Chapter 74: Strange way to Recovery

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Not this stupid fucking loser.

Ladies and gentlemen, my loyal little smut writer, EZRAisTHEBEST
George POV
Smut warning

I was going to hang up but Karl spoke again. “George, I just wanted to ask a couple more questions, just wanting to make sure you’re okay.”
Before I could respond, Dream spoke. “Actually Karl we are going to watch a movie. Good talking to you. Bye-bye.” He then hung the phone up as I held it.

Seeing his eagerness I looked at him to ask why but I saw him shifting into his wolf form, with his tail wagging wildly. He padded forward over the bedsheets and then pinned me down. As a wolf he was less strong than he would be as a human. I however allowed him to push me down, seeing the way his tail wagged faster as he stood over me.

I allowed him to sniff at me for a few minutes, the ticklish feeling of the wolf’s nose made me giggle lightly. Then he started to nip at my neck causing me to gasp. His fangs were sharp and I had to grab the side of his face before he could accidently draw blood.

“I love you so much, but I’d rather do this with you as a human.” I told him, noting the way his pretty eyes widened. Then he nodded and shifted back into a human. His arms and legs were on either side of me, trapping me beneath him with his beautiful face just inches from mine.

“Of course.” He whispered softly before pulling me into a kiss. I opened my mouth to allow his tongue in before I wrapped my legs around his waist. “You are so perfect.” He muttered when we pulled away to breathe for a few moments, then he pressed a small peck to my cheek. “How did I get so lucky?”

“Every single time that we are near each other you ask that.” I responded, my fingers tugging his hair back into a kiss. “Just admit that I am perfect and get back to making out with me.”
“Of course.” He kissed me deeply, causing me to moan and tighten my grip in his hair. “You are the most perfect creature to ever exist.”

His hands began rubbing down my body before pulling up my shirt. He kissed down my chest with his eyes closed with bliss, only hesitating slightly when his lips brushed against the rougher texture of one of my bandages. A small involuntary whine fell from his lips.

“Dream.” I hummed softly, my hands moving from his hair to his face. “Please, keep going. I want you so bad.” He gave a small nod before I kissed him lovingly. Dream’s hands moved to my jeans, unbuttoning them eagerly and pulling them down. “Hurry up.” I whined lowly, causing him to nod before pulling down my boxers.

Now I was laying beneath the werewolf completely naked, while he was fully clothed, not that I minded. He was completely beautiful (in that moment and in every other moment as well), looking down at me with his eyes full of love and adoration meant solely for me.

I waited patiently for what he was going to do next, but much to my surprise he slid off of the bed. My lovestruck gaze was focused on him and I sat up slightly, looking deeply into his beautiful eyes. “I want you.” The werewolf growled out lowly. “I want to be able to taste you, please.”

Hearing him say that made me blush at how blatantly he admitted it. However it was an amazing turn-on. I wordlessly nodded, not sure that I’d be able to say any proper words to the blond. Unfortunately it was clear that he wasn’t going to do anything until he had verbal consent, so I took a deep breath before muttering out a quiet, ‘please’.

Dream nodded and motioned for me to sit up. I did, wrapped a blanket around my shoulders before sliding my legs off of the bed in front of him. He lovingly spread my legs apart before settling in close to my erect cock. A love-fuelled daze had overtaken him, and it was clear that the werewolf was savouring each and every moment, not that I was doing anything different.

Without hesitating he leaned close and pressed a kiss to the tip of my dick, before looking up at me cautiously, seemingly worried that I’d tell him to stop. It was a sweet sentiment, and the movement caused me to clench at the bedsheets but I nodded at him, a way of telling him to continue which he did.

He licked a stripe up the length of my cock and I let out a small moan, finding the sensation strange yet amazing. The noise seemed to excite Dream who did it once again, getting a similar reaction. One of my hands moved to his hair and I tugged on it with a light whine, attempting to pull him closer as it was growing painful.

Without a word or any warning he suddenly took me in his mouth, drawing a gasp which quickly changed to a loving groan. He didn’t seem to struggle at all as he deepthroated me, in fact it seemed to make him happy. “D-Dream.” I stuttered out. “I want y-you so bad!”

He hummed lovingly, sending vibrations along my cock. It was an amazing feeling. The feeling of his lips sucking gently along the length of my dick. His teeth gently scraped around my cock sending an electric feeling through my body. His tongue swirling over the tip, adding even more to the sensations.

“God.” I groaned, falling backwards against the bedsheets. I was no longer able to see the blond as I laid limply under his touch. My eyes focused on the roof and I moaned at the sensations, attempting to keep quiet since my parents were a few rooms away. It was just so difficult to when he was so amazing.

“You are so amazing.” I told him desperately. “I want you now, p-please Dream!” The blond paused, not moving as he savoured my words. I felt myself getting closer to release. “I’m cl-close!” He didn’t stop at all, continuing his loving assault which sent my nerves aflame. “F-fuck Dream!”

The werewolf deepthroated me and I completely unravelled, releasing inside of him. Tears pricked in my eyes at the amazing feeling of my release. I bit my lip harshly to stop from making too much noise, bucking my hips once or twice before slumping lovingly, feeling exhausted but happy.

Dream was happy too. He pulled off my cock, licking his lips and I blushed as I released that meant he had swallowed my cum. It was a weird realisation, but it was undeniably hot. My muscles strained as I sat up. This was when I noticed he was hard.
“Dream,” I whispered, not thinking that I could get my voice any louder. “I want you.”

“You want me?” He asked with a growl, seeming dangerously eager in the best way possible. I nodded, feeling myself get hard again. “Say it George.” He told me, climbing up on the bed and trapping me beneath his warm body.
“I want you.” I repeated for what felt like the millionth time. “I want you now, Dream.”

“Good.” He smirked. “Cause I want you too darling.”
1248 words

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