almost anything you can think of.” The principal proudly explained. “And if you are interested in anything that isn’t there we’d happily order it in.”

“Wow, it’s really impressive.” Sapnap grinned. Then he smiled smugly to himself before looking over at the Principal. “Do you have any books on werewolves?”
“We probably do, over in the fantasy section. I’m not the best at this however our librarian, he is the best at knowing this sort of stuff.”

“That’s cool, isn’t it Dream.” I smiled, looking at the anxious werewolf. He looked up at me and nodded, muttering something in agreement.
“And that’s the table over there where me and the guys hang out.” Karl grinned, pointing to one over by the small manga section.

“It only sits four, but when you start coming here I’m sure we could push another table over so we have room for you to sit.” As he explained it he grabbed Sapnap’s hand. Sapnap grinned back at him but before their interaction could evolve any the principal cut them off.
“Anyway, you can talk about your friends later. Mr Write was expecting us.”

“You guys are going to love Mr Write, he tells amazing stories during the lesson. I have him for biology, it’s really fun.” Karl grinned.
“He is the head of the science department.” Mrs Myers continued. “How did you boys do with science back in Florida?”

As we left the library our two best friends began walking ahead with Principal Myers. The three of them began talking however I hung back with Dream. “How are you feeling baby?” I asked, trying to cheer him up as I kissed his cheek.
“I’m sorry I ruined this trip.” He whimpered. “And I’m sorry I caused this trip as well.”

“Don’t apologise. It’ll be fun, even if it does have a rocky start.” I told him. “North Carolina has such cool things to do. We could go to a theme park, or the zoo, or anything really.”
“That could be cool.” He smiled. I kissed him again, but only briefly since I didn’t want to be caught by the Principal or some other random teacher.

“Now let's go before we get caught making out in a school hallway.” I told him, grabbing his arm and beginning to pull him in the direction where Sapnap, Karl, and Principal Myers had begun walking.
1200 words

Happy Birthday to Dream! While we usually would do a double upload for his birthday, since we are so close to a knew story coming out we didn't want to disrupt the uploading schedule.

Also 4 put me in charge of organising cover art and I forgot... Whoops.

Anyway, first few chapters of Demons V2 is up the day after tomorrow!

Once again with all remaining chapters written by me. ✨EZRA

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