Chapter 81: Lovers Call

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Much needed, angst free Karlnap ❤️
Sapnap POV.

I remained quiet for a few minutes as I admired the beautiful figure, his grey eyes which reflected the light of the room he was in, his soft hair which would bounce softly each time he moved, the subtle hand gestures with each word that he spoke. Everything about him was utterly perfect.

The only issue was that I wasn’t in the same room as him. Instead I had to accept the fact that I was sitting in a room 666.7 miles (1,072.95 kilometres) away from my soulmate. His daily calls were the only things that kept me sane.

He was telling me all about his day, sharing stories of playing video games and what he had for lunch, and banter between his friends. I was just happy to be hearing from him every day. Each word that fell from his pretty lips was instantly engraved in my mind. Then each night I would lay in bed and reminisce about his stories, imagining myself being told them over and over again.

Today as he rambled something caught my eyes. Purple and orange nail polish. Two bright colours which I wouldn’t expect to see together, however because it was Karl who was wearing them, it was a great combination. It would only be greater if he was in the room with me, and I was able to hold his hands with him and see the brightly coloured nails in person.

I went to daydreaming about being able to be around Karl with his amazing painted nails. He would be pinned against the wall by me and we’d be making out. My hands would be holding his waist and his would be lovingly brushing along my face, the beautiful orange and purple contrasting against my skin. Perhaps once we’d be done he’d be able to paint my nails.

“Sapnap.” He hummed as I continued my fantasy about making out with him. “Sapnap,” he repeated, sounding like a whine. “You aren’t listening to me.”
”Sorry sweetheart.” I replied. “I was just admiring the nails that you had painted. Do you mind me having a closer look?”

Karl nodded before lifting his hands to show them to me while muttering a small ‘ta-da’. I had just thought that it would be a simple coat of pure purple and pure orange, but there was actually a lot more than that. It looked absolutely beautiful.

Patterns were traced over them, the orange nails had patterns in black and white, and the purple ones had patterns in a darker purple and cyan. “Wow,” I said, admiring them as he held them to the screen. “They look absolutely beautiful, Karl. Where did you get them done?” I asked, my gaze moving up from his beautiful nails to his equally beautiful eyes.

“Oh, they aren’t that good.” He responded with the shake of his head. “I had them all done myself. If you look closely though you can see all the sloppy lines. I want to be able to do them again, especially the nails I painted with my non-dominant hand.” He turned his hands over so that he could look at the nails with a frown on his face.

“I was thinking of painting over them with a nice blue perhaps. I wanted to try out some patterns to do with the sky.” As he explained this I went back to the vivid daydream, but this time with me making out with a Karl who had his nails painted blue.
“Why haven’t you shown me your nails before?” I asked. “When did you get them painted?”

“They were painted today, this afternoon actually. We were at the mall and I saw a make-up section had a new brand of nail polish. Kris and Chandler told me they’d look great on me and told me I should buy them, so I did.”
“Well I’ll have to thank them, and you have to paint my nails when I come to visit.”

“I will.” He promised with a nod of his head. “You would look stunning with nail polish.” He grinned as I said that. Then he adjusted himself on the bed, moving the phone to rest against the pillow. “So how has George been? He got home a few days ago, right?”

My brows furrowed slightly. “Have you not been messaging him yourself?” I questioned. “I would have thought that you’d be calling him daily, just like how you call me.”
“Well I have been, but there’s only so much that you can see from through a phone. Like, how’s he look in person?”

“He’s better.” I reassured my soulmate, noting the way that he relaxed at my words. “But Dream has gotten really protective, more than usual. Probably feels a lot of guilt.”
“But it wasn’t his fault.” Karl pointed out. “He had nothing to do with George being injured, how could he feel guilty. If anything I should feel guilty because I left him.”

Admitting that he left George to be attacked always made him sad, however this time he was more confused than anything else. “Well of course he’d be feeling guilty.” I told Karl. “Werewolves, especially pack alphas and betas such as myself and Dream, are supposed to protect their soulmate, and the rest of their pack, he wasn’t able to do that and George got hurt.”

For a moment we stayed silent, sending our respect and our love to our two friends before I decided to break the silence. “So have you heard anything about an exchange student program at your school? That way I can come and be in North Carolina with you.” The thought of being able to be in the same room as him again filled me with love and joy.

Before he had gone I had sneaked a shirt out of his bag, something which I figured he wouldn’t notice was missing. It was sitting under my pillow, the same way a child would hide candy under his pillow. Every night I got to sleep hugging my pillow and inhaling his scent, if I thought hard enough it was as if he was there with me.

“Yes, I looked on the school website and emailed some of the teachers who are involved with the exchange program. They said that they would prefer students from other countries, but they are willing to see any applications to fill the ten available spots, especially since having you would mean they wouldn’t have to organise a place for them to stay.”

“There are lots of other reasons why it would be great for me to stay with you.” I said, before lowering my voice to a purr. “A lot of… intimate reasons.”
“Stop being gross.” Karl just giggled, rolling his eyes lovingly. “They told me to give you their email address and to contact them, but if you are inappropriate then I guess I won’t.”

“No!” I whined out instantly. “I’ll behave. I want to come stay with you.”
“Don’t worry. I won’t dare stop you from coming. I need to head down for dinner but I’ll send you Mrs Leon's and Principal Myers' emails afterwards.” He said, beginning to reach towards the phone.
“Can you call me after dinner?” I asked with a whine.

“I’ll see, but my parents are wanting ‘family time’.” He told me. “You may be asleep after they make us work on a one thousand piece puzzle together.”
“Don’t worry, I can wait up for however long it takes.” After a brief moment I muttered out a slightly quieter ‘I love you’.

“I love you too.” He responded. “I’ll see you later.”
1287 words

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