Chapter 10: Pack Meeting

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Dream POV

Maddy and Sapnap followed after me as we entered through a side door of city hall, not wanting to cause a distraction by entering through the front entrance since we were already late. We stepped into the room quietly, with several gazes turning to look at us while the rest remained watching the front, where the pack council was talking.

From context clues I quickly figured out that they were talking about doing some more work to improve the park in the centre of town. Well, it wasn’t really a park, more like a large section of the forest that they built the entire town around. It was almost the exact same size as Central Park in New York, (apparently).

I had fond memories of the park from when I was a kid. As wolf pups most of my friends would spend hours playing chase among the woodlands, which was a common game for us seeing as werewolf pups we often would instinctively like to hunt things that ran, just like real wolves.

It seems that they were voting on spending some more money to develop a bigger playground which was near the middle of the park. The layout of it was simple. There was lots of woodland around, including a river which ran right through our town, and near the centre of the forest was a clearing, which we had converted to a playground reminiscent to the ones in human towns.

The clearing was important. It was where our ancestors, the first members of our wolf pack, first decided to set up our town, and they decided to keep this area of the forest to honour our past. I wasn’t one to overly obsess in learning our towns history, but as the son of the alpha, and the future alpha of the pack, I was expected to take history as a subject, especially for local history.

After discussing it amongst themselves for a few minutes it came to an almost unanimous agreement to put some more money into improving the playground, before being opened up to audience comment. All of the audience stayed silent though, as a way of agreeing.

So it was announced to everyone in the hall that the motion for improvements and upgrades to be made at the playground. Then my father spoke up, which he always did to announce any motions that were to be voted on. “The next thing we have to decide, regarding whether or not the human family should be allowed to stay in our town, or if we should ask them to leave.”

This caused both Sapnap and Maddy to look at me, and before any of the members of the pack council could speak up to state their opinions on the matter I did so, and began walking to the front of the room. It quickly caught the attention of the audience which in turn caught the attention of the pack council.

As I walked I also talked, having to raise my voice because the members of the pack council each had a microphone to use so the audience could hear when the town hall was packed enough. “I would like to use my position as son of the pack’s alpha and future leader of the pack to make the first comment about the issue with the Davidson family.”

At my words several members of the crowd murmured to each other, and several members of the pack council did the same, turning to look at each other as a way of asking what I was talking about. My father was one of the few members of the pack council who didn’t do that, instead leaning closer to the mic and asking ‘what would you like to comment about?’

I took a deep breath, now standing in front of the row of audience members and took a moment to glance back towards Sapnap and Maddy before commenting. “I would like to be the first person to vote against sending the Davidson family out of town.” My words made the collective group gathered in the hall to all begin talking amongst themselves about what I said.

A female member of the council with white hair and green eyes who was a medic motioned for the crowd to quieten down. “Why is that the way you would like to vote, Dream?” She asked, looking down at me as though I was a child.

“Because I met George Davidson, the youngest member of the family, earlier today at school, and have discovered that he is my soulmate.” Once again what I said got a murmur through the crowd. My father was the most shocked though, his eyes widened at my comment.
“Why didn’t you tell me Dream?” He asked, seeming slightly hurt, but I didn’t respond.

Finding your soulmate was something worth celebrating, in werewolf culture it was practically the same as getting engaged, or announcing a pregnancy. Typically parents would be the first ones to find out about it, and I had not told him anything. But that wasn’t the only thing that caused hurt.

The fact that a human was my soulmate, changed the whole dynamic of the town wanting to get rid of George and his family. Since finding your soulmate and then separating from them could cause depression for any and all werewolves, regardless of how long they have been in contact with their soulmate for.

And for an alpha, losing your soulmate will affect your duties to perform as the leader of your pack, because of the depression and separation anxiety caused. That then goes on to affect all of the pack, since the alpha is the centre of it then it hurts the rest of the pack. So basically, me being separated from my soulmate is not good for anyone.

“Are you absolutely certain of this?” The pack’s beta, a man called Owen who was Sapnap’s father, asked. “That George is in fact your soulmate?”
“Yes I am certain.” I nodded in response to his question. “I am certain that George is my soulmate.” The answer once again got more murmurs through the crowd.

My father quickly hushed them all before their chatting could get out of hand, then he turned to look at the other council members. “So, now that we have this information and one vote for allowing the Davidson family to stay, is there anything else to discuss before we should vote?” I let my gaze drift around at the faces of all the council members as he asked.

“I don’t believe that we should allow them to stay.” A blond woman called Armalie sitting at the end of the table in a dark red dress answered. “If they do, all that has to happen is one slip up from anyone and they’ll find out that werewolves exist, then they tell the whole world and it’s back to us being hunted like hundreds of years ago.”

“But if the future alpha loses his mate it can cause major problems emotionally and mentally, especially if he has formed an attachment.” The beta added on.
“But Dream has been with Maddy for who knows how long.” Armalie added on. “I hate to sound rude, but surely as an alpha he’d be prepared to get with someone who isn’t his soulmate.”

I didn’t like the way that they were talking about me as though I was not here, especially in front of most of the pack, and so I spoke up. “Actually, Maddy and I were planning on becoming mates at the age of twenty five, once we’d travelled around and if neither of us had found our soulmates, then we would become mates.” I explained.

“Is that how both of you felt? Or was Maddy certain that you two would end up together?” I was about to respond before my father growled for her to quieten down.
“That sort of information is irrelevant.” My father reminded her. “Now, does anyone have anything else to add, or should we vote?”
1372 words

Also Ezra has uploaded another chapter for his smut book under his account. You guys should go check it out if you are into smut.

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