Chapter 59: Home

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George POV.

Dream didn’t say anything as I led him through the streets of the town. Our hands were holding one another with his gaze focused on the pavement. I decided to head straight home, not wanting myself or Dream to be around his toxic grandmother anymore. The blond can stay with me for as long as we need.

Many people were out in town, both in their human and in their wolf forms, and they were giving us weird looks. It was understandable, I guess. Dream had his head down and was close to tears, with me holding him closely and leading him home.

I didn’t care at this point in time though. Any anxiousness I had was replaced with concern for the blond. The two of us walked for what felt like days, but when I looked at my phone as I reached the doorstep to my house it had only been twenty minutes.

When I opened the door I saw my parents inside. They immediately noticed the way that both I and Dream were acting. “Are you two alright?” My mother asked, walking over to us. I continued holding the blond’s hand as she cupped my face to examine me. “Did something happen? Did one of you get hurt?”

“Dream’s just got some family over and they can be intense.” I answered, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze as I did. “I said he could stay here until things calmed down.” Dream didn’t say anything. He hadn’t spoken at all since his grandmother had said that he’d ruined everything.

“Would some hot chocolate help?” She asked, her honey brown eyes soft and sympathetic. “I can make you both a cup with little marshmallows and everything.” I glanced over at Dream. Werewolves were obviously wolves, which are not the best with chocolate so I wasn’t too sure if he’d be able to drink any. Much to my surprise he gave a small nod.

“Hot chocolate would be good.” I told my mother, since he hadn’t spoken at all. After she nodded and walked off to the kitchen I brought Dream to the couch. “You sit there.” I told him gently. “I’ll go clean up my room and then I’ll be right back.” Then just to keep him distracted I put a movie on.

Once that was done I shot a pitiful glance to the werewolf before hurrying up the stairs to my bedroom. When I was alone I closed my door and took a deep breath. It was incredibly draining being around his grandparents, especially his grandmother. Some of the things I heard her shouting as I walked onto the street was enough to make me want to cry, but I stayed strong.

My room was clean. That wasn’t the real reason I came up here. The bed was nicely made from when I had last slept in it. All of the junk food wrappers from what me and Karl had eaten had been thrown in the basket by my bed which I had emptied daily. The only thing on the floor was the air mattress that Karl was sleeping on and his suitcase.

What I was really planning on doing was come up with something that would hopefully be able to cheer Dream up. He had been upset by what had happened with his grandparents and I wanted to be able to see his smile again. I didn’t know if werewolves were able to feel their soulmate's emotions, but I could feel his pain and it made me want to cry even more.

Suddenly I came up with an idea, an absolutely amazing idea. I moved over to my closet and pulled the doors open. It was small, as it would be compared to Dream’s since his family was rich, but it would be big enough.

Then I began grabbing the clothes that were on the upper shelves and began pulling them down, creating a crude pile inside the closet before trying to push most of them against the walls to create a nest. After looking over it I found myself disappointed before deciding to move over my beds and strip away the sheets, adding them to the mass in the closet.

‘That looked a little better’ I thought to myself. However ‘a little better’ was not enough. I turned the heater on so the room would be nice and warm then began gathering up snacks. I piled several bags of candy, chips, bacon bites, cookies, and anything else that I could find, under the blankets in the small coved nest.

Dream POV.

My emotions were running wild in my head as I sat there, the hot chocolate warming my hands as I held the cup closely. I didn’t even dare to drink it. Even though the hot chocolate was made specifically for me by George’s mother, I didn’t deserve it. All I could bring myself to do was hold it in my hands and stare blankly at the movie George had put on for me.

All I wanted to do was go and find the brunette up in his bedroom. Surely his scent would be able to calm me down. I’d be able to hold him closely in my arms and he could reassure me that despite what my grandmother said, I didn’t ruin everything.

But George had told me to wait here with a movie, and so that is what I was going to do. I’d sit here and watch the movie until George came back and he told me that I could stop watching the movie.

The only thing that helped was the fact that I was in his house. His scent was everywhere, and although it mixed with the scent of both of his parents, ruining the perfectness, it was alright though. I let out a content hum, trying to just focus on the smell of my soulmate and think positive thoughts.

I perked up slightly when I heard footsteps coming down the carpeted stairs and I turned to see George approaching. “Hey.” He greeted me softly, moving to sit beside me and running his fingers through my hair. “How are you feeling?” Instead of giving a verbal answer I just shrugged at him, moving my gaze down.

“Well I have something for you.” He whispered, continuing to play with my hair. “It’s up in my room.” Then his hand slipped down to hold my hand and he stood back up. I set my untouched drink on the table and began walking upstairs with him.

He opened the door to his room and I was met with the warmth coming from a heater, but my eyes immediately caught on his closet. The small panelled doors were open and inside was a small cove made with blankets, pillows, and clothes. A string of fairy lights was hung above it, creating a soft glow.

It was a nest.

My gaze moved back to George and he just smiled at me, causing me to look back over once again. “Did you make this?” I asked him, taking in everything over and over again multiple times.
“Yeah.” The brunette was completely awkward. “I don’t think it is as good as your nest is, but I hope you like it.”

“Can-” My breath hitched momentarily. “Can I go in it?” Even if he made it for me, which he probably did since humans didn’t find the same comfort out of them, I wasn’t going to enter it without permission.
“Of course.” He nodded, walking over with me.

He stopped to allow me to climb into it first and I did so. The smell of the brunette immediately enveloped me and I let out a content hum. Then I looked back up at my soulmate and opened my arms out to him, allowing him to curl up in my arms.
1314 words

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