Chapter 62: Phone Call

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Dream POV

After George had left to go and have a shower I stayed in the nest. I didn’t want to leave George’s nest, out of fear that I’d have an anxious breakdown if I dared to leave it. My hands clutched one of the brunette’s hoodies and I moved it to drape over my shoulders. Now it felt as though George was still here and hugging me closely.

This was so pathetic. I was meant to be an alpha, a person of great strength who was supposed to take care of and protect their pack. Instead I was curled up under a pile of hoodies, shirts, and blankets, and sobbing off and on.

It was understandable why my grandmother thought that I was so pathetic, I mean just look at me. Perhaps it would just be better if I told my family that I didn’t want to be the alpha any more, and that Drista should take my job instead. She’d probably be a better leader after all. I would just be the shame of my family, they’d probably all want to pretend I never existed.

As I sat there thinking about all the possibilities, I heard my phone ringing. With slight hesitation I pulled my phone from my pocket, considering whether I should answer it or not. Much to my surprise it was Drista calling me. Part of me considered not answering. I’d just pretend I never saw it and go back to feeling completely and utterly miserable.

But I did answer. “Hey Drista.” I greeted meekly, further showing how pathetic I was, just with my voice alone.
“Dream, where are you?” She responded, speaking in almost a whisper. “Grandma and Grandpa want to talk to you and Mom and Dad say they don’t know where you are.”

“Why do they care?” I responded, growling lowly. “All they’ve done since I’ve seen them is yell at me about how I’m pathetic.”
“The two of them want to talk to you about something, they were kinda secretive about what it was though.”

“Sorry but I’m not telling you where I am.” I informed my sister, although she probably knew where I was. If I wasn’t hiding with Sapnap then there weren’t many other places where I would be. Drista said something to someone who was in the room with her and then there were footsteps afterwards.

“Sorry about that.” She huffed quietly. “Grandma wanted me to call you. I told her that you wouldn’t tell me though.”
“Wow…” I allowed myself to chuckle. “She’s really gone full dictator mode?”

“Yes she has.” My sister responded. “Now are you okay? You seemed really distressed yesterday when you left with George.”
“I’m…. doing better.” I lied. “Just tired. How about you? Have they tried to pressure you into doing anything? Or have one of their weird talks about their werewolf political views?”

“They have tried to talk to me.” She stated. “But so far nothing is overly mentionable. Just pointless things about other werewolf packs. Grandpa did talk about you though.”
“What did he say?” I questioned, although I knew that I probably wouldn’t like it which did make me feel anxious.

“Well it was just about how much of a sacrifice you are making to be with your soulmate and that he admires it.” Drista recounted, which honestly made me feel somewhat happy. “But he also said that you are choosing one person over the family that has loved you your entire life.”

The two of us grew silent after that. All that I could hear was my sister's soft breathing. Tears began rolling down my cheeks and I attempted not to sob. The thought of my grandparents who I’ve known my entire life hating me because of my soulmate. “Dream? Are you okay?” Her voice was full of sympathy.

“Yeah… I’m -uh.. fine.” I spoke slowly. “Just feels weird.” I took a few moments to take several deep breaths before speaking again. “I’m gonna go.” I told my sister. “Take care of yourself. I might see you around.”
“Oh… yeah… goodbye.” She replied awkwardly. “Take care Dream.”

Then I hung up with a sigh. My sobs grew louder again at the thought of my sister. She was stuck with my grandparents harsh words and opinions, and there was not much I could do. I couldn’t have her come here after George’s family was already kind enough to let me stay. It was just so difficult and I was so over it.

Suddenly there was a knock on the bedroom door, causing my eyes to widen. I sprung up out of the closet and slammed the door behind me before walking over. As I got closer I wiped my eyes dry and then I eventually opened the door. George’s mother was standing there, carrying a tray of food.

“Good morning Dream.” She greeted, a loving, motherly smile on her face. “Are you feeling better after last night?” I was feeling shit already, the patronising comments from everyone were doing nothing to help me at all.
“I’m better.” I nodded, wanting to reassure her even though it wasn’t true.

“I made you and George breakfast.” She smiled. “Bacon and eggs, along with some other things like tomatoes and cheese. I hope that you two enjoy it.” She set the plates down on the bedside table before looking around. “Where did George run off to?”
“He’s in the bathroom.” I told her. “Having a shower.”

“Oh, that’s alright. Have you had a shower?” She went to ask. I shook my head. I hadn’t had a shower, nor did I have a desire to. If I did I would likely lose some of George’s scent, it was something I didn't want to do. “Well do you have a change of clothes? If not, I could give you some of Richard’s to borrow, or take you home to pick stuff up, or buy you some new clothes.”

“No thanks.” I responded, trying to make it seem as though it was because I didn’t want to take advantage of their generosity, but really it was because of the scent issue again.
Just before the woman walked out there was a quiet ‘excuse me’ from behind her. She stood to the side and George slunk around her.

He sat down on the bed and I took notice of his fluffy hair and immediately wanted to be able to touch him. “Did you make us breakfast?” The brunette asked with a smile, eyeing up the bacon and eggs. “Thanks Mum.”

“You boys are welcome.” She smiled before turning to look at me. I’m going off to work now, but if you need anything Dream then tell George to call me.” Then she gave her son a loving smile. “You two take care of each other, alright?” Then she shut the door and I heard her footsteps walking off.

The moment she was gone I embraced the brunette again and nuzzled into his hair, letting his protective scent envelope me.
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