Chapter 85: Banging

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What a hot chapter name.
Dream POV.

Our arms were tightly wrapped around one another as we cuddled closely. My head was resting atop his as I held his waist and our legs were entangled with one another. Both of us smelt like George’s shampoo, having cleaned ourselves up after what we had done earlier.

It was perfect, completely and utterly perfect. I didn’t even remember why I was so upset in the first place, why I had wished that he would have never met me. Being able to hold him was like being able to hold the physical embodiment of perfectness. He was pretty, and smart, and adorable, and I wanted to hold him forever.

Neither of us planned on moving, at least not for a few more hours. After cleaning ourselves up we crudely remade the nest in my bedroom, which was terrible compared to the one at George’s house. It was just so big compared to the small cosy nook. I knew that when we eventually grew up and were living together that he’d be the one to build our joint nest, he was a natural at it.

Suddenly I heard the sound of banging coming from downstairs, causing me to sit up and look around in shock. George wasn’t able to hear the noise because of his much worse human hearing. It was quickly replaced with quiet yelling which mixed into a small flurry of whispers through the several walls, ceilings, and floors, between here and downstairs.

“What’s going on Dream?” George asked in a whisper, noting the way I was suddenly alert. “Is something bad happening?”
“I’m not sure.” I responded quietly. “I hear voices but don’t know what they are saying. It could be something bad.”

He sat up beside me, leaning onto my shoulder. “Should we go and check it out?” He questioned, to which I glanced over at him anxiously.
“It might be dangerous.” I told him. “You can stay up here, it’d be safer.”
“Not a chance.” George scoffed. “I’m staying with you.”

I rolled my eyes, knowing that he was completely stubborn and would be coming with me either way. The two of us both climbed out of the nest and headed out of my bedroom to the hallway. I could hear the yelling from downstairs, instantly louder now that there were no walls or doors between us and the voices.

As we walked to the stairs I recognised the voices of people from the pack council, all of them were yelling at one another at once. George didn’t recognise them though, the brunette instead looked over at me to see if I recognised them, which I did.

Drista was also standing by the stairs, eavesdropping on the conversation that was happening downstairs. Nobody was paying attention to any of us. I looked over at my sister. “What are they yelling about?” I whispered to her, and she glanced over to me.
“You both, again.” She said with an eye roll.

“What do you mean again?” George asked, coming to stand in line with us as we watched the confrontation unfold.
“They first came and started yelling while you were in hospital, basically saying that we should kick your family out for causing this attack.” She informed us.

“Mom and Dad didn’t listen though, and told them to leave. They came back after you got home while you both were staying at George’s house. This time they were yelling that Dream could have killed Grandma and Grandpa, plus George could have been killed so it wasn’t safe to have a human around here.”

“And now they’re back again?” I replied, glancing at the group of people with their stone-cold expressions focused on my mother as she stood in the doorway. My father was behind her, holding something in his hands that we weren’t able to see from where we were standing.

George POV.

This was all my fault. I am the reason that Dream’s parents are yelling at their friends, why Dream’s entire family seems to be at war with one another and the rest of the wolf pack. I looked down at the scene unfolding anxiously as the werewolves continued to yell at each other.

“Why are you both too stubborn to listen?” A woman with fiery red hair asked. "Having that human family around is dangerous for everybody."
"We've already made it clear. The pack council voted and agreed they could stay."

"That was before that human and your son attacked the best alpha this pack has ever had. She could have been killed! Are you okay with the idea that your mother could have bled to death?”
“She didn’t bleed to death. Besides, she attacked my son’s soulmate first, don’t act as though you wouldn’t do the same if your soulmate was being attacked.”

I glanced over at Dream as the group continued arguing, noting the way he attempted to remain calm, but it was clear each word seemed to be digging at him, chipping away at his sanity. “We want that human family out! Every day they are here, one of us, or one of them is going to get hurt. If you want to be a good alpha and protect people then kick them out.”

“And what if I don’t?” The blond’s father asked. “You have no authority over the decision on what I should do with my son and his soulmate. You aren’t the alpha, we’ve already voted.”
“Perhaps then someone else should be alpha. If I took charge then I would be focusing on what my pack needed, not what one werewolf needs. I’d have them both thrown out.”

“Don’t you dare talk about throwing my son and his soulmate out of the pack unless you have a death wish. He is your future alpha and so you better show him respect.” Dream’s mother said, coming to her son's defence.

“Can’t he get that respect himself? Does he really need his parents to help? What a terrible alpha!” A female voice scorned.
“Don’t talk about Dream that way.” The blond’s father growled out.

Neither of them seemed to be able to convince the group of angry werewolves to back up and so I turned to look at Dream. He was stone cold, staring forward with no emotion. After a moment I took his hand and began leading him back to his bedroom.
1094 words

Wow, wasn't that an absolutely hot chapter. I mean they really banged it out didn't they? 🥵😏🍑🍆

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